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五 stroke order animation

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五 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 五
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 五
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Meaning of

five / 5
Wǔ tái Shān
Mt Wutai in Shanxi 山西[Shan1 xi1], one of the Four Sacred Mountains and home of the Bodhimanda of Manjushri 文殊[Wen2 shu1]
yāo wǔ hè liù
lit. to shout out hoping for fives and sixes when gambling with dice; a hubbub of gambling
wǔ pǐ
Five horses
wǔ bǎi pǐ
Five hundred horses
wǔ qiān
Five thousand
Wǔ zhài
Wuzhai county in Xinzhou 忻州[Xin1 zhou1], Shanxi
wǔ cùn
Five inches
wǔ chǐ
Five feet
dì wǔ jiè
wǔ jiè
wǔ suì
five years old
shí wǔ suì
gé sǎn chà wǔ
see 隔三差五|隔三差五[ge2 san1 cha4 wu3]
wǔ lǐng
the five ranges separating Hunan and Jiangxi from south China, esp. Guangdong and Guangxi, namely: Dayu 大庾嶺|大庾岭[Da4 yu3 ling3], Dupang 都龐嶺|都庞岭[Du1 pang2 ling3], Qitian 騎田嶺|骑田岭[Qi2 tian2 ling3], Mengzhu 萌渚嶺|萌渚岭[Meng2 zhu3 ling3] and Yuecheng 越城嶺|越城岭[Yue4 cheng2 ling3]
sān shān wǔ yuè
high mountains
Wǔ fēng
abbr. for 五峰土家族自治縣|五峰土家族自治县[Wu3 feng1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 xian4], Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County in Hubei / Wufeng township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan
Wǔ fēng Tǔ jiā zú Zì zhì xiàn
Wufeng Tujia Autonomous County in Hubei
wǔ zuò
Five seats
廿 niàn wǔ
wǔ cǎi bīn fēn
all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display
wǔ sà
abbr. for 五卅運動|五卅运动[wu3 sa4 yun4 dong4], The May Thirtieth Movement (1925)
bā wǔ
Eight five
wǔ cǎi bān lán
a riot of colour(s)
wǔ jīn
Five catties
guò wǔ guān zhǎn liù jiàng
lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom) / fig. to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success)
wǔ gēng
fifth of the five night watch periods 03:00-05:00 (old)
wǔ duǒ
Five flowers
wǔ méi
Wǔ jiǎo Dà lóu
the Pentagon
wǔ bèi
five times / quintuple / fivefold
wǔ dǒu chú
chest of drawers / commode
Wǔ dà lián chí
Wudalianchi county level city in Heihe 黑河[Hei1 he2], Heilongjiang
Wǔ liáng yè
Wuliangye liquor / Five Grain liquor
èr yī tiān zuò wǔ
lit. one half equals zero point five (division rule in abacus reckoning) / to share fairly between two parties / to go fifty-fifty
shēn shǒu bù jiàn wǔ zhǐ
pitch-dark (idiom)
wǔ nèi rú fén
sān lìng wǔ shēn
to order again and again (idiom)
sān fān wǔ cì
over and over again (idiom)
wǔ bǎi
five hundred
wǔ mǔ
Five acres
jiǔ wǔ
the ninth Five-Year plan
jiǔ wǔ zhī zūn
the royal prerogative (position) / the imperial throne / the position of an emperor
shí wǔ nián
fifteen years
wǔ yī
5-1 (May 1st)
shí wǔ
fifteen / 15
Wǔ dài
Five Dynasties, period of history between the fall of the Tang dynasty (907) and the founding of the Song dynasty (960), when five would-be dynasties were established in quick succession in North China
Wǔ yuè
May / fifth month (of the lunar year)
dì wǔ
wǔ fēn
five pence
wǔ xíng
five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood 木, fire 火, earth 土, metal 金, water 水
wǔ jiān
Five rooms
wǔ bǎo
five guarantees
dì wǔ cì
the fifth time
wǔ shí
wǔ sì
fourth of May, cf 五四運動|五四运动, national renewal movement that started with 4th May 1919 protest against the Treaty of Versailles
shí yī wǔ
the 11th Five-Year Plan
Wǔ yuè
Five Sacred Mountains of the Daoists, namely: Mt Tai 泰山[Tai4 Shan1] in Shandong, Mt Hua 華山|华山[Hua4 Shan1] in Shaanxi, Mt Heng 衡山[Heng2 Shan1] in Hunan, Mt Heng 恆山|恒山[Heng2 Shan1] in Shanxi, Mt Song 嵩山[Song1 Shan1] in Henan
wǔ sè tǔ
Five-color soil
wǔ dà
five supremacies
shí wǔ dà
15th National Congress
sān gāng wǔ cháng
three principles and five virtues (idiom) / the three rules (ruler guides subject, father guides son and husband guides wife) and five constant virtues of Confucianism (benevolence 仁, righteousness 義|义, propriety 禮|礼, wisdom 智 and fidelity 信)
wǔ huā dà bǎng
to bind a person's upper body, with arms tied behind the back and rope looped around the neck / to truss up
wǔ sè bīn fēn
all the colors in profusion (idiom); a garish display
sān wǔ chéng qún
in groups of three or four (idiom)
wǔ zàng liù fǔ
five viscera and six bowels (TCM)
wǔ zàng
five viscera of TCM, namely: heart 心[xin1], liver 肝[gan1], spleen 脾[pi2], lungs 肺[fei4] and kidneys 腎|肾[shen4]
wǔ gè
wǔ nián
lustrum / five years
wǔ sōu
Five ships
wǔ yùn
the Five Aggregates (from Sanskrit "skandha") (Buddhism)
sì fēn wǔ liè
all split up and in pieces (idiom); disunity (in an organization) / complete lack of unity / to disintegrate / falling apart / to be at sixes and sevens
wǔ gǔ
five crops, e.g. millet 粟[su4], soybean 豆[dou4], sesame 麻[ma2], barley 麥|麦[mai4], rice 稻[dao4] or other variants / all crops / all grains / oats, peas, beans and barley
wǔ léi hōng dǐng
Five Thunders
wǔ liàng
wǔ yǎng huà èr fán
Vanadium pentoxide V2O5 / vanadic anhydride
wǔ zhū qián
Wuzhu Coin
wǔ fēn zhōng
five minutes
wǔ zhū
Five baht
gé sān chà wǔ
every few days (idiom)
wǔ xiàng
Five items
wǔ kē
wǔ yán liù sè
multi-colored / every color under the sun

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