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年 stroke order animation

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 年
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 年
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Meaning of

Pinyin nián
年 (nián) 1. The time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun. 地球绕太阳一周的时间。 2. Annual. 每年的。 3. The beginning of a year. 一年的开始。 4. Related to annual festivals (supplies). 有关年节的(用品)。 5. Period, era. 时期,时代。 6. Harvest. 收成。 7. Age. 岁数。 8. Stages of a person's life classified by age. 人一生所经年岁的分期。 9. Mutual reference of those who passed the imperial examination in the same year during the imperial examination period. 科举时代同年考中者的互称。 10. Surname. 姓。 --- 1. The time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun: One year. Three to five years. 地球绕太阳一周的时间:一~。三~五载。 2. Annual: Annual meeting. Annual review. Annual profit. Annual salary. 每年的:~会。~鉴。~利。~薪。 3. The beginning of a year: New Year Festival. New Year. 一年的开始:~节。新~。 4. Related to annual festivals (supplies): Festival paintings. Festival gifts. New Year's goods. 有关年节的(用品):~画。~礼。~货。 5. Period, era: Recent years. Modern era. Dynastic title (a. Title of a monarch used for years; b. Name for the year in the Gregorian Calendar). Year limit. Long years. 时期,时代:近~。~华。~号(a.帝王用的纪年名称;b.公元纪年名称)。~限。~深日久。 6. Harvest: Harvest quality. Good harvest. Cautious harvest. Famine year. 收成:~成。~景。~谨。荒~。 7. Age: Milestone year. Age-related matters. Aging. Yearly cycle. 岁数:~纪。~事(岁数)。~高。~轮。 8. Stages of a person's life classified by age: Childhood. Teen years. Young adulthood. Middle age. Old age. 人一生所经年岁的分期:幼~。童~。青~。壮~。中~。老~。 9. Mutual reference of those who passed the imperial examination in the same year: Classmates of the same year. Relationships of those who passed in the same year. 科举时代同年考中者的互称:~兄。~谊(同年登科的关系)。 10. Surname. 姓。 --- 年 (nián) 本义: 年成,五谷成熟. Basic meaning: The year's harvest, when grains mature. 造字法: 形声。甲骨文字形,上面是“禾”,下面是“人”,禾谷成熟,人在负禾。小篆字形,从禾,千声。 Character formation method: Phono-semantic compound. The oracle bone script shows "禾" (grain) on top and "人" (person) at the bottom, indicating that the grains mature and people carry them. The small seal script is derived from "禾" with phonetic component "千". 1. Same as the basic meaning (ripe). 同本义 ([En.] ripe). 2. Refers to the harvest of the year. 又指一年的收成。 3. A unit of time. The period it takes for the Earth to orbit the Sun (approximately 365 and 1/4 solar days). 时间单位。地球环绕太阳公转一次所需的约365又1/4太阳日的周期 ([En.] year). 4. New Year festival. 年节 ([En.] days around lunar New Year; New Year). 5. Age. 年纪,岁数 ([En.] age; year). 6. Lifespan; the total age of a person. 寿命;一生的岁数 ([En.] lifetime). 7. A period in one’s life classified according to age. 一生中按年龄划分的阶段 ([En.] a period in one’s life classified according to age). 8. Decade. 年代 ([En.] time). 9. Date, referring to a specific time. 日期,指某一确定时间 ([En.] date). 10. Time in general; years and eras. 岁月,泛指时间 ([En.] years; times). 11. Items used for annual festivals. 用以指有关年节用的([En.] 物品) ([En.] for the Spring Festival). 12. A borrowed meaning for "flattery". 假借为“佞”。奸巧谄庾,花言巧语的人 ([En.] one who flatters). 13. Surname. 姓。 *Note: Some references and examples were omitted for brevity.*
lǎo nián chī dāi zhèng
senile dementia / Alzheimer's disease
zhōu nián
anniversary / annual
tóng nián
the same year
qù nián
last year
rén zi nián
Ren Zi Year
sì nián
quadrennium / four years
nián jūn
annual average (rate)
nián qīng lì zhuàng
young and vigorous (idiom)
zhuàng nián
lit. robust years / prime of life / summer / able-bodied (fit for military service) / mature (talent, garden etc)
duō nián
many years
lì nián
over the years / bygone years
shí nián
decade / ten years
qiān nián
jǐ qiān nián
