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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

慨 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

慨 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 慨
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 慨
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Meaning of

Pinyin kǎi
generous / sad
慨 [kǎi] Definition: 1. 情绪激昂,愤激。 Emotionally intense, indignant. 2. 叹息,叹气。 Sigh, express deep feeling. 3. 豪爽,不吝啬。 Generous, not stingy. Additional Meanings: 1. 同本义 (indignant; vehement). - Example: 愤慨 (indignant). 慷慨 (generous). 2. 疲惫的样子 (tired). - Example: 慨焉如不及,其反而息 (expressing tiredness). 3. 假借为“嘅”。感慨,叹息 (be deeply touched; sigh with deep feeling). - Example: 情慨慨而长怀兮 (deeply moved). Usage Examples: 1. 愤慨 (resentment). 2. 慨切 (earnestly indignant). 3. 慨爽 (cheerfully generous). 4. 慨慷 (emotionally intense). Origin: 本义: 不得志而愤激 (indignant when ambitions are thwarted). 造字法: 形声。从心,既声 (phonetic and ideographic components). 引文: 1. 《说文》: 慨,忼慨壮士不得志也。 2. 清·全祖望《梅花岭记》: 副将军史德威慨然任之。 动词用法: 1. 假借为“嘅”。 感慨,叹息 (sigh deeply from sorrow or displeasure). - Example: 自以本志不遂,深自慨失 (feeling loss for unfulfilled aspirations). Usage Examples: 1. 慨慨 (sighing). 2. 慨叹 (sighing with deep feeling). 3. 慨恨 (lament for lost aspirations). (*引自繁体辞典解释) (*Alternatively transcribed as another pronunciation.)
kǎi tàn
to sigh with regret / lament
gǎn kǎi
to sigh with sorrow, regret etc / rueful / deeply moved
fèn kǎi
to resent / resentment
kāng kǎi
vehement / fervent / generous / giving / liberal
kǎi rán
with emotion / with deep feeling
kāng kǎi jī áng
impassioned / vehement
gǎn kǎi wàn qiān
be filled with a thousand regrets / All sorts of feelings well up in one's mind. / be filled with regrets
kāng kǎi chén cí
speak in excitement / be righteously indignant while speaking / present one's views vehemently
gǎn kǎi bù yǐ
sigh with emotion
gǎn kǎi wàn duān
With emotion
kāng kǎi jiě náng
to contribute generously (idiom); help sb generously with money / to give generously to charity
kāng kǎi jiù yì
go to one's death like a hero / die a martyr's death
kāng kǎi dà fāng
liberal / be very generous and hospitable / be certainly generous / princelike
kāng kǎi chén cí
Generous remarks
kāng kǎi bēi gē
chant in a heroic but mournful tone
jī áng kāng kǎi
speak vehemently with a distinctly moral tone
gǎn kǎi wàn fēn
Very emotional
gǎn kǎi xì zhī
bēi gē kāng kǎi
sing with solemn fervour to express one's feeling of oppression
qì kǎi

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Input Method for
Pinyin kai3
Four Corner
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