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断 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 断
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 断
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Meaning of

Pinyin duàn
absolutely / decidedly (in negative constructions) / break / to judge
断 斷 duàn 动 1. 长形的东西从中间分开。 (English: Cut off; the act of dividing a long object in the middle.) 例: 断裂 (broken), 断层 (fault layer), 断面 (cross-section), 截断 (interrupt), 断肠 (severed intestines), 断魂 (severed spirit), 断线风筝 (cut-line kite). 2. 不继续,禁绝。 (English: Do not continue; to prohibit.) 例: 断粮 (cut off grain), 断水 (stop water supply), 断炊 (stop cooking), 断奶 (stop breastfeeding), 断档 (block the flow), 断流 (stop the flow), 断种 (cease planting), 断交 (cut off exchanges), 断片 (stop sections), 断续 (discontinued), 断子绝孙 (cut off descendants). 3. 判定,决定。 (English: To judge; to determine.) 例: 判断 (make a judgment), 诊断 (diagnose), 断狱 (judge a case). 4. 一定,绝对。 (English: Certain; absolute.) 例: 断乎不可 (certainly not), 断然施行 (absolutely implement). 动 本义: 截断,截开 (English: The original meaning: to cut off and separate.) 造字法: 会意。 (English: Character formation: associative meaning.) 1. 同本义 ([En.] cut off) 引: 1. 《说文》:断,截也。 (English: "Shuowen": "Duàn means to cut.") 2. 《易·系辞下》:断木为杵。 (English: "Yijing": "Cut wood to make a pestle.") 3. 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:三日断五匹,大人故嫌迟。 (English: "Yutai Xinyong": "In three days, cut off five horses; the great man complained of delay.") 4. 《韩非子·说林下》:公孙弘断发而为越王骑。 (English: "Hanfeizi": "Gongsun Hong cut his hair to become a horseman for King Yue.") 5. 《韩非子·用人》:是断手而续以玉也,故世有易身之患。 (English: "Hanfeizi": "This means cutting off the hand and using jade to replace it, hence the danger of changing one's identity.") 例: 又如: 断梗 (broken branch; metaphorically refers to being lost or unstable), 断金 (solidarity), 断袖 (referring to a male lover; metaphorically deep friendship), 断颡 (beheading), 断袖之宠 (male lover), 断头话 (decisive words), 断裳 (cutting of garments). 2. 断开;断绝 (English: Break; sever.) 引: 1. 《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》:断者架木通之。 (English: "Xu Xiake's Travels": "The broken ones are the ones that pass through the wood.") 2. 《韩非子·内储说下》:切肉肉断而发不断。 (English: "Hanfeizi": "Cutting meat is broken but the hair remains unbroken.") 3. 唐· 李白《望天门山》:天门中断楚江开。 (English: Tang, Li Bai's "Wang Tianmen Mountain": "The heavenly gate is broken, and the Chu River flows open.") 例: 又如: 断纹 (cracks on an instrument), 断头香 (incense that burns out midway; superstitiously believed not to burn again signifies disrespect). 3. 拦截;拦劫 (English: Intercept.) 引: 1. 《后汉书·杜茂传》:坐断兵马禀缣。 (English: "Book of the Later Han": "Sitting to intercept troops and silk.") 2. 《后汉书·盖勋传》:因军兴,断盗数千万。 注:“断,谓割截。” (English: "Book of the Later Han": "As the army rises, intercepting thieves in tens of millions. Note: '断' means to cut off.") 例: 又如: 断取 (cut off), 断盗 (intercept robbery). 4. 判断;裁决 (English: Judge; to resolve.) 引: 1. 宋· 苏轼《石钟山记》:事不目见耳闻,而臆断其有无,可乎。 (English: "Song Su Shi's 'Shizhong Mountain': "Is it appropriate to judge something that is neither seen nor heard?") 例: 又如: 断配 (judge and exile), 断决 (make a judgment), 断冤 (settle a wrongfully accused case), 断遣 (judge and dispose), 断没 (make a judgment on confiscation). 5. 分;区分;划分 (English: Divide; to distinguish.) 引: 1. 《释名》:断,段也,分为异段。 (English: "Shiming": "Duàn means to segment, to divide into different segments.") 例: 又如: 断限 (set age limits), 断方 (divide into squares). 6. 禁止 (English: Inhibit.) 例: 如: 断酒 (prohibit brewing), 断尽 (totally prohibit), 断渡 (stop ferrying). 7. 戒掉,有意地抑制自己不行动 (English: To abstain from; to consciously refrain from action.) 例: 如: 断酒 (abstain from wine). 8. 斩杀,宰杀 (English: To kill.) 引: 1. 《汉书·淮南历王长传》:大者立断。 (English: "Book of Han": "The great ones are to be cut off.") 例: 又如: 断除 (eliminate), 断杀 (cut down), 断首 (behead). 9. 治理,治,管理…的事物 (English: To administer.) 例: 如: 断遗 (manage; dispose). 副 绝对;一定 (English: Absolutely; certain.) 引: 1. 唐· 李商隐《无题》:断无消息石榴红。 (English: Tang Li Shangyin's "Untitled": "Absolutely no news; the pomegranate is red.") 例: 又如: 他的话断不可信 (His words are absolutely not trustworthy), 断无此理 (there's absolutely no such reasoning), 断无 (absolutely not), 断省 (keen judgment), 断黑 (totally black), 断喝 (extremely harsh shouting). 形 1. 残缺;片断 (English: Broken; incomplete.) 例: 如: 断想 (fragmented thoughts), 断碎 (missing pieces), 断霞 (fragmented clouds.) 2. 陡峭 (English: Abrupt.) 例: 如: 断壁 (cliff), 断石 (steep rock).
