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医 stroke order animation

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医 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 医
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 医
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Meaning of

medical / medicine / doctor / to cure / to treat
医 (yī) 1.治病。 [En.] to treat illness. 2.治病的人。 [En.] a doctor; a physician. 3.治病的科学。 [En.] the science of medicine. 医术;医学 [En.] medicine. 【本义】:治病的人 [En.] (original meaning): a person who treats illness. 【造字法】:会意兼形声。 从匚 (fāng),从矢,矢亦声。 《说文》:“盛弓弩矢器也。” “醫”,会意,从“殹” (yī),从酉 (yǒu)。 “殹”,治病时的扣击声。“酉”,用以医疗的酒。二字各有本义,今用“医”为简体字。 [En.] (Etymology): A combination of meanings and phonetic components. From匚 (fāng) and 矢 (shǐ), the latter also providing the sound. "醫" combines meanings from "殹" (yī) and 酉 (yǒu). "殹" represents the sound made when administering treatment, while "酉" references the medicinal alcohol used in healing. These characters each have original meanings, with “医” being the simplified form used today. 1.同本义 [En.] same original meaning (doctor). 引: 1.《说文》:医,治病工也。殹,恶姿也。醫之性得酒而使。 [En.] “Shuowen Jiezi”: A doctor is one who treats illnesses. “殹” refers to a nasty appearance. The nature of “醫” is to be aided by alcohol. 2.《国语·越语》:将免者以告,公令医守之。 [En.] "Guoyu (National Language): Inform those who are exempt and let the doctor guard them." 3.《论语》:不可以作巫医。 [En.] "Analects: One cannot be both a shaman and a doctor." 4.《吕氏春秋·察今》:譬之若良医。 [En.] "Lüshi Chunqiu: To liken it to a good doctor." 5.《汉书·李广苏建传》:驰召医。 [En.] "Han Shu: Summon the doctor hastily." 6.清· 方苞《狱中杂记》:又无医药。 [En.] "Qing Dynasty, Fang Bao: Also, no medicine available." 例: 又如:医国(指良医);医家有割股之心(喻医生有治病救人的虔诚愿望);缺医少药;医家(医生,医学家);医师(官名。为众医之长);医婆(女医师);医人(医生);医工(原为官名,指医官。后泛指一般医生);医流(医生,医家);医算(医生和卜人);医巫(治病的人。古代医生往往兼用巫术治病,故称) [En.] Examples: "to heal the nation" (referring to good doctors); "the family's belief in the doctor"; "shortage of doctors and medicine"; "doctor" (medical practitioner); "physician" (title, head of physicians); "female doctor"; "medical workers"; "physician" (originally a title for official doctors, later common term); "medical school"; "doctor and divination practitioner"; "healer" (as ancient doctors often combined medicine and shamanism). 医术;医学 [En.] medicine. 1. 医手(医术高明者);行医;学医;医王(医术极精的人。多用以比喻诸佛或高僧等);医部(医学书籍);医理(医学道理或理论);医道(医术) [En.] Examples: medical techniques; practice medicine; study medicine; "king of medicine" (an expert). 3. 粥加曲蘖酿成的甜酒 [En.] sweet wine made from congee with fermentation. 例: 如:凉医(凉甜酒) [En.] Examples: cool sweet wine (凉甜酒). 动 (verb) 1.治疗,治愈 [En.] to cure; to treat. 引: 1.《周礼》:聚毒药以共医事。 [En.] "Zhou Li (Rites of Zhou): Gather poisons to jointly treat illnesses." 例: 又如:医药局(集防疫、治疗、司药为一体的医疗机构);医缘(迷信的人认为疾病好坏与医药有命定的关系,称作医缘);医济(医治) [En.] More examples: Medical administration (integrated medical institution); medical relationship (belief that health is predetermined by medicine); to cure. 2.救治 [En.] to treat and cure. 引: 1.《国语》:上医医国,其次疾人。 [En.] "Guoyu: The highest doctor heals the nation, and the next treats the sick." 例: 又如:医国(比喻救治国家) [En.] Example: "to heal the nation" (metaphorically referring to saving the country).
yī zhǔ
prescription (medicine) / doctor's advice
yī shēng
doctor / CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
yī yào
medical care and medicines / medicine (drug) / medical / pharmaceutical
yī xué
medicine / medical science / study of medicine
yī liáo
medical treatment
Zhōng yī
traditional Chinese medical science / a doctor trained in Chinese medicine
yī shī
yī xué yuàn
medical school
yī wù
medical affairs
yī zhì
to treat (an illness) / medical treatment
jiù yī
to receive medical treatment
yī bǎo
medical insurance / abbr. for 醫療保險|医疗保险[yi1 liao2 bao3 xian3]
tài yī
imperial physician
shén yī
highly skilled doctor / miracle-working doctor
yī liáo bǎo xiǎn
medical insurance
xíng yī
to practice medicine (esp. in private practice)
yī hù
doctors and nurses / medic / medical (personnel)
míng yī
famous doctor
yī kē
medicine (as a science) / medical science
yī shù
medical expertise / art of healing
yī wū lǘ shān
yōng yī
quack / charlatan
yù yī
imperial physician
yī huàn
yī yuàn
hospital / CL:所[suo3],家[jia1],座[zuo4]
shòu yī
veterinarian / veterinary surgeon / vet
shòu yī xué
veterinary medicine / veterinary science
yī liáo duì
medical team / medical corps / medical unit / medical detachment
hé zuò yī liáo
cooperative medical service / cooperative medical care
yī liáo fèi
medical expenses
huì jí jì yī
hiding a sickness for fear of treatment (idiom); fig. concealing a fault to avoid criticism / to keep one's shortcomings secret / to refuse to listen to advice

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