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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 观
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 观
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Meaning of

Pinyin guān、 guàn
to look at / to watch / to observe / to behold, Taoist monastery
观 guān 【动】 1. 看,察看。 (Observe; watch) 2. 观察,审察。 (Observe) 3. 示范; 显示。 (Display; show) 4. 游览。 (Go sightseeing; visit) 5. 玩赏; 观赏。 (Play; enjoy) 6. 佛家语。 (Study) 7. 通“劝”。 (Advise) 8. 阅读。 (Read) 观 guān 【名】 1. 容饰,外观。 (Appearance; looks) 2. 景象,情景。 (Sight; view) 3. 对事物的认识,看法。 (Concept; outlook) 4. 另见 guàn 观 guàn 【名】 1. 古代天子、诸侯宫门外张示法令的地方。同“阙”。 (Watchtower on either side of a palace gate) 2. 台榭。 (Platform) 3. 鸟名。通“鹳”。 (Stork) 4. 京观。 (Temple) 5. 道教的庙宇。 (Taoist temple) 6. 古国名。 (Guan state) 7. 通“鹳”。雚雀鸟。 (A kind of bird) 8. 姓。 (Surname) 9. 另见 guān 道教的庙宇:白云~。紫阳~。 (Taoist temple: Baiyun Temple, Ziyang Temple) 古代宫门前的双阙。 (The double towers in front of the ancient palace gate.) 楼台。 (Pavilion.) 姓。 (Surname.)
guān lǐ tái
reviewing stand / visitors' stand
tàn wéi guān zhǐ
(idiom) to gasp in amazement / to acclaim as the peak of perfection
cān guān
to look around / to tour / to visit
wéi wù shǐ guān
historical materialism / materialist conception of history
kè guān wéi xīn zhǔ yì
objective idealism (in Hegel's philosophy)
wéi guān
to stand in a circle and watch
guān zhě rú dǔ
Spectators stood round like a wall. / There was a crowd of spectators.
zhuàng guān
spectacular / magnificent sight
hóng guān
macro- / macroscopic / holistic
qí guān
spectacle / impressive sight
yǔ zhòu guān
world view
kè guān
objective / impartial
guān chá
to observe / to watch / to survey / to examine / observation / view / perspective / CL:個|个[ge4]
guān chá yuán
sì guàn
Taoist temple
fā zhǎn guān
development view / developing view / development concept / outlook on development
wēi guān
micro- / subatomic
guān niàn
notion / thought / concept / sense / views / ideology / general impressions
bēi guān
guān mó
to observe and emulate / to study (esp. following sb's example)
páng guān
spectator / non-participant
páng guān zhě
observer / spectator
xiù shǒu páng guān
to watch with folded arms (idiom); to look on without lifting a finger
jǐng guān
guān wàng
to wait and see / to watch from the sidelines / to look around / to survey
guān guāng
to tour / sightseeing / tourism
guān cè
to observe / to survey / observation (scientific etc)
guān diǎn
point of view / viewpoint / standpoint / CL:個|个[ge4]
jià zhí guān
system of values
guān zhòng
spectators / audience / visitors (to an exhibition etc)
xióng wěi zhuàng guān
magnificent / splendid / grand / majestic
guān kàn
to watch / to view
guān zhān
appearance / view / abiding impression
yǒu ài guān zhān
present an ugly appearance / be an eyesore / be unsightly / offend the eye
wēi guān lì zi
microscopic particle
zòng guān
to survey comprehensively / an overall survey
zōng guān
to take a broad view of sth
lè guān
optimistic / hopeful
zhǔ guān yì duàn
subjective assume / get sth into one's head
wèi wèi zhuàng guān
spectacular / magnificent / splendid
róng rǔ guān
precepts regarding what is honorable and what is shameful (in particular, refers to the Socialist Concepts on Honors and Disgraces, PRC official moral principles promulgated from 2006) / abbr. for 社會主義榮辱觀|社会主义荣辱观 / also known as the Eight Honors and Eight Shames 八榮八恥|八荣八耻[Ba1 Rong2 Ba1 Chi3]
wèi wéi dà guān
to afford a magnificent sight (idiom) / enchanting
zhǔ guān
guān shǎng
to look at sth with pleasure / to watch (sth marvelous) / ornamental
Guān yīn
Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion or Goddess of Mercy (Sanskrit Avalokiteśvara)
wài guān
exterior appearance / to view sth from the outside / exterior condition
zhēn guàn zhī zhì
Rule of Zhenguan
guān shǎng zhí wù
ornamental plant / decorative plant
guān shǎng xìng
ornamental value
guān yīn gé
Guanyin Pavilion
chá yán guān sè
Look at

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Input Method for
Pinyin guan1
Four Corner
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