lǒng duàn
to enjoy market dominance / to monopolize
duàn hē
Stop drinking
lǒng duàn zī běn
monopoly capital / monopolistic capital
lǒng duàn xìng
fǎn lǒng duàn fǎ
anti-trust law / legislation again monopolies
hé lǒng duàn
nuclear monopoly
lǒng duàn quán
monopoly right
lǒng duàn zhě
duàn bì cán yuán
dilapidated walls
cán yuán duàn bì
crumbling fences and dilapidated walls (idiom)
duàn yuán cán bì
debris / dilapidated walls
yōu róu guǎ duàn
indecisive / irresolute
duàn céng
fault (geology) / CL:道[dao4],個|个[ge4] / (fig.) gap / rupture (in the transmission of some skill) / (tomography) cross-sectional
duàn yá
steep cliff / crag / precipice
gē duàn
to cut off / to sever
qiē duàn
to cut off / to sever
pàn duàn lì
ability to judge / judgment
jié duàn
to break or cut in two / to sever / to cut off / (fig.) to cut off (a conversation, a flow etc) / to interrupt / (math.) to truncate
dǎ duàn
to interrupt / to break off / to break (a bone)
niǔ duàn
twist off
zhé duàn
to snap sth off / to break
qiǎng duàn
guà duàn
to hang up (a phone)
zhēng duàn
qiā duàn
cut off / disconnect
tuī duàn
to infer / to deduce / to predict / to extrapolate
zhǎn duàn
to cut off / to chop sth in half
zhōng duàn
to cut short / to break off / to discontinue / to interrupt
zhěn duàn
diagnosis / to diagnose
guǒ duàn
firm / decisive
duàn liè
fracture / rupture / to break apart
duàn dìng
to conclude / to determine / to come to a judgment
duàn rán
resolute / definitive / categorically / absolutely
duàn jué
to sever / to break off
lùn duàn
to infer / to judge / inference / judgment / conclusion
duàn duàn xù xù
intermittent / off and on / discontinuous / stop-go / stammering / disjointed / inarticulate
duàn dài
periodization (of history)
jiàn duàn
disconnected / interrupted / suspended
jiē lián bù duàn
in unbroken succession (idiom)
pàn duàn
to judge / to determine / judgment
duàn chuī
run out of rice and fuel / can't keep the pot boiling / go hungry
róng duàn qì
fuse / fuse protector / fusible cutout
róng duàn
(of fuse wire) to melt / to blow
piàn duàn
section / fragment / segment
duàn yù
to pass judgment on a legal case
duàn xù
lián xù bù duàn
continuous / unceasing
lián mián bù duàn
incessantly / without stop
duàn cháng
heartbroken / to break one's heart
duàn cháng cǎo
gelsemium elegan
duàn zhī
amputated limb
duàn wàn
Broken wrist
zhuàng shì duàn wàn
cutting one's own wrist / to cut one's arm to save one's body - make a prompt and resolute decision
bù duàn
unceasing / uninterrupted / continuous / constant
duàn tuǐ
broken leg
duàn bì
break an arm / broken arm
zhǔ guān yì duàn
subjective assume / get sth into one's head
yì duàn
to assume / assumption
ǒu duàn sī lián
lit. lotus roots may break, but the fiber remains joined (idiom); lovers part, but still long for one another
cái duàn
to consider and decide
duàn liè dài
fault zone (geology)
duàn yán
to assert / assertion
zǔ duàn
to block / to obstruct / to intercept / to interdict
gé duàn
partition / to stand between / wall or fence serving as partition

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