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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

觉 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

觉 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 觉
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 觉
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Meaning of

Pinyin jué、 jiào
a nap / a sleep, feel / find that / thinking / awake / aware
觉 jué (verb) 1. The feeling and discrimination of things when the organs of humans or animals are stimulated: 感~ (feel); 知~ (know); 触~ (touch); 视~ (see); ~察 (observe). 2. To wake up; to realize: ~悟 (be enlightened); ~醒 (wake up). “~今是而昨非” (Realizing the difference between today and yesterday). 觉 jué (verb) (1) Same as the original meaning ([En.] awake; wake up) (2) To feel; to be aware ([En.] feel; sense) (3) To inspire; to awaken ([En.] arouse) (4) To discover; to find out ([En.] discover; find out) 觉 jué (noun) 1. Sense organs ([En.] sense). 2. A term for a wise person ([En.] sage). 3. See also jiào. 觉 jué (verb) 1. Sleep (from the state of sleeping to waking up). 2. 午~ (afternoon nap); 睡了一大~ (slept a long sleep). 觉 jiào (verb) 1. To wake up ([En.] wake up) 2. To compare, to compete ([En.] have a contest) 觉 jiào (noun) 1. A colloquial term for sleep ([En.] sleep). 2. A short sleep, a nap ([En.] nap). 觉 jiào (measure word) 1. One sleep counts as one 觉 ([En.] a sleep). 2. See also jué. 觉 jiào (verb) 1. To wake up ([En.] wake up) (1) Example: 觉卧 (awake during sleeping); 觉寤 (wake from sleep); 觉寝 (wake from sleep). 2. To compare, to compete ([En.] have a contest) 觉 jiào (noun) 1. A colloquial term for sleep ([En.] sleep). (1) Example: 觉见卧闻 (to hear and see while sleeping); 一觉黄粱之梦 (a dream of a hundred years). 2. A short sleep, a nap ([En.] nap). (2) Example: 午觉; 累了可以扒在桌上睡一觉 (can nap on the table when tired). 觉 jiào (measure word) 1. One sleep counts as one 觉 ([En.] a sleep). (1) Example: 睡了一觉 (slept a sleep). 2. See also jué.
tīng jué
sense of hearing
xiù jué
sense of smell
wǔ jiào
siesta / afternoon nap
chá jué
to sense / to perceive / to become aware of / to detect
jué chá
to sense / to perceive / to come to realize / to be aware
huàn jué
illusion / hallucination / figment of one's imagination
jué wù
to come to understand / to realize / consciousness / awareness / Buddhist enlightenment (Sanskrit: cittotpāda)
jué de
to think / to feel
gǎn jué
to feel / to become aware of / feeling / sense / perception / CL:個|个[ge4]
lǎn jué
hún rán bù jué
totally unaware
shuì jiào
to go to bed / to sleep
zhī jué
perception / consciousness
bù zhī bù jué
unconsciously / unwittingly
guāi jué
perceptive / alert / clever / shrewd
fū jué
dermal sensation / cutaneous sensation
zì jué
conscious / aware / on one's own initiative / conscientious
shì jué
sight / vision / visual
jué xǐng
to awaken / to come to realize / awakened to the truth / the truth dawns upon one / scales fall from the eyes / to become aware
fā jué
to become aware / to detect / to realize / to perceive
bù jué
jué zhe
zhí jué
cuò jué
misconception / illusion / misperception
jǐng jué
to be on guard / alert / vigilance / alertness
chù jué
touch / sense of touch
xǐng jué
dùn jué
to feel suddenly / to realize abruptly

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Input Method for
Pinyin jue2
Four Corner
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