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寺 stroke order animation

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Meaning of

Buddhist temple
寺 [sì] 名 【本义】: 古代官署的名称。秦以官员任职之所,通称为寺。如: 大理寺 (职掌审核刑狱案件) [En.] The original meaning refers to the name of an ancient official office. During the Qin Dynasty, it was commonly referred to as "si," a place where officials held their posts, e.g., the Supreme Court. 【造字法】: 形声。小篆字形,从寸,之声。寸,与法度有关。 [En.] The character's creation method is pictophonetic. The small seal script shape consists of a radical that means “inch” and a phonetic component. “Inch” relates to laws and regulations. 【义项】: 1. 同本义 ([En.] government house) 2. 佛教的庙宇 ([En.] temple) 3. 某些宗教供礼拜、讲经的处所 ([En.] monastery) 4. 奄人,内监。古代皇宫内供使令的小臣 ([En.] eunuch) 5. 姓 ([En.] surname) 引文: 1. 《说文》:寺,廷也,有法度者也。 [En.] "Shuowen": 'si' refers to a courtyard, a place that abides by rules. 2. 《一切经音义》:寺,治也,官舍也。 [En.] "Yiqiejing Yinyi": 'si' refers to governance, an official residence. 3. 《三苍》:寺,官舍也。 [En.] "Sancang": 'si' is an official residence. 4. 《广雅》:寺,官也。按,朝中官曹所止理事之处。 [En.] "Guangya": 'si' is an office. It refers to where officials of the court handle affairs. 5. 《汉书·何竝传》:令骑奴还至寺门。注:“诸官曹之所,通呼为寺。” [En.] "Hanshu": "The rider returned to the gate of the official residence." Note: All official places are generally called 'si.' 6. 《汉书·元帝纪》:城郭官寺。注:“凡府廷所在,皆谓之寺。” [En.] "Hanshu": "City wall officials' residence." Note: All places where the government is located are referred to as 'si.' 7. 左思《吴都赋》:列寺七里。 [En.] Zuo Si's "Wudu Fu": "Seven miles of grand temples lined up." 例: 如: 寺正 (大理寺正卿的略称); 寺舍 (官舍。官署办公的房子; 佛教僧侣的房舍); 寺库 (古时寺观里设的当铺); 寺省 (古时中央行政机构“省”和“寺”的合称); 寺曹 (九卿官署); 寺署 (官署); 寺卿 (九寺大卿的简称); 寺棘 (大理寺的别称); 寺丞 (官署中的佐吏) [En.] For example: "si zheng" (abbreviated term for the Grand Minister of the Supreme Court), "si she" (official residence; the house of government offices; housing for Buddhist monks), "si ku" (pawnshop set up in temples in ancient times), "si sheng" (a collective term for "Sheng" and "si" in ancient central administrative institutions), "si cao" (the court of the Nine Ministers), "si shu" (official documents), "si qing" (abbreviated term for high officials of the Nine Temples), "si ji" (another name for the Supreme Court), "si cheng" (assistant official in the office). 2. 佛教的庙宇 ([En.] temple) 引文: 1. 《广韵》:寺,汉西域白马驼经来,初止于鸿胪寺,遂取寺名,创置白马寺。 [En.] "Guangyun": 'si,' traders brought Buddhist scriptures from the Western Regions to the Han Dynasty, initially halting at Honglu Temple, which led to the establishment and naming of White Horse Temple. 2. 杜牧《江南春绝句》:南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中。 [En.] Du Mu's "Jiangnan Spring": "In the south, there are 480 temples, how many towers mist and rain engulf." 3. 《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》:五里,至汤寺,浴于汤池。 [En.] "Xuxiakexing": "Five miles later, I reached Tang Temple and bathed in the hot spring." 4. 唐·白居易《钱塘湖春行》:孤山寺北贾亭西,水面初平云脚低。 [En.] Tang poet Bai Juyi's "Spring on Qiantang Lake": "North of Gushan Temple and west of Jiat Pavilion, the water surface is initially flat, with clouds hanging low." 5. 清·方苞《左忠毅公逸事》:左忠毅公视学京畿,一日,风雪严寒,从数骑出,微行入古寺。 [En.] Qing dynasty's Fang Bao's "Stories of Lord Zuo": "Lord Zuo, while overseeing education in the capital on a snowy day, entered an ancient temple incognito with a few riders." 例: 如: 寺宇 (寺院); 寺刹 (寺和塔); 寺主 (主管佛寺事务的僧人); 寺庵 (僧和尼所居的寺庙); 寺寝 (祠庙的后殿) [En.] For example: "si yu" (temple), "si cha" (temple and pagoda), "si zhu" (monk in charge of temple affairs), "si an" (temple for monks and nuns), "si qin" (the rear hall of a temple). 3. 某些宗教供礼拜、讲经的处所 ([En.] monastery) 例: 如: 礼拜寺; 摩尼寺; 特指伊斯兰教礼拜讲经的地方 [En.] For example: "worship temple," "Manichaean temple"; specifically refers to the place of worship and sermons for Islam. 引文: 清真寺 [En.] Mosque. 4. 奄人,内监。古代皇宫内供使令的小臣 ([En.] eunuch) 引文: 1. 《诗·秦风·车邻》:未见君子,寺人之令。 [En.] "Shi": "Haven’t seen the gentleman; commanding the eunuch." 2. 《诗·大雅·瞻卬》:匪教匪诲,时维妇寺。 [En.] "Shi": "Neither teaching nor lecturing; this pertains to the lady eunuchs." 3. 《左传·僖公二年》:齐寺人貂。 [En.] "Zuo Zhuan": "The official from Qi wears a mink." 4. 《谷梁传·襄公二十九年》:阍,门者也,寺人也。 [En.] "Gu Liang Zhuan": "The gatekeeper is an eunuch." 例: 如: 寺人 (太监,古代宫内供使的小臣,东汉后专指宦官) [En.] For example: "si ren" (eunuch; in ancient times, they were small officials serving in the palace, and after the Eastern Han Dynasty, specifically refers to palace eunuchs). 5. 姓 [En.] Surname.
Zhé bàng sì
Drepung monastery, Lhasa, Tibet
sì yuàn
cloister / temple / monastery / CL:座[zuo4]
Lā bǔ lèng sì
Labrang monastery, Tibetan: bLa-brang bkra-shis-'khyil, in Xiahe county 夏河縣|夏河县[Xia4 he2 xian4], Gannan Tibetan autonomous prefecture, Gansu, formerly Amdo province of Tibet
wò fó sì
Temple of the Reclining Buddha(地名) / Wat Pho(地名)
sì lǐ
sì miào
temple / monastery / shrine
sì guàn
Taoist temple
dà sì
Great Temple
chán sì
zen temple
gǔ sì
an ancient temple / an old temple
kāi yuán sì
kaiyuan temple
fǎ huá sì
Fahua Temple
Xuán kōng Sì
Xuankong Temple or Suspended Temple near Yanyuan in Shanxi
tiān níng sì
Tianning Temple
sōng shān shǎo lín sì
Songshan Shaolin Temple
fèng huáng sì
Phoenix Temple
Tán zhè sì
Tanzhe Temple
qī xiá sì
Qixia Temple

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