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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

肆 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

肆 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 肆
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 肆
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

four (fraud-proof) / market
肆 [sì] 动 1. 放纵,任意行事 (to indulge, act arbitrarily) 例如: 肆口 (indulge in speech), 肆虐 (indulge in cruelty), 肆意 (act at will), 放肆 (act recklessly), 肆无忌惮 (act without restraint). 2. 尽,极 (to the utmost, extreme) 例如: 肆力 (do one's utmost), 肆目 (look as far as possible), 肆勤 (work diligently). 3. 陈列,陈设 (display, set up) 例如: 肆筵 (set up a banquet). 4. 古代指人处死刑后暴尸示众 (to expose a corpse in public after execution) 例如: 肆诸市朝 (expose in the marketplaces). 5. 店铺 (shop) 例如: 市肆 (market shop), 茶坊酒肆 (teahouse and tavern). 6. “四”的大写 (the uppercase of "four") 名 1. 店铺 (shop, as in ancient times) 例如: 正其肆,陈其货贿 (regulate the shop and display its goods). 2. 手工业作坊 (artisan workshop) 例如: 百工居肆 (artisans work in the market). 3. 古代编悬乐器的单位,悬钟十六为肆 (a unit of suspended musical instruments, with sixteen bells called "肆"). 4. “四”的大写,用于支票等上,以避免错误或更改 (the uppercase of "four," used on cheques to avoid mistakes or alterations). 形 1. 长;常 (long; usual) 例如: 其风肆好 (its wind is long and pleasant). 2. 疾;迅速 (quick; swift) 例如: 肆伐 (to attack swiftly). 3. 大 (large) 例如: 肆筵 (a grand banquet). 4. 直,正 (right; upright) 例如: 肆直 (be upright). 副 尽,极 (very; extremely) 例如: 肆好 (extremely good), 肆侈 (extravagantly luxurious), 肆奢 (extremely extravagant).
sì yì wàng wéi
see 恣意妄為|恣意妄为[zi4 yi4 wang4 wei2]
sì wú jì dàn
absolutely unrestrained / unbridled / without the slightest scruple
wāng yáng zì sì
Wang Yang arbitrarily
zì sì
unrestrained / unbridled / free and unrestrained (style) / bold
dà sì
wantonly / without restraint (of enemy or malefactor) / unbridled
sì yì
wantonly / recklessly / willfully
sì nüè
to wreak havoc / to devastate
fàng sì
wanton / unbridled / presumptuous / impudent
jiǔ sì
wine shop / liquor store / bottle shop / bar / pub
shì sì
shí sì
restaurant / eatery
sì xíng
to act recklessly
bào yú zhī sì
a market for salted fishes -- objectionable environment / a bad environment / a shop which sells salted fish
dà sì xuān chuán
a whoop and a holler

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Pinyin si4
Four Corner
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