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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

开 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

开 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 开
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 开
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Meaning of

Pinyin kāi
open / operate (vehicle) / start
开 kāi [动] 【本义】: 开门 【造字法】: 会意。小篆字形,两边是两扇门,中间一横是门闩,下面是一双手,表示两手打开门闩之意。 1. 同本义 (open the door) 2. 打开,开启 (open) 3. 引申为开放;舒放 (come into bloom; unfold) 4. 创立,建立,开创,设立 (set up; found) 5. 摆开 (put; set up; place) 6. 开掘;开通 (dredge) 7. 教导,启发 (instruct; inspire) 8. 开拓,扩展 (open up; initiate) 9. 开始,开端 (begin; start) 10. 戏剧开场角色的说白 (soliloquy speak) 11. 释放;赦免 (release) 12. 解除,免去 (remove; get rid of) 13. 分离,分开 (separate) 14. 起刺激作用,尤指诱发特征性的生命活动 (stimulate) 15. 书写,开列,填写 (make out) 16. 放晴 ((of sky) clear up (after rain)) 开 kāi [量] 1. 黄金成色单位,等于纯金占合金的1/24 (karat, carat) 2. 印刷上指相当于整张纸的若干分之一,附在数词之后 (mo) 3. 〈方〉∶冲茶一次,叫做一开 (times) [名] 姓
kāi qǐ
to open / to start / (computing) to enable
kāi qù
chǎ kāi
fork / diverge
kāi fā
to exploit (a resource) / to open up (for development) / to develop
kāi kǒu
to open one's mouth / to start to talk
kòu kāi
kāi kěn
to clear a wild area for cultivation / to put under the plow
kāi shǐ
to begin / beginning / to start / initial / CL:個|个[ge4]
chà kāi
to diverge / to branch off the road / to change (the subject)
kāi fā qū
development zone
kāi mù
to open (a conference) / to inaugurate
duì wài kāi fàng
open-door to the outside world / opening to the outside world
kāi yuán sì
kaiyuan temple
Kāi fēng
Kaifeng prefecture-level city in Henan, old capital of Northern Song, former provincial capital of Henan / old name Bianliang 汴梁
Kāi fēng fǔ
Kaifeng as the capital of Northern Song dynasty
kāi jú
opening (chess etc) / early stage of game, match, work, activity etc
kāi píng
(a peacock) spreads its tail
zhǎn kāi
to unfold / to carry out / to be in full swing / to launch
kāi zhǎn
to launch / to develop / to unfold / (of an exhibition etc) to open
kāi mù shì
opening ceremony
kāi mù cí
opening speech (at a conference)
kāi diàn
to open shop
kāi tíng
to begin a (judicial) court session
kāi fàng
to bloom / to open / to be open (to the public) / to open up (to the outside) / to be open-minded / unrestrained by convention / unconstrained in one's sexuality
kāi guó
to found a state / to open a closed country
dǎ kāi
to open / to show (a ticket) / to turn on / to switch on
lí kāi
to depart / to leave
kāi pì
to open up / to set up / to establish
kāi tōng
to open up (windows for air, ideas for discussion, transportation routes etc)
kāi cǎi
to extract (ore or other resource from a mine) / to exploit / to mine
kāi huì
to hold a meeting / to attend a meeting
lā kāi
to pull open / to pull apart / to space out / to increase
pōu kāi
split / slit / cleave / dissect / cut open / rip open
gē kāi
rift / unrip / unpick / exscind / split
pī kāi
to cleave / to split open / to spread open (fingers, legs)
kāi bàn
to open / to start (a business etc) / to set up
zhào kāi
to convene (a conference or meeting) / to convoke / to call together
kāi chuàng
to initiate / to start / to found
怀 kāi huái
to one's heart's content / without restraint
bā kāi
to pry open or apart / to spread (sth) open with both hands
kāi ēn
to give a favor (used of Christian God)
kāi tuò
to break new ground (for agriculture) / to open up (a new seam) / to develop (border regions) / fig. to open up (new horizons)
bāi kāi
to pull apart / to pry open with the hands
jì shù kāi fā qū
technology development zone / technical development zone
tān kāi
to spread out / to unfold
pāo kāi
to throw out / to get rid of
piē kāi
to disregard / to leave aside
mò bù kāi
feel embarrassed / be put out
chāi kāi
to dismantle / to disassemble / to open up (sth sealed) / to unpick
kāi chāi
kāi tuò zhě
kāi tuò jìn qǔ
forge ahead
kāi jiāng tuò tǔ
expand territory
kāi tuò xìng
pioneering / groundbreaking
kāi tuò xíng
kāi bá
to set out (of troops) / departure / start date (of military expedition)
bō kāi
to push aside / to part / to brush away
chǎng kāi
to open wide / unrestrictedly
kāi wā
to dig out / to excavate / to scoop out
zhēng kāi
Break away
nuó kāi
to move (sth) aside / to step aside / to move over (when sitting on a bench) / to shift (one's gaze)
xiān kāi
to lift open / to tear open
kāi jué
to excavate / to dig out / fig. to investigate (in an archive)
jué kāi
tuī kāi
to push open (a gate etc) / to push away / to reject / to decline
jiē kāi
to uncover / to open
jiē bù kāi guō
starve / be short of food / be unable to keep the pot boiling / have nothing in the pot
chōng kāi
Rush away
gōng kāi
public / to publish / to make public
bǎi kāi
lay out
chēng kāi
sī kāi
liāo kai
to push aside (clothing, curtain etc) to reveal something / to toss aside
kāi zhī
expenditures / expenses / CL:筆|笔[bi3], 項|项[xiang4] / to spend money / (coll.) to pay wages
fàng kāi
to let go / to release
kāi chǎng
wide open
chǎng kāi shì
open / open-type
sàn kāi
to separate / to disperse
Kāi pǔ dūn
Cape Town (city in South Africa)
Kāi zhāi jié
Eid al-Fitr or Feast of Breaking the Fast, celebrated on the last day of Ramadan
kāi zhāi
to stop following a vegetarian diet / to break a fast
qí kāi dé shèng
lit. to win a victory on raising the flag (idiom); fig. to start on sth and have immediate success / success in a single move
chūn nuǎn huā kāi
spring blossoms
kāi màn
The Cayman Islands(群岛名)
kāi lǎng
spacious and well-lit / open and clear / (of character) optimistic / cheerful / carefree
huò rán kāi lǎng
suddenly opens up to a wide panorama (idiom); to come to a wide clearing / fig. everything becomes clear at once / to achieve speedy enlightenment
sōng kāi
to release / to let go / to loosen / to untie / to come loose
kāi qiāng
to open fire / to shoot a gun
kāi záo
to cut (a canal, tunnel, well etc)
kāi shuàn
(coll.) to make fun of (sb) / to play tricks on
dòng kāi
to be wide open
kāi liū
to leave in stealth / to slip away
gǔn kāi
to boil (of liquid) / boiling hot / Get out! / Go away! / fuck off (rude)
shēn kāi
to stretch out
shuǎi kāi
to shake off / to get rid of
kāi wán xiào
to play a joke / to make fun of / to joke
shèng kāi
blooming / in full flower
méi kāi yǎn xiào
brows raised in delight, eyes laughing (idiom); beaming with joy / all smiles
zá kāi
crack / break open
lí bu kāi
inseparable / inevitably linked to

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Pinyin kai1
Four Corner
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