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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

扁 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

扁 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 扁
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 扁
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Meaning of

Pinyin biǎn、 piān
flat / tablet / inscription, (surname) / small boat, Polygonum aviculare
扁 [biǎn] 1. 物体平而薄。 [En.] An object that is flat and thin. 例如: 扁豆。扁担。扁圆。扁铲。 [En.] For example: flat beans, a flat carrying pole, flat round, flat shovel. 2. 古同“匾”,匾额。 [En.] An ancient form of “匾”, meaning a plaque or signboard. 动 [verb] 本义: 在门户上题字 [Original meaning: Inscribe on the door] 造字法: 会意。从户,从册。 [Word formation: Determinative compound; composed of the characters for 'door' and 'book'.] 1. 同本义 [En.] Same as the original meaning (inscribe on the door). 2. 〈方〉∶把东西掖在腰间 [En.] Hide in waist. 3. 犹撇嘴。人生气时嘴巴的表情 [En.] Curl one's lips (expression when angry). 4. 看走了样(含轻视鄙夷的意思) [En.] Underestimate (with a connotation of disdain). 名 [noun] 1. 匾额,题字的长方形牌子。后作“匾” [En.] A plaque, a rectangular tablet for inscriptions. 2. 如: 扁榜(扁牓。匾额); 扁对(匾额上的对联) [En.] For example: 扁榜 (flat plaque); 扁对 (couplet on a plaque). 形 [adjective] 1. 指物体宽而薄 [En.] Referring to an object that is wide and thin. 2. 另见 piān [En.] See also piān. 形 [adjective] 1. 小 [En.] Small. 2. 通“偏”。僻远; 偏瘫 [En.] Commonly means "偏" (out-of-the-way); can also indicate paralysis. 3. 另见 biǎn [En.] See also biǎn. 小 1. 小。 [En.] Small. 2. 例如: 小舟。 [En.] For example: a small boat. 3. 乃乘扁舟。——《汉书·货殖传》 [It was said:] "I took a small boat." (from Han Shu: "Book of the Economics") 4. 又如: 扁扁(狭小。指见识,气度); 扁乘(小车) [En.] For example: 扁扁 (narrow; referring to insight or demeanor); 扁乘 (small carriage). 5. 通“偏”。僻远; 偏瘫 。 [En.] Commonly refers to "偏" (out-of-the-way; paralysis). 如: 扁枯(偏枯,偏瘫) [En.] For example: 扁枯 (indicating withered or paralysis). 另见 biǎn [En.] See also biǎn.
biǎn yuán xíng
biǎn píng
flat / planar
biǎn chǎn
flat spade
biǎn dan
carrying pole / shoulder pole / CL:根[gen1]
biǎn táo tǐ
biǎn táo tǐ yán
piān zhōu
small boat / skiff
biǎn dòu
hyacinth bean / haricot
biǎn táo
almond tree / almond / flat peach
piān xíng dòng wù
flatworm / phylum of Platyhelminthes
biǎn yuán
biǎn biǎn de
flat / oblate
biǎn píng zú
biǎn lǜ
oblateness / flattening / compression
biǎn píng yóu
plane warts / flat wart / verruca plana
biǎn táo xiàn
biǎn gǔ
flat bone

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Input Method for
Pinyin bian3
Four Corner
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