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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

亹 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

亹 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 亹
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 亹
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Meaning of

Pinyin wěi、 mén
resolute / mountain pass / defile (archaic)
亹 [wěi] 1. 〔亹亹〕➊勤勉不倦貌。 (Diligent and tireless appearance.) 2. 〔亹亹〕➊勤勉不倦貌。《詩•大雅•文王》;“亹亹文王,令聞不已。” (Diligent and tireless appearance. From "Book of Songs, Great Elegance, King Wen": "Diligent King Wen, his reputation does not cease.") 3. ➋行进貌。《廣雅•釋訓》:“亹亹,進也。” (Appearance of progress. From "Guangya, Explanation of Terms": "亹亹 means to advance.") 4. ➌委婉动听。南朝梁鍾嶸《詩品》上:“詞彩葱蒨,音韻鏗鏘,使人味之,亹亹不倦。” (Eloquent and melodious. From the work of Zhong Rong of the Southern Dynasty: "The words are lush, the sound is resonant, making one appreciate it, diligent and tireless.") 5. ➍微微。《玉篇•且部》:“亹亹,猶微微也。” (Slightly. From "Yupian, Section of 'Qie'": "亹亹 also means slightly.") 亹 [wěi] 1. 进入 (Enter). 【例】如:亹亹(行进貌) (For example: 亹亹 (appearance of progress).) 2. 修养 (Self-cultivate). 【引】 1. 清· 魏源《默觚上》:夫是以内亹其性情而外纲其皇极,[其]緼之也有原,其出之也有伦,其究极之也动天地而感鬼神。 (From the Qing Dynasty work by Wei Yuan: "That is why one cultivates one's nature internally and governs externally, with principles for the origins and relationships in one's actions that move heaven and earth and resonate with spirits.") 3. 另见 ﹝py#:mén (See also: mén) 亹 [mén] 1. 水流夹山处 (Gate). 2. 另见 wěi. 亹 [mén] 1. 勤勉不倦 (Diligent). 2. 美 (Beautiful). 亹 [mén] 1. 水流夹山处 (Gate). 【引】 1. 《晋书·音义上》:亹者,水流夹山,岸若门。 (From "Book of Jin, On Sounds and Meanings": "亹 means water flows between mountains, the banks like a gate.") 2. 《后汉书·马援传》:拒浩亹隘。 (From "Book of Han, Biography of Ma Yuan": "Blocking the vast and narrow stream.") 2. 另见 wěi. 亹 [mén] 1. 勤勉不倦 (Diligent). 【引】 1. 《尔雅·释诂》:亹亹,勉也。 (From "Erya, Explanation of Terms": "亹亹 means hardworking.") 2. 《易·系辞上》:成天下之亹亹者。 (From "I Ching, Attached Statements": "Those who accomplish diligence throughout the world.") 3. 《诗·大雅·文王》:亹亹文王。 (From "Book of Songs, Great Elegance, King Wen": "Diligent King Wen.") 4. 《汉书·张敞传》:亹亹不舍昼夜。 (From "Book of Han, Biography of Zhang Chang": "Diligent without resting day and night.") 2. 美 (Beautiful). 【例】 如:亹焕(光彩美丽);亹亹(美妙;美好) (For example: 亹焕 (radiantly beautiful); 亹亹 (wonderful; good).)

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Pinyin wei3
Four Corner
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