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暗 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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暗 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 暗
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 暗
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Meaning of

Pinyin àn
dark / gloomy / hidden / secret, to shut the door / unilluminated
暗 [àn] 形 (adjective) 1. 不亮,没有光,与“明”相对: dim; dark; dull - 例: 黑暗 (black darkness), 暗淡 (a. not bright; b. metaphorically refers to a tragic situation), 阴暗 (gloomy), 暗无天日 (dark with no daylight). 2. 不公开的,隐藏不露的: hidden; secret - 例: 暗藏 (to hide), 暗号 (secret code), 暗杀 (assassination), 暗娼 (secret prostitution), 暗沟 (hidden drain), 暗含 (implicitly suggest); 进行的事情言谈中隐含的意思未明确说出, 暗流 (a. flowing underground water; b. metaphorically refers to covert ideological tendencies or social dynamics), 明察暗访 (to investigate secretly). 3. 愚昧,糊涂: dull; stupid; unclear - 例: 暗昧 (truth is not clear; ambiguous), 暗主 (an ignorant ruler). 4. 地下: underground 副 (adverb) 1. 默默地: do not say a word; keep silent - 例: 暗诵 (recite silently), 暗数 (count quietly), 暗写 (write silently). 2. 秘密; 暗中: in secret - 例: 曹节王甫,暗杀太后 (Cao Jie Wangfu secretly assassinated the Empress Dowager). 名 (noun) 1. 天黑: darkness - 例: 暗夜 (dark night), 暗风 (wind of the night). 2. 黑夜: night 动 (verb) 使昏暗: gloom; cloud - 例: 大车扬飞尘,亭午暗阡陌 (The dust raised by the big cart clouds the paths at noon).
liǔ àn huā míng yòu yī cūn
There is a way out (for somebody). / Every cloud has a silver lining.
àn xǐ
hidden smile / smirk / to rejoice covertly / secret satisfaction concerning one's evil plans
àn yù
àn qì
concealed weapon
àn chāng
unlicensed (unregistered) prostitute
yōu àn
hū míng hū àn
àn liàn
to be secretly in love with
àn wā
underground excavation
hēi àn
dark / darkly / darkness
hūn àn
tiān hūn dì àn
a murky sky over a dark earth / dark all round / gloomy above and dark below
huì àn
dark and gloomy
àn àn
secretly / inwardly
àn shì
to hint / to suggest / suggestion / hint
àn zhōng
in the dark / in secret / on the sly / surreptitiously
àn xiǎng
think to oneself
àn zì
inwardly / to oneself / secretly
àn dào
secret passage / secret tunnel
àn suàn
to plot against
yīn àn
dim / dark / overcast / darkness / shadow / (fig.) dismal / gloomy / somber / murky / shadowy (side)
àn dàn
dark / dim (light) / dull (color) / drab / (fig.) gloomy / bleak
àn shā
to assassinate
àn dì li
secretly / inwardly / on the sly
àn cáng
to hide / to conceal
àn chù
secret place
àn xiào
laugh in (up) one's sleeve / snigger / snicker
àn hào
secret signal (sign) / countersign / password
àn hóng sè
wine / dark red / dull red / marroon / kermesinus
àn qú
underground water channel / covered ditch / culvert
àn tān
hidden shoal
huī àn
dull gray / drab / murky
àn chuāng
àn jiāo
submerged reef (rock)
àn dù Chén cāng
lit. secretly crossing the Wei River 渭河[Wei4 He2] at Chencang (idiom, refers to a stratagem used by Liu Bang 劉邦|刘邦[Liu2 Bang1] in 206 BC against Xiang Yu 項羽|项羽[Xiang4 Yu3] of Chu) / fig. to feign one thing while doing another / to cheat under cover of a diversion

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Four Corner
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