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笑 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 笑
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 笑
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Meaning of

Pinyin xiào
laugh / smile
**笑** **[xiào]** **(Verb)** **1.** To reveal a happy expression and emit joyful sounds. **露出愉快的表情,发出欢喜的声音。** Example: 笑容 (smile), 笑颜 (smiling face), 笑眯眯 (smiling with eyes narrowed), 谈笑风生 (chatting and laughing cheerfully). **2.** To ridicule. **讥嘲。** Example: 笑柄 (laughingstock), 笑话 (joke), 笑谈 (laughing conversation), 贻笑大方 (to make oneself a laughingstock), 嘲笑 (to mock), 见笑 (to be laughed at), 耻笑 (to be ridiculed). **Original Meaning:** 因喜悦开颜或出声 (To show joy by smiling or laughing). **Character Formation:** 会意。从竹,从夭。杨承庆曰,“竹得风其体夭屈,如人之笑”。字或从竹,从夭。 (Ideogram: It consists of bamboo and a sign indicating bending; suggests the flexibility like a person’s smile.) **Synonyms:** **1.** Same as the original meaning (smile; laugh). **同本义** ([En.] smile; laugh) **2.** To ridicule; to mock. **讥笑;嘲笑** ([En.] ridicule) **3.** Joke; to make fun of. **玩笑;逗乐** ([En.] joke; make fun of) **4.** To like; to envy. **喜爱;羡慕** ([En.] like) **5.** Metaphor for flowers blooming. **比喻花朵开放** ([En.] flow; open) **引述:** 1. 《说文》: 笑,喜也。杨承庆曰:“竹得风,其体夭屈,如人之笑也。” 李阳冰刊定说文从之。 (From "Shuō Wén": Laughter denotes joy. Yang Chengqing states: "When bamboo sways with the wind, its shape bends like a person's smile.") 2. 《字林》: 竹为乐器,君子乐然后笑也。朱骏声曰:“此字古皆从犬,本义犬狎人声也。从犬,箾省声。” (From "Zì Lín": Bamboo is a musical instrument; a gentleman smiles after being joyful.) 3. 《易·萃》: 一握为笑。 4. 《诗·卫风·氓》: 载笑载言。 5. 要笑晏晏。 6. 《列子·汤问》: 两小儿笑曰。 7. 《论语·宪问》: 乐然后笑,人不厌其笑。 8. 《聊斋志异·狼三则》: Stop adding up to laughter. 9. 《列子·汤问》: To stop by laughing. 10. 清·周容《芋老人传》: Laugh without caring. **Examples:** 如: 笑唏唏 (chuckling), 笑咍咍 (laugh heartily), 笑浪 (laugh freely), 笑面夜叉 (a person who appears kind but is malicious). **2.** To ridicule; to mock. **讥笑;嘲笑** ([En.] ridicule) **引述:** 1. 《诗·邶风·终风》: 顾我则笑。 2. 《孟子·梁惠王上》: 以五十步笑百步,则何如? **Examples:** 如: 笑端 (laughing stock), 笑骂从汝 (laugh and criticize at will), 笑弄 (mock; ridicule), 笑侮 (ridicule). **3.** Joke; to make fun of. **玩笑;逗乐** ([En.] joke; make fun of) **引述:** 1. 《诗·大雅·板》: 勿以为笑。 **Examples:** 如: 笑嗷 (to laugh happily; to play), 笑乐院本 (a small play presented before the main theatrical performance), 笑耍头回 (a small story told before the main tale). **4.** To like; to envy. **喜爱;羡慕** ([En.] like) **Examples:** 如: 笑眼传心 (exchanging glances and smiles to convey affection), 笑悦 (joyful laughter), 笑叹 (laughable yet sighing). **5.** Metaphor for flowers blooming. **比喻花朵开放** ([En.] flow; open) **引述:** 1. 唐太宗《赋得残菊花》: 露浓晞晚笑,风劲浅残香。 **Examples:** 如: 笑笑 (the appearance of blooming flowers), 笑靥金 (a term for chrysanthemums).
