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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

房 stroke order animation

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房 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 房
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 房
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Meaning of

Pinyin fáng
房 [fáng] 1. A building for people to live in or store things. 住人或放东西的建筑物。 2. A structure functioning similarly to a house. 结构和作用类似房子的东西。 3. A measure word. 量词。 4. A branch of a family. 家族的一支。 5. A star name, one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions. 星名,二十八宿之一。 6. A surname. 姓。 7. Ancient side rooms beside the main house. 古代堂中间叫正室,两旁的叫房 ([En.] side room). 8. A general term for buildings. 泛指房屋 ([En.] building;house). 9. A room. 房间 ([En.] room). 10. A government office or administrative place. 官署及办公处所 ([En.] government organ). 11. A temple or a shrine. 祠堂;庙宇 ([En.] temple). 12. House-like structures. 结构和作用像房子的东西 ([En.] house-like structure). 13. A unit of a family branch. 房族及其宗支的单位 ([En.] branch of a family). 14. Near relatives or family members. 房族,近支宗亲。 15. A subunit of a clan. 宗族分支单位。 16. A wife. 妻室 ([En.] wife). 17. A professional title or office. 从事某种职业的人 ([En.] name of office or service). 18. A shop or store. 铺子或商店 ([En.] shop). 19. An arrow bag or quiver. 箭袋,箭筒 ([En.] arrow bag). 20. A sacrificial vessel. 俎,祭器 ([En.] sacrificial vessel). 21. A kind of star. The fourth star in the seven stars of the Azure Dragon among the twenty-eight lunar mansions, consisting of four stars. 星名。二十八宿之一,东方苍龙七宿的第四宿,有星四颗 ([En.] a kind of star). 22. A surname. 姓. 量 (Measure) 1. Used for fruits of plants and other similar objects, equivalent to "string" or "individual." 用于植物的果实等物,相当于“串”、“个” ([En.] string). 2. Used for wives and concubines, equivalent to "one." 用于妻妾,相当于“个” ([En.] one).
chú fáng mén
backstairs / backstair
Fáng xiàn
Fang county in Shiyan 十堰[Shi2 yan4], Hubei
tǔ pī fáng
fáng jī
foundations (of a building)
tào fáng
suite / apartment / flat
fáng zi
house / building (single- or two-story) / apartment / room / CL:棟|栋[dong4],幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4],套[tao4],間|间[jian1]
wò fáng
bedroom / a sleeping compartment (on a train)
chǎng fáng
a building used as a factory / factory (building) / CL:座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]
kè fáng
guest room
fáng wū
house / building / CL:所[suo3],套[tao4]
zhàng fáng
counting house / counting room / countinghouse
kù fáng
storeroom / warehouse
lián zū fáng
low-rent housing
láng fáng
yuǎn fáng qīn qī
remote kinsfolk / distant relative
fáng jiān
room / CL:間|间[jian1],個|个[ge4]
fáng dì chǎn
real estate
fáng lǐ
In the room
fáng zhōng
In the room
fáng mén
door of a room
bìng fáng
ward (of a hospital) / sickroom / CL:間|间[jian1]
lóu fáng
a building of two or more stories / CL:棟|栋[dong4],幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4]
fáng chǎn
real estate / the property market (e.g. houses)
láo fáng
jail cell / prison cell
xiāng fáng
wing (of a traditional house) / side room
chú fáng
kitchen / CL:間|间[jian1]
chái fáng
zhàn fáng
warehouse / storehouse / inn
fáng liáng
jiàn shēn fáng
gym / gymnasium
fáng yán
zhān fáng
bèng fáng
pump house
zào fáng
guō lú fáng
boiler room
dòng fáng huā zhú
bridal room and ornamented candles / wedding festivities (idiom)
zhù fáng
fáng jià
house price / cost of housing
huǒ fáng
kitchen (in a school, factory, etc.)
gài fáng
Build a house
chán fáng
a room in a Buddhist monastery / a temple
cāng fáng
warehouse / storehouse
shū fáng
study (room) / studio / CL:間|间[jian1]
mǎi fáng
to buy a house
fáng zū
rent for a room or house
zū fáng
to rent an apartment
xiù fáng
a young girl's bedroom
rǔ fáng
breast / udder
fáng shè
house / building
máo fáng
toilet (rural euphemism) / thatched hut or house
zhàng fáng
an accounts office (in former times) / an accountant / a cashier
gòu fáng
fáng dài
home loan
guī fáng
lady's chamber / boudoir / harem
fáng dǐng
housetop / roof

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Input Method for
Pinyin fang2
Four Corner
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