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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

顿 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

顿 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 顿
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 顿
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Meaning of

Pinyin dùn、 dú
a time / jerk / stop / meal / bout / spell / (measure for beating)
顿 dùn 1. 很短时间的停止。 A very short pause. 2. 忽然,立刻,一下子。 Suddenly, immediately, all at once. 3. 叩,跺。 To knock, to stomp. 4. 处理,设置。 To arrange, to set up. 5. 疲乏。 Fatigue. 6. 书法上指运笔用力向下而暂不移动。 In calligraphy, refers to the forceful downward movement of the brush momentarily pausing. 7. 次。 Time or occurrence. 8. 同“ 钝 ”,不锋利。 Same as "dun", meaning not sharp. 9. 姓。 A surname. 顿 dùn 1. 很短时间的停止:停~。~宕。抑扬~挫。 A very short pause: stop...; abrupt halt; rhythm fluctuation. 2. 忽然,立刻,一下子:~然。~即。~悟。茅塞~开。 Suddenly, immediately, all at once: suddenly; immediately; sudden realization; sudden enlightenment. 3. 叩,跺:~首再拜。 To knock or stomp: kowtow again. 4. 处理,设置:安~。整~。 To arrange, to set up: to settle; to organize. 5. 疲乏:困~。劳~。 Fatigue: tired; exhausted. 6. 书法上指运笔用力向下而暂不移动:横的两头都要~一~。 In calligraphy refers to the forceful downward movement of the brush momentarily pausing: both ends of a horizontal stroke must pause. 7. 次:三~饭。 Time: Three meals. 8. 同“ 钝 ”,不锋利。 Same as "dun", meaning not sharp. 9. 姓。 A surname. 顿 dùn 【动】 【本义】: 叩头,磕头 【Original meaning】: Kowtow, to knock one's head. 【造字法】: 形声。从页( xié),屯声。从“页”,表示与头有关。 【Character formation】: Phonetic compound. Components suggest relation to the head. 1. 同本义 (kowtow) 2. 用脚底或用脚使劲往下踩 (stamp) 3. 倒下,跌倒 (fall) 4. 放置; 安放 (arrange) 5. 止宿; 屯驻 (be stationed) 6. 舍弃; 废弃 (abandon) 7. 解 (untie) 8. 暂停 (pause) 9. 买 (buy) 顿 dùn 【形】 劳累疲弊 (tired) 顿 dùn 【名】 1. 宿食之所。也指宿食所需之物 (board and lodging). 2. 在中国书法上指起笔落笔时用力使笔着纸而暂不移动 (in Chinese calligraphy) pause in writing in order to reinforce the beginning or ending of a stroke. 3. 次,回——用于吃饭、斥责、劝说、打骂等行为的次数 (time). 4. 古国名。在今河南省商水县北,于公元前496被楚灭 (Dun state). 顿 dùn 【副】 1. 立刻 (immediately) 2. 另见 dú [冒顿] 汉族匈奴的一个首领名。 [Mòdù] A leader of the Han and Xiongnu tribes. 顿 dùn 1. 頓 2. ——“冒顿”( Mòdú): 汉匈奴族的单于 (chán yú) 3. 另见 dùn.
Màn hā dùn
Manhattan island / Manhattan borough of New York City
kùn dùn
fatigued / exhausted / poverty-stricken / in straitened circumstances
Huá shèng dùn
Washington (name) / George Washington (1732-1799), first US president / Washington, US State / Washington, D.C. (US federal capital)
Xī ěr dùn
Hilton (hotel chain)
dùn wù
a flash of realization / the truth in a flash / a moment of enlightenment (usually Buddhist)
yì yáng dùn cuò
see 頓挫抑揚|顿挫抑扬[dun4 cuo4 yi4 yang2]
dùn cuò
a transition (stop and change) in spoken sound, music or in brush strokes / a cadence / punctuated by a transition / with syncopated cadence (brush stroke in painting)
chuí xiōng dùn zú
to beat one's chest and stamp one's feet (idiom)
zhěng dùn
to tidy up / to reorganize / to consolidate / to rectify
Pǔ lín sī dùn
Princeton, New Jersey
tíng dùn
to halt / to break off / pause (in speech)
Dùn niè cí kè
Donetsk, city in Ukraine
pèi dùn
Dé lèi sī dùn
Dresden, capital of Saxony 薩克森州|萨克森州[Sa4 ke4 sen1 zhou1], Germany
Yuē hàn sī dùn
Johnston, Johnson, Johnstone etc, name
máo sè dùn kāi
murky darkness suddenly opens (idiom); a sudden flash of insight and all is clear
Lái dùn
Leiden (the Netherlands)
wēi dùn
yī dùn
a meal
ān mǎ láo dùn
dùn shí
immediately / suddenly
dùn zú
stamp (one's feet)
ān dùn
to find a place for / to help settle down / to arrange for / undisturbed / peaceful
dùn jué
to feel suddenly / to realize abruptly
bā dùn
Dùn Hé
Don River
dùn shǒu
wěi dùn
tired / exhausted / weary / fatigued
ěr dùn
dùn rán
suddenly / abruptly

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Input Method for
Pinyin dun4
Four Corner
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