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内 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 内
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 内
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Meaning of

Pinyin nèi、 nà
inside / inner / internal / within / interior
内 [nèi] 1. Inside; in contrast to "外" (outside). 里面,与“外”相对。 2. Refers to one's wife or relatives on the wife's side. 称妻子或妻子家的亲戚。 3. Close, intimate. 亲近。 Examples: - 内部 (nèi bù) - Inside; - 内外 (nèi wài) - Inside and outside; - 内定 (nèi dìng) - Internally decided; - 内阁 (nèi gé) - Cabinet; - 内行 (nèi háng) - Expert; - 内涵 (nèi hán) - Connotation. 4. Refers to the middle of a group or object, often denoting within the country or court. 指某一群体或某一物体的中间。常指国内或朝廷内。 Examples: - 内叛 (nèi pàn) - Internal rebellion; - 内患 (nèi huàn) - Domestic troubles; - 内事 (nèi shì) - Domestic affairs; - 内睦 (nèi mù) - Internal harmony. 5. Room; compartment. 室,内室,房室。 Examples: - 内帏 (nèi wéi) - Women's dwelling; - 内舍 (nèi shè) - Inner room. 6. Court; the residence of an emperor. 皇宫;帝王所居之处。 Examples: - 内侍 (nèi shì) - Court attendants; - 内园 (nèi yuán) - Royal garden. 7. Woman; femininity. 妇女;女色。 Examples: - 内具 (nèi jù) - Items used by women. 8. In ancient times, a general term for wife and concubines, later specifically for wife. 古代泛称妻妾。后专称妻。 Examples: - 内训 (nèi xùn) - Education for women; - 内子 (nèi zǐ) - Wife. 9. Heart; inner feelings. 内心。 Examples: - 内意 (nèi yì) - Inner thoughts; - 内谋 (nèi móu) - Internal scheming. 10. Internal organs. 内脏。 Examples: - 内疾 (nèi zhì) - Internal diseases. 11. The righteous path; in Buddhism, refers to the teachings within Buddhism, contrasting with the external. 正道。佛教徒称佛门之内为内,佛门之外为外。 Examples: - 内教 (nèi jiào) - Referring to Buddhism; - 内学 (nèi xué) - Study of Buddhism. 12. See also nà (another reading). 另见 nà。 内 [nà] 1. To enter; to enter from outside to inside. 入,自外面进入里面。 2. To accept; to take in; later pronounced as “纳” (nà). 交入;接纳。 Examples: - 内金 (nèi jīn) - Tribute of gold and silver. 3. See also nèi (another reading). 另见 nèi。
nèi hán
to contain / to include
nèi hòng
variant of 內訌|内讧[nei4 hong4]
nèi wài jiāo kùn
be beset with troubles internally and externally
píng nèi
Yuē hàn nèi sī bǎo
Johannesburg, South Africa
Nèi tǎ ní yà hú
Netanyahu (name) / Benjamin Netanyahu (1949-), Israeli Likud politician, prime minister 1996-1999 and from 2009
Sài nèi jiā ěr
nèi bì
wall / inwall / intine
nèi wài jiā gōng
a crossfire / a simultaneous attack from within and without / attack from both inside and outside / be attacked from inside and outside / both from within and from without
nèi jiān
undiscovered traitor / enemy within one's own ranks
Wěi nèi ruì lā
Lǐ yuē rè nèi lú
Rio de Janeiro
sè lì nèi rěn
lit. show strength while weak inside (idiom); appearing fierce while cowardly at heart / a sheep in wolf's clothing
nèi cún
internal storage / computer memory / random access memory (RAM)
nèi zhái
inner chambers for womenfolk (in a rich man's residence)
shì nèi
gōng nèi
in utero
wū nèi
Inside the house
dǎo nèi
cháo nèi
In the nest
nèi mù
inside story / non-public information / behind the scenes / internal
jù nèi
rǎng wài bì xiān ān nèi
You must first settle inside
dǎng nèi
within the party (esp. Chinese communist party)
guó nèi
