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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 价
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Meaning of

Pinyin jià、 jiè、 jie
price / value / valence (on an atom), great / good / middleman / servant
价 价值 Price, value 1. 商品所值的钱数。 The amount of money for which a commodity is valued. 2. 商品之间相互比较和交换的基础。 The basis for comparison and exchange between commodities. 3. 化学名词。 Chemical term. 1. 同本义 ([En.] price) Same as the original meaning ([En.] price). 2. 钱款、费用 ([En.] money;coin) Money, expenses ([En.] money; coin). 3. 声望 ([En.] prestige) Prestige ([En.] prestige). 4. 化合价 ([En.] valence). Valence ([En.] valence). 动 Verb 1. 论价 ([En.] determine) To determine the price ([En.] determine). 另见 jiè;jie See also jiè;jie 另 Other meanings 1. 善。 Good. 2. 仆役的旧称。 An old term for servant. 3. 介绍。 To introduce. 价 [jiè] 形 [Adjective] 1. 善 ([En.] good) Good ([En.] good). 名 [Noun] 1. 称被派遣传送东西或传达事情的人 ([En.] messenger; envoy) A person sent to deliver things or convey messages ([En.] messenger; envoy). 另见 jià;jie See also jià;jie 方 Dialect usage 1. 用在否定副词后面加强语气。 Used after a negative adverb to strengthen the tone. 2. 副词性词尾。 Adverbial suffix. 价 [jie] 助 [Particle] 1. 用在否定副词后面加强语气。 Used after a negative adverb to strengthen the tone. 2. 用于句尾,相当于“的”、“似的” Used at the end of a sentence, equivalent to “of” or “like”. 另见 jià;jiè See also jià;jie
shòu jià
selling price
líng shòu jià
retail price
wù měi jià lián
good quality and cheap / a bargain
jià lián wù měi
inexpensive and of good quality (idiom)
jià lián
favorable price / competitive price / low price
jià zhí guī lǜ
law of value
xuē jià
to cut down the price
yǒu jià zhèng quàn
securities / collateral (for loan)
tái jià
force up commodity price / raise the commodity prices / at high prices at exorbitant pricesl price hikes
shēn jià bǎi bèi
have a sudden rise in social status / receive a tremendous boost in one's prestige
jià zhí liàng
magnitude of value / labor value (in economics, the labor inherent in a commodity)
jiāo huàn jià zhí
exchange value
huì jià
exchange rate
dài jià ér gū
to sell only for a good price (idiom) / to wait for a good offer
zhǎng jià
to appreciate (in value) / to increase in price
yì jià
premium / appreciation / at a premium
gū jià
to value / to appraise / to be valued at / estimate / valuation
píng gū jià
valuation / appraisal
kǎn jià
to bargain / to haggle with a peddler
jià gé
price / CL:個|个[ge4]
shèng yú jià zhí
surplus value
píng jià
to evaluate / to assess
dài jià
price / cost / consideration (in share dealing)
wù jià
(commodity) prices / CL:個|个[ge4]
jiàng jià
to cut the price / to drive down the price / to get cheaper
fáng jià
house price / cost of housing
gǔ jià
stock price / share price
dìng jià
to set a price / to fix a price
piào jià
ticket price / fare / admission fee
jià zhí guān
system of values
jià qian
zào jià
construction cost
lián jià
cheaply-priced / low-cost
shèng yú jià zhí lǜ
rate of surplus value
dī jià
low price
bào jià
to quote a price / quoted price / quote
yóu jià
oil (petroleum) price
shēn jià
social status / price of a slave / price of a person (a sportsman etc) / worth / value (of stocks, valuables etc)
jià mǎ
price tag
kǎn jià
to bargain / to cut or beat down a price
jìng jià
price competition / bid (in an auction) / to compete on price / to bid against sb
liáng jià
food price / grain price
jià zhí
value / worth / fig. values (ethical, cultural etc) / CL:個|个[ge4]
tǎo jià huán jià
to haggle over price
xún jià
quotation request / price inquiry / price check
diē jià
to fall in price
jià zhí liàn
value chain
gòng jià jiàn
covalent bond (chemistry)

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Pinyin jia4
Four Corner
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