thousands of years
bàn nián
half a year
xià bàn nián
second half of the year
shàng bàn nián
first half (of a year)
yī nián sì jì
all year round
wù yín nián
Wuyin Year
shí nián hán chuāng
persevere ten years in one's studies in spite of hardships / ten year's study at a cold window -- a student's long years of hard study
寿 yán nián yì shòu
to make life longer / to promise longevity / (this product will) extend your life
shào nián
early youth / youngster / (literary) youth / young man
shào nián ér tóng
nián suì
years of age / age
zhāng dài nián
Zhang Dainian
nián shì yǐ gāo
old in years
cháng nián
all year round / for years on end / average year
yī nián
měi nián
every year / each year / yearly
qīng nián
youth / youthful years / young person / the young
dāng nián
in those days / then / in those years / during that time
nián qīng
nián jiān
in the years of / during those years / period (of dynasty or decade)
nián dǐ
the end of the year / year-end
jìn nián lái
for the past few years
nián líng
(a person's) age / CL:把[ba3],個|个[ge4]
yòu nián
childhood / infancy
nián yòu
young / underage
gēng zi nián
Gengzi Year
nián dù
year (e.g. school year, fiscal year) / annual
wǎng nián
in former years / in previous years
hěn duō nián
many years / donkey's years / over the years
shí nián hào jié
Ten years catastrophe
nián chū
beginning of the year
chū nián
early years
bù huò zhī nián
the age of 40s
wù xū nián
New Year's Eve
bài nián
to pay a New Year call / to wish sb a Happy New Year
jǐ nián
a few years / several years / how many years
jǐ shí nián
several decades / several tens of years
jǐ bǎi nián
several hundred years / a few hundred years / several centuries / hundreds of years
quán nián
the whole year / all year long
shí bā nián
Eighteen years
shí liù nián
Sixteen years
èr shí liù nián
Twenty six years
zǎo nián
early years / adolescence
xī nián
former years / previous years
wǎn nián
one's later years
mù nián
one's declining years / old age
chuí mù zhī nián
old age
gēng nián qī
menopause / andropause
wèi chéng nián rén
minor (i.e. person under 18)
mò nián
the final years (of a regime)
nián mò
end of the year
mǒu nián
a particular year / a certain year
yuán nián
first year of an emperor's reign
cì nián
the following year / the next year
nián mǎn
fēng zhú cán nián
one's late days / to have one foot in the grave
yú nián
one's remaining years
shí yú nián
more than ten years / more than a decade
nián dài
a decade of a century (e.g. the Sixties) / age / era / period / CL:個|个[ge4]
nián fen
particular year / certain year / given year
bā nián
Eight years
liù nián
Six years
nián huà
New Year pictures
bǎi nián
hundred years / century / lifetime
qiān bǎi nián
Thousands of Years(原创小说名)
shù bǎi nián
several hundred years / hundreds of years / centuries(century的复数)
xiǎng nián
to live to the (ripe) age of
ān xiǎng wǎn nián
enjoy one's old age in peace / live happily during old age
亿 yì nián
Billion years
jīn nián
this year
shí jiǔ nián
Nineteen years
yī jiǔ liù èr nián
èr nián
Two years
èr shí nián
twenty years
shí èr nián
Twelve years
dì èr nián
the next year / the following year / the ensuing year
shí wǔ nián
fifteen years
jìn xiē nián
recent years
qián xiē nián
previous years
tóng nián
Zhú shū Jì nián
Bamboo Annals, early chronicle of Chinese ancient history, written c. 300 BC
nián gāo
nian gao, New Year cake, typically a sweet, steamed cake made with glutinous rice flour
yì nián
the following year / the next year
cháng nián lěi yuè
year in, year out (idiom) / (over) many years
nián jì
age / CL:把[ba3],個|个[ge4]
jì nián
to number the years / calendar era / annals / chronicle
zhōng nián
entire year / throughout the year / age at death

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