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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

嫁 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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嫁 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 嫁
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 嫁
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Meaning of

Pinyin jià
marry (a husband)
嫁 [jià] Verb 1. 女子结婚:女孩出嫁。 (English: girl gets married) 2. 〔~接〕把不同品种的两种植物接在一起,让它变种,达到提早结果、增加抗性、提高品种质量等目的。 (English: Grafting; to join two different varieties of plants to achieve crossbreeding for early fruiting, increased resistance, and improved quality.) 3. 把祸害、怨恨推到别人身上。 (English: To shift blame or misfortune to others.) Related Usages: - 出嫁 (English: to get married) - 嫁女 (English: to marry off a daughter) - 再嫁 (English: to remarry) - 嫁妆 (English: dowry) Examples: - 嫁怨 (English: to transfer resentment to others) - 嫁祸于人 (English: to blame others for misfortune) - 嫁罪 (English: to shift responsibility) - 嫁接 (English: to graft) Contextual References: - 《说文》:“嫁,女适人也。” (English: "To marry off a daughter.") - 《易·序卦》:归妹。 虞注: “嫁,归也。” (English: "To marry off is to return.") - 《诗·大雅·大明》:自彼殷商,来嫁于周。 (English: "From the Shang dynasty, to marry into Zhou.") - 《史记·滑稽列传》:共粉饰之,如嫁女床席。 (English: "To embellish, like preparing a wedding bed.") Further Meanings: 4. 往,赴 (English: to go) 5. 卖;售 (English: to sell) 6. 嫁接 (English: to bud).
chū jià
to get married (of woman)
jià zhuang
jià qǔ
hūn sàng jià qǔ
Weddings and funerals
hūn jià
jià rén
to get married (of woman)
péi jià
jià jiē
to graft (a branch to a rootstock)
zài jià
to remarry (of woman)
xià jià
(of a woman) to marry a man of lower social status / to marry down
gǎi jià
to remarry (of a woman)
zhuǎn jià
to remarry (of widow) / to pass on (blame, cost, obligation, unpleasant consequence etc) / to transfer (blame, guilt) / to pass the buck
yuǎn jià
distant marriage
jià huò
to impute / to shift the blame onto someone else
jià jī suí jī
If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken (idiom); A woman should follow whatever her husband orders. / We must learn to accept the people around us.
jià yī
wedding dress / wedding gown / bridal dress / wedding clothes / bottom drawer / bridal clothes
jià gǒu suí gǒu
Marry a dog
nǚ dà dāng jià
A girl of age should be married. / A girl should get married on coming of age. / A girl should get married upon reaching womanhood. / Grown-up daughters have to marry.
xīn jià niáng
jià huò yú rén
to pass the misfortune on to sb else (idiom); to blame others / to pass the buck
jià yī shang
Wedding clothes

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Input Method for
Pinyin jia4
Four Corner
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