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妄 stroke order animation

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妄 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 妄
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 妄
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Meaning of

Pinyin wàng
absurd / fantastic
妄 [wàng] 1. At random; absurd and unreasonable. - Example: 轻举妄动 (act rashly). - Example: 胆大妄为 (act recklessly). - Example: 妄自尊大 (arrogantly overestimate oneself). - Example: 妄图 (foolishly attempt). - Example: 狂妄 (delirious, outrageous). - Example: 妄想 (fantasize). 2. Improper; unrealistic. - Example: 姑妄听之 (just listen to it whimsically). - Example: 妄自菲薄 (unduly belittle oneself). - Example: 妄作主张 (foolishly make a claim). 妄 [wàng] Adverb - Original Meaning: At random. - Character Formation: Phono-semantic compound; comprises 女 (female) and 亡 (to lose). 1. Same as the original meaning (at random). 妄 [wàng] Adjective 1. Unreal; highly unrealistic. 2. Illegal; act recklessly. 3. Rash; unrestrained. 4. Absurd; preposterous. 5. Equivalent to “凡”; mediocre. 引 (Cited References) 1. 《说文》: 妄,乱也 (means chaos). 2. 《管子·山至数》: 不通于轻重谓之妄言 (saying something absurd without understanding the importance). 3. 《贾子道术》: 以人自观谓之度,反度为妄 (to judge oneself is called measuring; the opposite is absurd). 4. 《春秋繁露》: 施妄者,乱之始也 (those who act absurdly bring about chaos). 5. 诸葛亮《出师表》: 妄自菲薄 (unduly belittle oneself). 6. 宋·司马光《训俭示康》: 多求妄用 (excessive requests lead to recklessness). 7. 清·黄宗羲《原君》: 妄传伯夷 (foolish rumors about Bo Yi). 8. 清·徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》: 毋妄发 (do not act recklessly). 例 (Examples) 如: 妄口 (talk nonsense); 妄系 (wrongfully accuse); 妄扳平人 (unjustly drag innocent people in); 妄施 (give generously without restraint); 妄折 (bend to pressure indiscriminately); 妄行 (act carelessly); 妄言 (speak recklessly). 妄 [wàng] Adjective 1. Unreal; highly unrealistic. 引 (Cited References) 1. 《广韵》: 妄,虚妄 (means unreal). 2. 《论衡·问孔》: 此言妄也 (this comment is false). 3. 《大戴礼记·文王官人》: 故得妄誉 (thus receives false praise). 4. 汉·王充《论衡·订鬼篇》: 妄见之也 (falsely observed). 例 (Examples) 如: 妄誉 (false praise); 妄诞 (unreal); 妄执 (foolish obsession). 2. Illegal; act recklessly. 引 (Cited References) 1. 《左传·哀公二十五年》: 彼好专利而妄 (he likes to monopolize and act unlawfully). 2. 《梼杌闲评——明珠缘》: 若再妄求,恐非后福 (if you seek recklessly again, beware of misfortune). 例 (Examples) 如: 妄诛 (punishment without reason; indiscriminate killing); 妄杀 (random murder); 妄作 (do something recklessly); 妄进 (improper advancement). 3. Rash; unrestrained. 引 (Cited References) 1. 清·纪昀《阅微草堂笔记》: 性悖妄 (character stubborn and reckless). 例 (Examples) 如: 妄男子 (a rash and ignorant man). 4. Absurd; preposterous. 引 (Cited References) 1. 《韩非子·外储说左上》: 王因囚而问之,果妄,乃杀之 (the king imprisoned him and found him absurd, so he executed him). 2. 清·刘开《问说》: 妄以臆度 (to judge absurdly based on conjecture). 例 (Examples) 如: 妄语 (absurd or illogical statements); 妄异 (absurd and strange); 妄妖 (absurd and evil). 5. Equivalent to “凡”; mediocre. 引 (Cited References) 1. 《史记·齐悼惠王世家》: 人谓魏勃勇,妄庸人耳,何能为乎! (people say Wei Bo is brave, but he is just a mediocre man, what can he achieve!). 例 (Examples) 如: 妄庸 (mediocre); 妄匠 (mediocre craftsman); 妄尉 (mediocre low-ranking officer).
wàng tú
to try in vain / futile attempt
kuáng wàng
egotistical / arrogant / brassy
wàng xiǎng
to attempt vainly / a vain attempt / delusion
wàng wéi
to take rash action
wàng dòng
to rush indiscriminately into action
qīng jǔ wàng dòng
to act blindly without thinking (idiom)
dǎn dà wàng wéi
daring / presumptuous / daredevil
chī xīn wàng xiǎng
to be carried away by one's wishful thinking (idiom) / to labor under a delusion / wishful thinking
wàng yán
lies / wild talk / to tell lies / to talk nonsense / fantasy (literature)
wàng zì zūn dà
ridiculous self-importance (idiom); arrogance
xū wàng
kuáng wàng zì dà
arrogant and conceited
wàng yǔ
to tell lies / to talk nonsense
zhān wàng
wàng zì fěi bó
to be unduly humble (idiom) / to undervalue oneself
wàng chēng
to make a false and unwarranted declaration
wú wàng zhī zāi
an accident / an undeserved catastrophe / unexpected calamities
wàng niàn
wild fantasy / unwarranted thought
sì yì wàng wéi
see 恣意妄為|恣意妄为[zi4 yi4 wang4 wei2]
zì yì wàng wéi
to behave unscrupulously

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Input Method for
Pinyin wang4
Four Corner
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