domestic / internal (to a country) / civil
nèi gé
(government) cabinet
shěng nèi
in the province
jìng nèi
within the borders / internal (to a country, province, city etc) / domestic
nèi bù
interior / inside (part, section) / internal
zài nèi
(included) in it / among them
chéng nèi
inside the city
nèi dì
inland / interior / hinterland
nèi xīn
heart / innermost being / (math.) incenter
nèi wài
inside and outside / domestic and foreign / approximately / about
guó nèi wài
domestic and international / at home and abroad
nèi zhàn
civil war
nèi lì
internal force / endogenous force
Nèi měng gǔ
Inner Mongolia / abbr. for 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nei4 meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 qu1], Inner Mongolia autonomous region
nèi hé
inland riverwaters / waterway]
nèi gōng
exercises to benefit the internal organs
nèi liǎn
introverted / reserved / (artistic style) understated
nèi guān
Inner coffin
nèi cè
inside / interior / inner side
yīng nèi yì xióng
Sakurauchi Yoshio
yīng nèi
殿 diàn nèi
In the hall
Nèi luó bì
Nairobi, capital of Kenya
nèi hán
meaningful content / implication / connotation (semantics) / inner qualities (of a person)
nèi fēn mì
endocrine (internal secretion, e.g. hormone)
nèi fēn mì xiàn
endocrine gland / gland producing internal secretion, e.g. hormone
nèi fēn mì kē
endocrinology department
lài hù nèi hǎi
inland sea / seto-naikai
nèi lào
nèi hán shì
Jǐ nèi yà Wān
Gulf of Guinea
nèi róng
content / substance / details / CL:個|个[ge4],項|项[xiang4]
tǐ nèi
within the body / in vivo (vs in vitro) / internal to
nèi zhí
nephew / son of wife's brother
nèi shì
enuch / chamberlain
wǔ nèi rú fén
nèi yàn
inner flame
nèi rán jī
internal combustion engine
nèi jiù
guilty conscience / to feel a twinge of guilt
Rì nèi wǎ
Geneva, Switzerland
nèi jiù gǎn
feeling of guilt
nèi zhì
internal hemorrhoids / internal pile
nèi juàn
the females in a family / womenfolk
nèi luàn
internal disorder / civil strife / civil unrest
nèi kuī jìng
xiāng nèi
in the box / inside the container
Jī nèi yà Bǐ shào
guàn nèi
nèi zhì
built-in / internal
nèi hào
internal friction / internal dissipation of energy (in mechanics) / fig. waste or discord within an organization
nèi zàng
internal organs / viscera
fù nèi
zhī nèi
inside / within
mǎ dīng nèi sī
nèi mó
inner membrane
cāng nèi
cabin / UD(under deck)
Nèi měng gǔ Zì zhì qū
Inner Mongolia autonomous region, abbr. 內蒙古|内蒙古[Nei4 meng3 gu3], capital Hohhot 呼和浩特市[Hu1 he2 hao4 te4 Shi4]
Nèi měng
Inner Mongolia or Inner Mongolia autonomous region 內蒙古自治區|内蒙古自治区[Nei4 meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 qu1]
nèi méng gǔ gāo yuán
Inner Mongolian Plateau
nèi yùn
implication / internal implication
nèi hán tián mì
Contains sweetness
nèi hòng
internal strife
gāo yá nèi
Gao Ya Nei
yá nèi
child of an official / palace bodyguard
nèi chèn
lining (of a container etc) (engineering)
nèi kù
underpants / panties / briefs
jiàn nèi
my wife (humble)
nèi huái
medial malleolus
nèi zhǐ
nèi gé zhì
cabinet system
nèi gé zǒng lǐ
Prime Minister
zé rèn nèi gé
Responsible Cabinet
yǐng zi nèi gé
shadow cabinet
nèi lù
inland / interior
yuàn nèi
In the courtyard
bái nèi zhàng

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Pinyin nei4
Four Corner
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