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暮 stroke order animation

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暮 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 暮
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 暮
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Meaning of

evening / sunset
暮 [mù] 1. Dusk; sunset; evening - On a dusk when the sun sets: 日暮 (sunset), 暮气 (evening atmosphere), 暮色 (evening color), 日暮途穷 (the day ends, the journey is over), 暮鼓晨钟 (the drum at dusk and the bell at dawn). 2. The end of the evening: 暮春 (the end of spring), 暮年 (old age), 暮节 (end of the festival), 暮齿 (old age). 【引】 1. “论衡·明雩”: The end of the day is dusk. 2. “庄子·齐物论”: In the morning three and in the evening four. 3. “楚辞·离骚”: Fear of the beautiful person’s late years. 4. “乐府诗集·木兰诗”: Depart at dawn from my parents, rest at dusk by the Yellow River. 5. “韩非子·难一”: Arriving today, changing by evening. 6. “苏轼《石钟山记》”: By night, the moonlight is bright. 7. “杜甫《石壕吏》”: At dusk, I arrive in Shigao village, where the officials catch people at night. 【例】 Also like: 暮天 (the evening sky); 暮雨 (evening rain); 暮途 (the journey in the evening); 暮烟 (evening mist); 暮暮 (every evening); 暮鼓 (the drum that signals evening in the bell tower); 暮暗 (the darkness after sunset). 2. The night: 【引】 1. 沈约《桐赋》: The branches are covered in evening snow. 2. “论语”: The late spring indicates that spring clothing is already completed, there are five or six people in caps. 【例】 Also like: 暮月 (the last month of a season); 暮末 (also end times); 暮冬 (the end of winter). 暮 [mù] 1. Aged; implies elderly status - 【引】 1. 庾信《哀江南赋序》: This offers a flow of life until old age. - 【例】 Also like: 暮老 (to be old); 暮古 (to be old and confused); 暮志 (the aspirations in old age); 暮耋 (to refer to old age); 暮齿 (old age); 暮景 (metaphor for the late years of life). 2. Late; near the end of something - 【引】 1. “吕氏春秋”: If you contemplate this, you will not feel old in learning virtue. 2. 曹操《步出夏门行》: In the late years of a hero, the ambition does not fade. - 【例】 Also like: 暮迟 (not timely); 暮生 (born after the father’s death).
mù sè
mù gǔ chén zhōng
lit. evening drum, morning bell (idiom); fig. Buddhist monastic practice / the passage of time in a disciplined existence
mù ǎi
evening mist
mù nián
one's declining years / old age
mù sè cāng máng
the hazy dusk of twilight (idiom)
mù chūn
late spring
chuí mù zhī nián
old age
zhāo sān mù sì
lit. say three in the morning but four in the evening (idiom); to change sth that is already settled upon / indecisive / to blow hot and cold
mù qì
evening mist / fig. declining spirits / lethargy
zhāo sī mù xiǎng
to yearn for sth day and night (idiom)
suì mù
end of the year
zhāo zhāo mù mù
from dawn to dusk / all the time
mù qì chén chén
apathetic / dismal / gloomy / lethargic / lifeless
mù sè sì hé
Twilight Sihe
chuí mù
dusk / towards sunset / just before sundown
zhāo Qín mù Chǔ
serve Qin in the morning Chu in the evening (idiom); quick to switch sides
rì mù tú qióng
sunset, the end of the road (idiom); in terminal decline / at a dead end
mù qiū
Mu Qiu

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Input Method for
Pinyin mu4
Four Corner
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