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狂 stroke order animation

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狂 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 狂
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 狂
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Meaning of

Pinyin kuáng
conceited / mad
狂 [kuáng] 1. Originally refers to a dog going mad, later also refers to a person's mental instability. (本称狗发疯,后亦指人精神失常。) - Example: 狂犬 (mad dog), 疯狂 (madness), 癫狂 (insanity). 2. An attitude of indulgence, capriciousness, or wild arrogance. (纵情任性或放荡骄恣的态度。) - Example: 轻狂 (frivolous), 狂妄 (extremely arrogant), 狂吠 (mad barking). 3. A fierce momentum that exceeds the ordinary. (气势猛烈,超出常度。) - Example: 狂风 (violent wind), 狂热 (fervor), 力挽狂澜 (to stem a fierce tide). 狂 as an adjective [形] 1. Same as original meaning, also refers to a mad dog. (同本义。也指狗发疯。) - Example: 狂犬 (ferocious dog). 2. Extended meaning refers to "mental instability" or "madness". (引申指“人的精神失常”,“疯癫”。) - Example: 狂死 (death due to madness), 狂惑 (mental confusion), 狂徒 (madman). 3. Arrogance. (狂妄。) - Example: 狂妄荒谬 (outrageous arrogance), 狂且 (a person who acts recklessly). 4. Unruly or unrestrained. (狂放,任性放荡。) - Example: 狂士 (a wild scholar), 狂朋怪侣 (unconventional friends). 5. Ferocity. (凶猛。) - Example: 狂风毒雨 (stormy winds and heavy rain). 6. Roaring or surging. (汹涌。) - Example: 狂涛 (surging waves), 狂浪 (roaring waves). 狂 as a verb [动] 1. Homophone for “诳”, meaning to cheat. (通“诳”。欺骗。) - Example: 吾以是狂而不信也 (I am regarded as insane for not believing this). 2. Homophone for “往”, meaning to go. (通“往”。去。) - Example: 我其发出狂 (I will go crazy).
kuáng fèi
to bark furiously / to howl
kuáng xiào
kuáng bēn
run about wildly / run about madly
kuáng wàng
egotistical / arrogant / brassy
kuáng wàng zì dà
arrogant and conceited
lì wǎn kuáng lán
to pull strongly against a crazy tide (idiom); fig. to try hard to save a desperate crisis
kuáng ào
domineering / haughty
kuáng huān
party / carousal / hilarity / merriment / whoopee / to carouse
xīn xǐ ruò kuáng
to be wild with joy (idiom)
kuáng tāo
Wild waves
kuáng hōng làn zhà
to bomb indiscriminately
kuáng cháo
surging tide / (fig.) tide / craze / rage / spree
fēng kuáng
crazy / frantic / extreme popularity
kuáng lán
raging waves / roaring waves
kuáng rè
zealotry / fanatical / feverish
kuáng quǎn bìng
kuáng fēng
gale / squall / whole gale (meteorology)
kuáng xǐ
ecstasy / rapt
kuáng nù
zì dà kuáng
megalomania / egomania / delusions of grandeur
chāng kuáng
savage / furious
kuáng xiào
to howl with laughter / to laugh one's head off
kuáng rén
kuáng huān jié
kuáng bào
frantic / berserk
kuáng fēng bào yǔ
howling wind and torrential rain (idiom) / (fig.) difficult, dangerous situation
kuáng yán
ravings / delirious utterances / kyōgen (a form of traditional Japanese comic theater)
fā kuáng
crazy / mad / madly
kuáng biāo
hurricane / violent reform or revolution / violent movement or force
kuáng hū
rú chī rú kuáng
with an air almost of idiocy
diān kuáng
deranged / mad / cracked / zany
kuáng fàng bù jī
uninhibited / unruly / profligate and unrestrained / behave unbridledly / with abandon
kuáng zào
rash / impetuous / irritable
zào kuáng
zào kuáng zhèng
mania / manic episode
kuáng biāo
diān kuáng
jiāo kuáng

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Input Method for
Pinyin kuang2
Four Corner
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