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生 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 生
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 生
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Meaning of

Pinyin shēng
to be born / to give birth / life / to grow
生 [shēng] 动 (Verb) 1. 一切可以发育的物体在一定条件下具有了最初的体积和重量,并能发展长大: 诞生 (to be born). 滋生 (to grow). 生长 (to grow up). [En.] Everything that can grow has gained its initial volume and weight under certain conditions and can develop and grow. 2. 造出: 生产 (to produce). [En.] To create. 3. 活的,有活力的: 生存 (to survive). 生命 (life). 生物 (living things). 生机 (vitality). 出生入死 (to go through life and death). 舍生取义 (to sacrifice one's life for righteousness). [En.] Living, full of life. 4. 有生命的东西的简称: 众生 (all living beings). 丧生 (to lose one’s life). 卫生 (hygiene). [En.] Abbreviation for living beings. 5. 生活,维持生活的: 生活 (to live). 生计 (livelihood). [En.] Life-related, to maintain life. 6. 整个生活阶段: 一生 (a lifetime). 平生 (one's whole life). 今生 (this life). [En.] Whole life stages. 7. 发出,起动: 生日 (birthday). 生气 (to get angry). 生效 (to take effect). 生花之笔 (a pen that shows creativity). 谈笑风生 (to be lively in conversation). [En.] To emit, to activate. 8. 使燃料燃烧起来: 生火 (to start a fire). [En.] To ignite fuel. 9. 植物果实不成熟: 生瓜 (unripe melon). [En.] Unripe fruits in plants. 10. 未经烧煮或未烧煮熟的: 生饭 (uncooked rice). 生水 (raw water). [En.] Not cooked or undercooked. 11. 不熟悉的,不常见的: 生疏 (unfamiliar). 生客 (stranger). 生字 (new characters). 陌生 (strange). [En.] Unfamiliar, rare. 12. 不熟练的: 生手 (novice). [En.] Inexperienced. 13. 未经炼制的: 生铁 (pig iron). [En.] Unrefined. 14. 硬: 态度生硬 (stiff attitude). [En.] Hard. 15. 甚,深: 生怕 (very afraid). 生疼 (to hurt a lot). [En.] Very, deep. 16. 正在学习的人: 学生 (student). 门生 (student). [En.] Someone who is learning. 17. 有学问或有专业知识的人: 儒生 (confucian scholar). 医生 (doctor). [En.] A knowledgeable person. 18. 传统戏剧里扮演男子的角色: 小生 (young male role). 老生 (old male role). 武生 (martial role). [En.] Male roles in traditional drama. 19. 词尾: 好生养 (good recovery). [En.] A suffix. 20. 姓: 生 (surname). [En.] A surname. 名 (Noun) 1. 生命: [En.] life. 2. 人的一生: [En.] a lifetime. 3. 生活: [En.] live. 4. 指生日: [En.] birthday. 5. 后生: [En.] offspring; descendent. 6. 生物: [En.] living things. 7. 生计: [En.] livelihood. 8. 学生: [En.] student. 9. 戏剧角色名: [En.] the male character in Beijing opera. 10. 妓女: [En.] prostitute. 11. 俘虏: [En.] captive. 12. 年长有学问、有德行的人: [En.] gentleman. 13. 儒生: [En.] scholar. 14. 通“性”: [En.] intelligence; natural endowment. 15. 姓: [En.] surname. 形 (Adjective) 1. 天生,生来: [En.] innate. 2. 生的,未煮熟的: [En.] uncooked. 3. 新鲜的: [En.] fresh. 4. 未开垦种植的: [En.] uncultured. 5. 生疏: [En.] strange; unfamiliar. 6. 具有活力的: [En.] vivid. 副 (Adverb) 1. 机械地,无意识地: [En.] mechanically. 2. 很、甚、极其: [En.] very.
