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平 stroke order animation

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平 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 平
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 平
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Meaning of

Pinyin píng
flat / level / equal / to make the same score / to tie / to draw / calm / peaceful
平 [píng] 形 1. 不倾斜,无凹凸,像静止的水面一样:平地。平面。平原。 (Flat; level, like a calm water surface.) 2. 均等:平分。平行。抱打不平。公平合理。 (Even; equal.) 3. 与别的东西高度相同,不相上下:平列。平局。平辈。 (Equal in height or level; on par.) 4. 安定、安静:平安。平服。 (Stable; peaceful.) 5. 治理,镇压:平定。 (Govern or suppress.) 6. 抑止(怒气):他把气平了下来。 (Suppress (anger).) 7. 和好:“宋人及楚人平。” (To reconcile.) 8. 一般的,普通的:平民。平庸。平价。平凡。 (Ordinary; common.) 9. 往常,一向:平生(a. 从来;b. 终身)。平素。 (Usually; always.) 10. 汉语四声之一:平声。平仄。 (One of the four tones in Mandarin: level tone.) 11. 姓。 (A surname.) 12. 〔平假(jiǎ)名〕日本文所用的草书字母。 (A form of cursive script used in Japanese writing.) 13. 古同“评”,评议。 (Old term for "to assess" or "appraise".) 动 1. 平地,平整土地:平整。 (To level ground.) 2. 平定;平息:平息。 (To calm down.) 3. 通“评”,评论:评论。 (To evaluate through discussion.) 4. 宽恕:宽恕。 (To forgive.) 5. 平复,康复:康复。 (To recover; to heal.) 6. 媾和;和好:和好。 (To make peace.) 7. (比赛) 互无胜负:平局。 (To draw a match.) 名 1. 平野;平处;亦指平面:平原。 (Level ground; plain.) 2. 汉语声调之一:平声。 (One of the four tones: level tone.) 3. 标准:标准。 (Standard.) 副 1. 无缘无故地:无故。 (Without cause or reason.) 2. 全部地:完全。 (Completely.) 动 1. 辨别。参见「平章百姓」条。 (To distinguish.)
píng hé
gentle / mild / moderate / placid
xián píng
píng tái
platform / terrace / flat-roofed building
píng yuán
field / plain / CL:個|个[ge4]
jiāng hàn píng yuán
jianghan plain
píng pū zhí xù
tell in a simple, straightforward way / narrate factually and unimaginatively / plain and ungarnished / speak or write in a dull, flat style
píng pàn
to put down a revolt / to pacify a rebellion
píng jūn
average / on average / evenly / in equal proportions
píng chuǎn
relieving asthma / preventing asthma
píng chuǎn yào
píng jūn zhí
average value
píng jūn lì rùn
equalization of profit / average profit
píng jūn zhǔ yì
píng jūn huà
píng jūn shù
mean (statistics)
kǎn kě bù píng
potholed and bumpy road (idiom); fig. full of disappointment and dashed hopes
píng qǐ píng zuò
to be on an equal footing
Píng bà
Pingba county in Anshun 安順|安顺[An1 shun4], Guizhou
píng tǎn
level / even / smooth / flat
tián píng
fill and level up / fill up and make even / spackling
Píng rǎng
Pyongyang, capital of North Korea
píng rǎng chéng
Pyongyang City
Tài píng Yáng
Pacific Ocean
tài píng
peace and security
Tài píng Tiān guó
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851-1864)
yí wéi píng dì
to level / to raze to the ground
yí píng
to level / to raze to the ground
píng mín bǎi xìng
civilian / plain folk / plain citizen
sōng nèn píng yuán
Songnen plain
píng fāng lí mǐ
square centimetre / square centimeter
Běi píng
Peiping or Beiping (name of Beijing at different periods, esp. 1928-1949)
píng ān
safe and sound / well / without mishap / quiet and safe / at peace
wǎn píng xiàn
Wanping County
wǎn píng chéng
Wanping City
shuǐ píng
level (of achievement etc) / standard / horizontal
rú lǚ píng dì
as easily as walking on firm earth.
qí qū bù píng
bumpy / rugged and rough / rugged and uneven
píng cháng
ordinary / common / usually / ordinarily
píng děng
equal / equality
píng mín
