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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

怯 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

怯 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 怯
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 怯
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Meaning of

Pinyin qiè
afraid / rustic
怯 [qiè] 形 1. 胆小,没勇气。 (cowardly; timid) 2. 俗气,见识不广,不合时宜。 (rustic; unsophisticated) 3. 虚弱。 (weak) 引 1. 《贾子道术》:持节不恐谓之勇,反勇为怯。 (Being unafraid while holding the position is called courage; conversely, being bold is seen as cowardice.) 2. 《孙子·军事》:怯者不得独退。 (Cowards cannot retreat alone.) 3. 《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》:五不行,示赵弱且怯也。 (If five does not move, it demonstrates Zhao's weakness and cowardice.) 例 又如: 怯怯乔乔 (timid and nervous); 怯壳儿 (rustic, inexperienced person); 怯症 (timidity); 胆怯 (cowardice); 羞怯 (shyness). 动 1. 害怕;畏惧。 (be afraid; fear) 引 1. 《史记·鲁仲连邹阳传》:勇士不怯死而灭名。 (A brave person is not afraid of death and thus does not lose their name.) 2. 辛弃疾《鹧鸪天》:黄花不怯西风冷,只怕诗人两鬓霜。 (The yellow flowers are not afraid of the cold west wind, only fearing the poet's gray hair.) 例 又如: 怯床 (fear of receiving customers or inadequacy in men); 怯上 (fear of meeting those in higher positions); 怯色 (expression of panic). 2. 舍弃。 (abandon) 引 1. 董解元《西厢记诸宫调》:高声喝叫:“得莺莺便把残生怯。” (Shouting loudly, "When I have Yingying, I will abandon the remnants of my life.") 动(引自繁体辞典解释) 1. 畏缩、害怕。 (trembling, afraid; e.g., "畏怯," "胆怯.") 2. 娇羞、忸怩。 (distant; shy; e.g., "羞怯," "娇怯.") 3. 虚弱、懦弱。 (weak, cowardly; e.g., "一来我们身小力怯,着甚来由吃挨吃搅?") 4. 外表或风度不大方、土土的。 (uncouth or unrefined in appearance or demeanor; e.g., "这位爷是个怯公子哥儿.")
dǎn qiè
timidity / timid / cowardly
wèi qiè
cowardly / timid / chickenhearted
qiè nuò
timid / gutless / weakling
xiū qiè
shy / timid
qiè shēng shēng
qiè qiè
qiè xuē
Qi Xue
qiè chǎng
to have stage fright
jù qiè
qiè ruò
timid / weak
bēi qiè
mean and cowardly / abject
nuò qiè
lòu qiè
to display one's ignorance / to make a fool of oneself by an ignorant blunder

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Input Method for
Pinyin qie4
Four Corner
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