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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

尉 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

尉 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 尉
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 尉
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Meaning of

Pinyin wèi、 yù、 yùn
(surname) / milit. official / to quiet
尉 [wèi] 名 1. 古代官名,一般是武官。 (Ancient official title, generally a military officer.) 2. 军衔的一级,在校以下。 (A military rank above warrant officer and below major.) 3. 〔~氏〕地名,在中国河南省。 (A place name, located in Henan Province, China.) 4. 姓。 (A surname.) 引 1. 《说文》:尉,从上按下也。…持火以尉申缯也。 (From "Shuowen": "尉" means pressing down from above... using fire to iron silk.) 2. 《通俗文》:火斗曰熨。 (In popular texts: a flatiron is called 熨.) 例 又如:尉斗(藉热力烫平衣服的火斗) (For example: 尉斗 - a flatiron that uses heat to smooth clothing.) 名 1. 同本义 ([En.] flatiron) 2. 中国古代官名 ([En.] junior officer)。掌管军事。春秋时晋国上中下三军均设尉 (Ancient Chinese official title; in charge of military. In the Spring and Autumn period, there were 尉 in the upper, middle, and lower armies of the Jin state.) 引 1. 《淮南子·时则》:八月官尉。 2. 《左传·襄公二十一年》:将归死于尉氏。 3. 《史记·陈涉世家》:忿恚尉。 4. 尉笞广。 5. 尉挺剑。 6. 夺而杀尉。 例 又如:尉侯(古代守边的都尉与伺敌的斥侯);尉律(汉律令为廷尉所掌管,故称“尉律”);尉廨(县尉的官署);尉史(汉代郡尉之属官) (For example: 尉侯 - an ancient military officer guarding the borders; 尉律 - legal codes managed by the court official 尉; 尉廨 - office of the county officer; 尉史 - subordinate official of the county officer in the Han dynasty.) 3. 军衔名 ([En.] a military rank (above the rank of warrant officer and below that of major)) 4. 官名。县官的副职 ([En.] vice-county magistrate) 引 1. 宋· 苏轼《石钟山记》:赴饶之 德兴尉。 2. 清· 周容《芋老人传》:丞尉闻之。 3. 清· 邵长蘅《青门剩稿》:陈明选代为尉。 4. 新尉陈明选。 尉 [wèi] 动 1. “慰”的本字。安慰 ([En.] comfort) 引 1. 《后汉书·王丹传》:所过并使劳尉。 2. 《汉书·胡建传》:所以尉荐走卒。 例 又如:尉安(安抚);尉承(安尉侍奉);尉悦(欣慰);慰纳(安抚结纳);尉劳(慰劳);尉解(安慰宽解);尉荐(慰藉);尉藉(慰劳,抚慰) (For example: 尉安 - to comfort; 尉承 - to serve in comfort; 尉悦 - to be glad; 慰纳 - to pacify; 尉劳 - to console; 尉解 - to comfort and ease; 尉荐 - to give solace; 尉藉 - to comfort and console.) 2. 另见 yù 尉 [yù] 名 1. 姓。 (A surname.) 2. 另见 wèi 引 1. 《广韵》:尉,姓。古有尉缭子著书。 (From "Guangyun": 尉 is a surname. In ancient times, there was a person named 尉缭 who wrote books.) 2. 另见 wèi
mō jīn xiào wèi
Lieutenant Touch
zhōng wèi
lieutenant (navy) / first lieutenant (army) / subaltern
shàng wèi
captain (military rank)
xiào wèi
military officer
shào wèi
second lieutenant (army rank)
tíng wèi
Commandant of Justice in imperial China, one of the Nine Ministers 九卿[jiu3 qing1]
xiàn wèi
an official just below the head of the county
dà wèi
captain (army rank) / senior captain
zhǔn wèi
warrant officer
Yù lí xiàn
Lopnur nahiyisi or Yuli county in Bayingolin Mongol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang 巴音郭楞蒙古自治州[Ba1 yin1 guo1 leng2 Meng3 gu3 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Xinjiang

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Pinyin wei4
Four Corner
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