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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

代 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

代 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 代
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 代
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Meaning of

Pinyin dài
substitute / replace / generation / dynasty / geological era / era / age / period
jìn dài shǐ
modern history (for China, from the Opium Wars until the fall of the Qing Dynasty, i.e. mid-19th to early 20th century)
dài hào
code name
Xià dài
Xia or Hsia dynasty c. 2000 BC
dài yùn
surrogate pregnancy
lǔ dài tīng
haloalkane (obtained from hydrocarbon by substituting halogen for hydrogen, e.g. chlorobenzene or the CFCs)
huà shí dài
dài biǎo xìng
representativeness / representative / typical
duàn dài
periodization (of history)
Jiù shí qì Shí dài
Paleolithic Era
Jìn dài
Jin Dynasty (265-420)
tì dài
to substitute for / to replace / to supersede
tì dài pǐn
substitute / alternative
tì dài xìng
substitutability / vicarism / alternative
wú kě tì dài
cháo dài
dynasty / reign (of a king)
mò dài
final generation
dài cháng
(medical) compensation / to repay a debt or obligation in place of someone else
Yuán dài
the Yuan or Mongol dynasty (1279-1368)
yīn dài
Yin Dynasty
Hàn dài
the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD)
shí dài
age / era / epoch / period (in one's life) / CL:個|个[ge4]
nián dài
a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties) / age / era / period / CL:個|个[ge4]
xiàn dài
modern times / modern age / modern era
xiàn dài huà
modernization / CL:個|个[ge4]
gǔ dài
ancient times / olden times
Qīng dài
the Ch'ing or Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
Míng dài
the Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
dài tì
to replace / to take the place of
Táng dài
Tang dynasty (618-907)
jìn dài
the not-very-distant past / modern times, excluding recent decades / (in the context of Chinese history) the period from the Opium Wars until the May 4th Movement (mid-19th century to 1919) / capitalist times (pre-1949)
yī dài
lì dài
successive generations / successive dynasties / past dynasties
qǔ dài
to replace / to supersede / to supplant / (chemistry) substitution
dài mǎ
dài biǎo tuán
delegation / CL:個|个[ge4]
Sòng dài
Song dynasty (960-1279)
dài lǐ
to act on behalf of sb in a responsible position / to act as an agent or proxy / surrogate / (computing) proxy
dāng dài
the present age / the contemporary era
dài jià
price / cost / consideration (in share dealing)
dài wán
yuán dài mǎ
source code (computing)
jiāo dài
to hand over / to explain / to make clear / to brief (sb) / to account for / to justify oneself / to confess / (coll.) to finish
Wǔ dài
Five Dynasties, period of history between the fall of the Tang dynasty (907) and the founding of the Song dynasty (960), when five would-be dynasties were established in quick succession in North China
Qín dài
Qin dynasty (221-207 BC), founded by the first emperor Qin Shihuang 秦始皇[Qin2 Shi3 huang2], the first dynasty to rule the whole of China
liǎng dài
Two generations
yuè zǔ dài páo
lit. to go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen (idiom); fig. to exceed one's place and meddle in other people's affairs / to take matters into one's own hands
dài biǎo
representative / delegate / CL:位[wei4],個|个[ge4],名[ming2] / to represent / to stand for / on behalf of / in the name of
shì dài
for many generations / generation / era / age
dài biǎo zuò
representative work (of an author or artist)
dài biǎo dà huì
congress / representative assembly or conference
dài kè
to teach as substitute for absent teacher
dài xiè
replacement / substitution / metabolism (biol.)
xīn chén dài xiè
metabolism (biology) / the new replaces the old (idiom)
yǐ gōng dài zhèn
to provide work to relieve poverty
liáo dài
the Liao dynasty
dié dài
iteration (math.) / repeated substitution
dié dài fǎ
iteration method / iterative method
Jīn dài
Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), founded by the Jurchen 女真[Nu:3 zhen1] people of North China, a precursor of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty
Suí dài
Sui dynasty (581-617)

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Input Method for
Pinyin dai4
Four Corner
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