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日 stroke order animation

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日 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 日
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 日
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Meaning of

Japan / day / sun / date / day of the month
日 (rì) [名] 1. 离地球最近的恒星(亦称“太阳”)。 [En.] The star closest to Earth (also referred to as "the sun"). 2. 白天,与“夜”相对。 [En.] Daytime, in contrast to "night". 3. 天,一昼夜。 [En.] A day, a 24-hour period. 4. 某一天。 [En.] A certain day. 5. 计算工作的时间单位,通常以八小时或六小时为一个工作日。 [En.] A unit of time for work, typically measured as an eight-hour or six-hour workday. 6. 时候。 [En.] Time; a moment. 7. 每天,一天一天地。 [En.] Every day, day by day. 8. 特指“日本国”。 [En.] Specifically refers to "Japan". [副] 1. 每日,每天。 [En.] Every day. 2. 他日,改天。 [En.] The other day. 3. 往日,从前。 [En.] The bygone days. 日磾 (mi4-di1) - 古人名用字,如:金日磾(汉代),马日磾(汉代) [En.] An ancient name, for example: Jin Ridi (Han dynasty), Ma Ridi (Han dynasty).
fēng chuī rì shài
(idiom) to be exposed to the elements
bǎi rì ké
whooping cough / pertussis
jí rì
propitious day / lucky day
rì hòu
sometime / someday (in the future)
Rì kā zé
Shigatse or Xigaze, Tibetan: Gzhis ka rtse, city and prefecture in central Tibet
rì jūn
average daily
fú rì
xià rì
rì yè
day and night / around the clock
rì zi
day / a (calendar) date / days of one's life
jí rì
this or that very day / in the next few days
rì lì
calendar / CL:張|张[zhang1],本[ben3]
rì kòu
Japanese aggressors / Japanese invaders
rì cháng
daily / everyday
píng rì
ordinary day / everyday / ordinarily / usually
guó qìng rì
national day
廿 niàn jiǔ rì
廿 niàn liù rì
廿 niàn sì rì
dāng rì
on that day
wǎng rì
former days / the past
jiē dài rì
Open Day
rì hòu
sometime / someday (in the future)
rì qián
the other day / a few days ago
jì rì
anniversary of a death / inauspicious day
rì zhì
journal / log (computing)
jì niàn rì
day of commemoration / memorial day
huáng huáng bù kě zhōng rì
be in a constant state of anxiety / be on tenterhooks / suffer from nervous fears
Rì rě
Yogyakarta, city of Java, Indonesia, and capital of the Special Region of Yogyakarta 日惹特區|日惹特区[Ri4 ye3 Te4 qu1]
rì chuō
date stamp
rì bào
daily newspaper
zé rì
to fix a date (for an event) / to select an auspicious date
Rì běn
Japan / Japanese
xù rì
the rising sun
rì guǐ
Rì jūn
Japanese army / Japanese troops
dōng rì
the winter sun / the sun in winter
jǐ rì
A few days
rì yè jiān chéng
to travel day and night
rì miǎn
zhěng rì
all day long / the whole day
rì qī
date / CL:個|个[ge4]
zuó rì
yī rì
day / legal day
rì yì
day by day / more and more / increasingly / more and more with each passing day
jìn rì
in the past few days / recently / in the last few days
jié rì
holiday / festival / CL:個|个[ge4]
rì yuè
the sun and moon / day and month / every day and every month / season / life and livelihood
měi rì
daily / (soup etc) of the day
míng rì
xī rì
formerly / in olden days
cì rì
next day / the morrow
jiù rì
former times / olden days
zǎo rì
soon / shortly / on a day quite soon / promptly
xù rì dōng shēng
rising sun / the red sun rises from the east
kuàng rì chí jiǔ
protracted (idiom) / long and drawn-out
jiāo yì rì
working day (in banking, share trading)
rì shài
insolation / solarization
rì shài yǔ lín
scorched and drenched by sun and rain (idiom); suffer from exposure to the elements / weather-beaten
rì mù tú qióng
sunset, the end of the road (idiom); in terminal decline / at a dead end
Rì ěr màn
rì ěr màn rén
Germanic people
shuò rì
first day of the lunar month
gé lǎng rì
mò rì
last day / end / final days / doomsday
mǒu rì
jià rì
holiday / non-working day
jié jià rì
public holiday
Rì yuán
Japanese yen (unit of currency) / also written 日圓|日圆
liè rì niè fū
Wò luó niè rì
Voronezh, city in the southwest of European Russia
rì jiàn
to progress (or increase, change etc) day by day / more (or better etc) with each passing day
Rì yuè Tán
Sun Moon Lake (Dalian, Taiwan etc)
liè rì
scorching sun
rì wěi
Japanese puppet regime
rì ěr
prominence / solar prominence
rì zhào
gǒu rì
lit. fucked or spawned by a dog / contemptible / lousy, fucking
Rì nèi wǎ
Geneva, Switzerland
kàng rì jiù wáng
anti-Japanese national salvation movement
亿 yì rì yuán
Billion yen
jīn rì
shí zhì jīn rì
(idiom) up to the present / even now / now (in contrast with the past) / at this late hour
Ní rì lì yà
竿 rì shàng sān gān
late in the morning
rì jī yuè lěi
to accumulate over a long period of time
zhōng rì
all day long
yè yǐ jì rì
night and day (idiom); continuous strenuous effort
yì rì
next day
èr shí qī rì
qī rì
seven days / the seventh day of the month
yǔ rì jù zēng
to increase steadily / to grow with each passing day
rì zhēn chéng shú
rì zhēn wán shàn
becoming better and approaching perfection day by day
xiàng rì kuí
sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
zhēng zhēng rì shàng
becoming more prosperous with each passing day
zhē tiān bì rì
lit. hiding the sky and covering the earth (idiom); fig. earth-shattering / omnipresent / of universal importance
bì rì
Cover the sun
bái hóng guàn rì
Bai Hong Guanri
rì jì
diary / CL:則|则[ze2],本[ben3],篇[pian1]

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