ordinary people / commoner / civilian
píng héng
balance / equilibrium
píng shí
ordinarily / in normal times / in peacetime
píng fāng mǐ
square meter
píng miàn
plane (flat surface) / print media
píng rì
ordinary day / everyday / ordinarily / usually
gōng píng
fair / impartial
píng jìng
tranquil / undisturbed / serene
píng dǐ
flat bottomed / low heeled
píng yōng
mediocre / indifferent / commonplace
xuē píng
scapple / bevelment
āo tū bù píng
uneven (surface) / bumpy (road)
tū āo bù píng
rough and uneven in surface
忿忿 fèn fèn bù píng
variant of 憤憤不平|愤愤不平[fen4 fen4 bu4 ping2]
biǎn píng
flat / planar
píng ān wú yàng
safe and sound
píng xī
to settle (a dispute) / to quieten down / to suppress
fèn fèn bù píng
to feel indignant / to feel aggrieved
biǎn píng zú
biǎn píng yóu
plane warts / flat wart / verruca plana
chě píng
to make even / to balance / (fig.) to be even / to call it quits
bān píng
to equalize / to level the score / to pull back the advantage
píng yì
to stabilize / to keep (prices, vermin etc) under control
fǔ píng
to flatten / to smooth down / to unwrinkle / (fig.) to soothe (emotional wounds) / to heal (scars)
dǎ bào bù píng
to come to the aid of sb suffering an injustice / to fight for justice / also written 抱打不平[bao4 da3 bu4 ping2]
chōng jī píng yuán
alluvial plain
Píng liáng
Pingliang prefecture level city in Gansu
píng fán
commonplace / ordinary / mediocre
píng fāng qiān mǐ
square kilometer
píng fāng gōng lǐ
square kilometer
jì zhōng píng yuán
Jizhong Plain
bǎi píng
to be fair / to be impartial / to settle (a matter etc)
píng tān
to spread out / (fig.) to share equally
píng zhěng
smooth / level / to level off / to flatten (remove bumps)
píng kuàng
Ping Kuang
sù mèi píng shēng
to have never met sb before (idiom); entirely unacquainted / a complete stranger / not to know sb from Adam
píng fǎn zhāo xuě
redress fabricated cases and rehabilitate those who have been wronged / rehabilitate those who had been wrongfully accused
píng bǎn
slab / plate / dull / monotonous / tablet (computer)
Yǒng píng
Yongping county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Da4 li3 Bai2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Yunnan
píng zhǎo
fēng píng làng jìng
lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment / all is quiet / a dead calm (at sea)
píng dàn
flat / dull / ordinary / nothing special
huáng huái hǎi píng yuán
the Huanghuaihai Plain
huáng huái píng yuán
Huanghuai Plain
wèi hé píng yuán
Weihe Plain
píng huá jī
smooth muscle (anatomy) / non-striated muscle
píng huá
flat and smooth
Luán píng xiàn
Luanping county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei
Luán píng
Luanping county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei
Zhāng píng
Zhangping county level city in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian
Zhāng píng shì
Zhangping county in Longyan 龍岩|龙岩, Fujian
Píng tán
Pingtan county in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian
píng tán dǎo
pingtan island
Píng tán xiàn
Pingtan county in Fuzhou 福州[Fu2 zhou1], Fujian
píng lú
open hearth / open-hearth furnace / Martin furnace
píng gān xī fēng
calming liver wind
yùn píng
píng děng hù lì
mutual benefit / to share profits equitably
píng wěn
smooth / steady
píng mǐ
square meter / short for 平方米
píng sù
usually / habitually / ordinarily / normally

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