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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

抛 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

抛 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 抛
Download the worksheet in PNG format
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 抛
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin pāo
to throw / to toss / to fling / to cast / to abandon
抛 pāo 部首:扌 动词【本义】: 丢弃 造字法: 形声 1. 同本义 (En. cast aside; abandon) - 引: 唐·元稹《琵琶歌》:管儿不作供奉儿,抛在东都双鬓丝。 - 引: 《聊斋志异·促织》:纸片抛落。 - 例: 抛漾(抛弃);抛撒(抛弃;脱落;洒落);抛撇(抛开;撇弃);抛官(辞官,弃官);抛除(丢弃,抛掉) 2. 抛,掷 (En. fling; throw) - 引: 唐·欧阳炯《贺明朝》:忆昔花间相见后,只凭纤手,暗抛红豆。 - 例: 抛砖引玉;抛丸(杂技之一。两手上下抛接多个弹丸不使落地);抛扔(投掷);抛珠滚玉(比喻流泪);抛声炫俏(故意声张卖弄);抛泊(抛锚停泊)。 3. 以低价大量卖出 (En. undersell) - 例: 抛出(大量卖出商品、证券、股票等);抛卖(压低价格,大量出售);抛空(卖空);抛盘(预定一虚位价格,约期交货,不随市价涨落)。 量词: 秽物一堆为一抛,也作“泡”。 - 引: 《儒林外史》:像你这尖嘴猴腮,也该撒抛尿自己照照!
pāo shòu
to dump (selling abroad more cheaply than cost price at home)
pāo què
to discard
pāo qì
to abandon / to discard / to renounce / to dump (sb)
pāo zhì
to throw / to cast
pāo guāng
to polish / to burnish
pāo kāi
to throw out / to get rid of
线 pāo wù xiàn
pāo shè
to throw / to shoot
pāo tóu lòu miàn
to show your face in public (derog.)
pāo sǎ
to sprinkle
pāo kōng
to short-sell (finance)
pāo máo
to drop anchor / to break down (of a car etc)
pāo wù miàn
paraboloid (geometry)
pāo huāng
to lie idle (of arable land) / fig. rusty because of lack of practice
pāo zhuān yǐn yù
lit. throw out a brick and get jade thrown back (idiom) / fig. to attract others' interest or suggestions by putting forward one's own modest ideas to get the ball rolling
pāo sǎ
to drip / to flow out / to sprinkle
pāo lí
to desert / to leave / to forsake
pāo shí
riprap / rock rip-rap
pāo tóu lú
Toss the head
pāo pán
Sell ​​off

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Input Method for
Pinyin pao1
Four Corner
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