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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

未 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

未 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 未
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 未
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Meaning of

Pinyin wèi
1-3 p.m. / 8th earthly branch / not yet / did not / have not / not
未 [wèi] 1. 不,不曾,没有: did(have) not; not yet; never 例如: 未必 (not necessarily), 未曾 (not yet), 未尝 (never), 未竟 (not yet completed), 未及 (a. not reached; b. not yet gotten to). 2. 地支的第八位,属羊: number 8 in duodecimal cycle. 3. 用于记时: (未时)1 PM to 3 PM. 4. 放在句末,表示疑问: Example: "君除吏尽未?吾亦欲除吏." (Is it true that you have removed all officials? I too wish to remove the officials.) --- 名词: 1. 滋味。后作“味”: taste. 2. 地支的第八: number 8 in duodecimal cycle. 3. 与天干相配,用以纪年: For example, 1967 is the year of 丁未 in the lunar calendar. 4. 用以纪月,即农历六月: Used for the sixth month in the lunar calendar. 5. 用以纪时,叫“未刻”: Referring to the time period from 1 PM to 3 PM. 6. 五行属土: Earth. 7. 十二生肖属羊: Sheep. 8. 将来: Future. --- 副词: 1. 相当于“没有”、“不曾”、“尚未”: did(have) not; not yet; never. 引文: 1. 《小尔雅·广诂》:未,无也。 2. 《论语·子罕》:未由也已。 3. 《论语·宪问》:未之难矣。 4. 《公羊传·隐公六年》:吾与郑人未有成也。 5. 《吕氏春秋·开春》:吾未有言之。 6. 晋·陶渊明《桃花源记》:未果。 7. 唐·杜甫《石壕吏》:有孙母未去。 8. 明·袁宏道《满井游记》:未百步则返。 9. 将舒未舒。 例子: 未际 (未发迹); 未的 (未必, 不一定); 未从 (未曾, 尚未); 未傅 (未成年的人); 未遑 (来不及, 没有闲暇); 未遇 (未得到赏识和重用); 未宾 (没有归顺); 未集 (未能完成); 未臻 (未到圆满的地步); 未极 (无穷远处, 未到尽头, 没有停止); 未意之志 (没有完成的志向); 未第 (科举考试中未中); 未萌 (事情发生之前). 不: 不 (not): 例如: 未消 (不必, 不要), 未一 (不再一一去详细叙述), 未敢苟同, 未知可否, 未审 (不知), 未的 (不确实, 不确切), 未足 (不足, 不能), 未如 (不如), 未妨 (不妨), 未若 (不如). 否: 用在句末,表示疑问: 例如: 来日绮窗前,寒梅著花未?
wèi jí
to not have had time / to have not yet / not to touch upon
wèi hūn qī
wèi hūn
wèi bǔ
not foreseen / unpredictable / not on the cards
wèi bǔ xiān zhī
predictable / sth one can predict without being a clairvoyant
shàng wèi
not yet / still not
wèi cháng
not ever / not necessarily
bìng wèi
not yet / have not been
chè yè wèi mián
have not slept all night
wèi bì
not necessarily / maybe not
xuán ér wèi jué
pending a decision / hanging in the balance
wèi yù
not healed
wèi miǎn
unavoidably / can't help / really / rather
wèi lái
future / tomorrow / CL:個|个[ge4] / approaching / coming / pending
wèi céng
hasn't (or haven't) / hasn't ever
qián suǒ wèi yǒu
wèi néng
cannot / to fail to / unable to
wèi jīng
not having undergone / without (having gone though a certain process)
wèi yǒu
is not / has never been / never occurring / unprecedented
wèi zhī
cóng wèi yǒu guò
have no precedent
wèi dìng
undecided / indeterminate / still in doubt
wèi mián
wèi chéng nián rén
minor (i.e. person under 18)
tóng xīn wèi mǐn
One's childish disposition remains. / still preserve traces of childishness / still retain childlike innocence
yì yóu wèi jìn
to wish to continue sth / to have not fully expressed oneself
wèi míng hú pàn
Weiming Lakeside
guǐ wèi
twentieth year J8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 2003 or 2063
cóng wèi
wèi liǎo
unfinished / outstanding (business) / unfulfilled
gèn gǔ wèi yǒu
unprecedented / never seen since ancient times
zhì qì wèi tuō
still possessing the innocence of childhood (idiom)
wèi jìng
unfinished / incomplete
wèi yǔ chóu móu
lit. before it rains, bind around with silk (idiom, from Book of Songs 詩經|诗经); fig. to plan ahead / to prepare for a rainy day
rǔ xiù wèi gān
smell of mother's milk not yet dried (idiom); immature and inexperienced / still wet behind the ears
fāng xīng wèi ài
flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding / still growing strong / on the up
wèi xiáng
unknown / unclear
wèi suì
unsuccessful (attempt) / attempted (murder, suicide)
wèi suì fàn
wèi zāo
Not suffered
zhuàng zhì wèi chóu
have one's wish frustrated / die before the fulfillment of one's ambition / with one's lofty aspirations unrealized
wén suǒ wèi wén
unheard of / an extremely rare and unprecedented event
jīng hún wèi dìng
be still suffering from the shock / have hardly recovered from a recent shock / not yet recovered from a fright / still badly shaken

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