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颐 stroke order animation

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颐 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 颐
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 颐
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Meaning of

cheeks / nourish
颐 yí 1. 面颊,腮。 (English: Cheek, jaw.) 2. 休养,保养。 (English: Rest, maintenance.) 3. 文言助词,无义。 (English: Classical particle, has no meaning.) 颐 yí 1. 面颊,腮:支~。解(jiě)~。~指气使。 (English: Cheek, jaw: support the jaw. Release the jaw. Pointing with the jaw.) 2. 休养,保养:~神。~养。 (English: Rest, maintenance: nurture spirit. Preserve health.) 3. 文言助词,无义:“夥~!涉之为王沈沈者”。 (English: Classical particle, has no meaning: "Wow! What it means to be a king is quite profound.") 颐 yí 名 (Noun) (形声。从页( xié),臣( yí )声。臣,面颊,繁化作“颐”。本义:下巴) 同本义 (English: The original meaning: lower jaw.) 引 1. 《方言十》:颐,颌也。 (English: In a dialect, 颐 refers to the jaw.) 2. 《释名》:颐,或曰辅车,或曰牙车,或曰颊车。 (English: In the Explanation of Names, 颐 is referred to as the auxiliary car, tooth car, or jaw car.) 3. 《春秋元命苞》:后稷岐颐自求。 (English: In the Spring and Autumn Era, the rear and the front are seeking for themselves.) 4. 《礼记·玉藻》:端行颐霤如矢。 (English: In the Book of Rites, walking properly with a jaw that looks like an arrow.) 5. 《庄子·天地》:手指颐指。 (English: In Zhuangzi, pointing with the hand and jaw.) 6. 《汉书·东方朔传》:擢项颐。 (English: In the Han Book, raising the jaw.) 7. 《易·噬嗑》:彖曰:“颐中有物曰噬嗑。” (English: In the Book of Changes, it is said: “There is something in 颐 called biting.”) 8. 《西游记》:大耳横颐方面相,肩查腹满身躯胖。 (English: In the Journey to the West, describing a character with big ears and a plump body.) 9. 《新唐书》:方额广颐。 (English: In the New Book of Tang, describes a square forehead and broad jaw.) 例 又如: 颐腮(头颅);颐脱(下颚骨脱臼); 颐溜(俯身伸首平视, 下巴如屋溜下垂。形容礼敬的样子) (English: For example: 颐腮 (head); 颐脱 (dislocated jaw); 颐溜 (bending forward, looking evenly, with the jaw drooping like a house. Describing a respectful manner.) 颐 yí 动 (Verb) 保养 (English: Keep fit; take care of oneself.) 引 1. 《易·序卦》:颐者,养也。 (English: In the Book of Changes, 颐 means nurturing.) 2. 《礼记·曲礼》:百年曰期颐。 (English: In the Book of Rites, reaching a hundred years is called 期颐.) 3. 唐· 韩愈《闵己赋》:恶饮食乎陋巷兮,亦足以颐神而保年。 (English: In Han Yu's work, not eating poorly in back alleys can also be enough to preserve one's spirit and prolong life.) 例 又如: 颐志(养志);颐育(养育);颐神(保养精神);颐爱(保养爱惜);颐贤(培养人才);颐养精神(保养元气);颐身(保养身心);颐年(保养延年);颐老(养老);颐养天年(保养年寿);颐神养性(保养精神元气) (English: For example: 颐志 (nurture aspirations); 颐育 (nurture); 颐神 (nurture spirit); 颐爱 (cherish and take care); 颐贤 (cultivate talents); 颐养精神 (nurture vital energy); 颐身 (take care of body and mind); 颐年 (prolong life); 颐老 (care for the elderly); 颐养天年 (nurture longevity); 颐神养性 (nurture spirit and vitality.)
Yí hé yuán
Summer Palace in Beijing
Zhōu Dūn yí
Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073), Song dynasty neo-Confucian scholar
dà kuài duǒ yí
to gorge oneself / to eat heartily (idiom)
使 yí zhǐ qì shǐ
lit. to order people by pointing the chin (idiom); to signal orders by facial gesture / arrogant and bossy
yí yǎng tiān nián
lit. to nurture one's years (idiom) / fig. to enjoy one's later years
yí nián táng
Yi Nian Tang
yí yǎng
to nourish / to nurture / to strengthen

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