hán xiào
to have a smile on one's face
xiào hē hē
happy and gay / cheerful and gay / smilingly
cháo xiào
to jeer at / to deride / to ridicule / mockery / derision
xiào xī xī
grinning / smiling
xiào mī mī
Laughing Mimi
xiào yín yín
smiling / with a smile
hōng xiào
to roar with laughter / hoots of laughter / guffaw
hōng táng dà xiào
the whole room roaring with laughter (idiom)
hōng xiào shēng
hōng rán dà xiào
laugh uproariously / roar with laughter / burst into a guffaw / a volley of laughter
hā hā dà xiào
to laugh heartily / to burst into loud laughter
yǎ rán shī xiào
to laugh involuntarily / Taiwan pr. [e4 ran2 shi1 xiao4]
huá xiào
uproarious laughter
kū xiào bù dé
lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom) / both funny and extremely embarrassing / between laughter and tears
tí xiào jiē fēi
lit. not to know whether to laugh or cry (idiom) / between laughter and tears
chī xiào
to sneer at
xī pí xiào liǎn
see 嬉皮笑臉|嬉皮笑脸[xi1 pi2 xiao4 lian3]
xī xiào
laugh merrily
xiào shēng
mèi xiào
enchanting smile
yān rán yī xiào
to smile sweetly
xī pí xiào liǎn
all smiles / smiling mischievously or ingratiatingly
xī xiào
to be laughing and playing / to giggle
xī xiào nù mà
lit. laughs, jeers, anger and invective (idiom) / fig. all kinds of emotions / to mock and scold / (of writing) freely roving / following the author's fancy
shěn xiào
(literary) to sneer / to laugh at
xiào róng
smile / smiling expression / CL:副[fu4]
wēi xiào
smile / CL:個|个[ge4],絲|丝[si1] / to smile
hān xiào
simper / smile fatuously
xiào róng kě jū
smiling wholeheartedly (idiom); beaming from ear to ear
gǎo xiào
to get people to laugh / funny / hilarious
pěng fù dà xiào
uproarious / hilarious / to split one's sides laughing / lit. to hold one's belly with both hands
àn xiào
laugh in (up) one's sleeve / snigger / snicker
xiào bǐng
a matter for ridicule / an object of ridicule / laughingstock
shǎ xiào
to giggle / to laugh foolishly / to smirk / to simper
huān xiào
to laugh happily / a belly-laugh
pò tì wéi xiào
to turn tears into laughter (idiom); to turn grief into happiness
sì xiào fēi xiào
like a smile yet not a smile (idiom)
yǎng tiān dà xiào
lean back and laugh / laugh sardonically / look up to the sky and laugh / throw back one's head to laugh long and loud
kuáng xiào
to howl with laughter / to laugh one's head off
líng hú chōng xiào
Linghu laughed
níng xiào
to laugh nastily / evil grin
kāi wán xiào
to play a joke / to make fun of / to joke
wán xiào
to joke / joke / jest
xiào mī mī
beaming / all smiles
xiào yíng yíng
smilingly / to be all smiles
méi kāi yǎn xiào
brows raised in delight, eyes laughing (idiom); beaming with joy / all smiles
qiè xiào
to snigger / to titter
xiào liǎn
smiling face / smiley :) ☺ / CL:副[fu4]
dà xiào
to laugh heartily / a belly laugh
kǔ xiào
to force a smile / a bitter laugh
xiào huà
joke / jest / CL:個|个[ge4] / to laugh at / to mock
kě xiào
funny / ridiculous
xiào yì
smiling expression
xiào xiào
qǔ xiào
to tease / to make fun of
shuǎ xiào
joke / have fun
chǐ xiào
to sneer at sb / to ridicule
bù gǒu yán xiào
serious in speech and manner / not frivolous in talking and joking
wǎn ěr yí xiào
(literary) to smile
jī xiào
to sneer
shàn xiào
to ridicule / to mock
chǎn xiào
ingratiating smile / fawning smile
yí xiào dà fāng
to make a fool of oneself / to make oneself a laughing stock
péi xiào
to smile apologetically or obsequiously
xiào zhú yán kāi
smile spread across the face (idiom); beaming with pleasure / all smiles / joy written across one's face
dòu xiào
to amuse / to cause to smile / amusing
xiào yè
dimple / smiling face
yī pín yī xiào
every frown and every smile
xǐ xiào yán kāi
grinning from ear to ear (idiom) / beaming with happiness
qiǎng yán huān xiào
to pretend to look happy / to force oneself to smile
xiào yán
smiling face
péng xiào dào
Peng laughed
xiào mà
to deride / to mock / (jocularly) to heckle good-naturedly / to razz

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