shēng mìng
life (as the characteristic of living beings) / living being / creature / CL:個|个[ge4],條|条[tiao2]
shēng mìng lì
mén shēng gù lì
disciples and old followers or minor officials / one's intimate party-followers and students
chūn fēng chuī yòu shēng
Spring breeze blows again
fā shēng
to happen / to occur / to take place / to break out
pín kùn shēng
poor student
shēng wù quān
biosphere / ecosphere
shēng jiāng
fresh ginger
xué sheng
student / schoolchild
luán shēng
zī shēng
to multiply / to breed
nǚ shēng
schoolgirl / female student / girl
hǎo shēng
(dialect) very / quite / properly / well / thoroughly
miào qù héng shēng
endlessly interesting (idiom) / very witty
xué shēng wá
Student baby
wá wa shēng
infant's part in opera, usually played by child actor
jiāo shēng guàn yǎng
pampered and spoiled since childhood
wén jiào wèi shēng
Culture, Education and Health
luǎn shēng
oviparity / ovipary
shēng yàn
to disgust / to pall / fed up / tedious / cloying / boring / irritating
shēng qì bó bó
full of vitality
shēng jī bó bó
full of vitality
bó bó shēng jī
show great vitality / be full of life
shēng jī bó fā
yī shēng
doctor / CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
shēng cún
to exist / to survive
dà xué shēng
university student / college student
luán shēng zi
Xiǎn shēng zhòu
Phanerozoic, geological eon lasting since the Cambrian 寒武紀|寒武纪[Han2 wu3 ji4], c. 540m year ago
jì shēng
to live in or on another organism as a parasite / to live by taking advantage of others / parasitism / parasitic
jì shēng chóng
parasite (biology) / (fig.) freeloader
jì shēng chóng bìng
parasitosis / zoonosis / parasitic disease
jì shēng xìng
jì shēng wù
cùn cǎo bù shēng
lit. not even a blade of grass grows (idiom) / fig. barren
shēng chǎn fāng shì
production mode / mode of production
wēi shēng wù
shēng tūn huó bō
to swallow whole (idiom); fig. to apply uncritically
shēng chǎn guò shèng
jié hòu yú shēng
after the calamity, renewed life (idiom); new lease of life
láo dòng shēng chǎn lǜ
labo(u)r productivity
jì huà shēng yù
family planning
jì huà shēng yù lǜ
Family planning rate
shě shēng wàng sǐ
bravery with no thought of personal safety (idiom); risking life and limb / undaunted by perils
shēng tài
shēng tài xué
shēng pà
to fear / afraid / extremely nervous / for fear that / to avoid / so as not to
tān shēng pà sǐ
greedy for life, afraid of death (idiom); craven and cowardly / clinging abjectly to life / only interested in saving one's neck
qiè shēng shēng
shēng kǒng
for fear that
shēng xī
to inhabit / to live (in a habitat)
zhāo shēng
to enroll new students / to get students
rě shì shēng fēi
variant of 惹是生非[re3 shi4 sheng1 fei1]
rě shì shēng fēi
to stir up trouble
shēng yì
life force / vitality
róng mǎ shēng yá
army life (idiom) / the experience of war
zé xiào shēng
School choice student
shēng bān yìng tào
rote / apply mechanically
mín shēng diāo bì
the people's livelihood is reduced to destitution (idiom); a time of famine and impoverishment
gòng shēng
yǎng shēng
to maintain good health / to raise a child or animal / curing (of concrete etc)
wèi shēng
health / hygiene / sanitation
zài shēng
to be reborn / to regenerate / to be a second so-and-so (famous dead person) / recycling / regeneration
zài shēng chǎn
producing a copy / to reproduce
shēng qín
to capture alive
shēng sǐ yōu guān
matter of life and death
shēng xiào
to take effect / to go into effect
shēng chǎn zī liào
means of production
xīn shēng
new / newborn / emerging / nascent / rebirth / regeneration / new life / new student
shēng yú
xǔ xǔ rú shēng
vivid and lifelike (idiom); true to life / realistic
sù mèi píng shēng
to have never met sb before (idiom); entirely unacquainted / a complete stranger / not to know sb from Adam
wǎn shēng
I (self-deprecatory, in front of elders) (old)
zì lì gēng shēng
regeneration through one's own effort (idiom) / self-reliance
hú jì shēng
jié wài shēng zhī
a new branch grows out of a knot (idiom); fig. side issues keep arising
dǐ qī shēng wù
zài xiào shēng
internal student / student at school
zuò shēng yì
to do business
tōu shēng
to live without purpose
cuī shēng
to induce labor / to expedite childbirth
shēng pì
unfamiliar / rarely seen
rú shēng
Confucian scholar (old)
shēng fú
capture (alive)
tòng bù yù shēng
to be so in pain as to not want to live / to be so grieved as to wish one were dead
qī shēng
to cheat strangers / to bully strangers / (of domesticated animals) to be rebellious with unfamiliar people
shēng huó
life / activity / to live / livelihood
shēng sǐ
life or death
shēng zhí
to reproduce / to flourish
yǒu xìng shēng zhí
sexual reproduction
shēng zhí qì
reproductive organ / genitals
wú xìng shēng zhí
monogenesis / asexual reproduction / agamogenesis
shēng zhí xì bāo
germ cell / reproductive cell
殿 cháng shēng diàn
Palace of Eternal Life
shēng mǔ
natural mother / birth mother
bì shēng
all one's life / lifetime
shēng qì
to get angry / to take offense / angry / vitality / liveliness
shēng yá
career / life (way in which sb lives) / period of one's life
yǒng shēng
to live forever / eternal life / all one's life
shēng dòng huó pō
be lively and vivid / be lively and invigorating

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