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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

丝 stroke order animation

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丝 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 丝
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 丝
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Meaning of

silk / thread / trace
丝 sī 1. 蚕吐出的像线的东西,是织绸缎等的原料。 [En.] A threadlike material produced by silkworms, used as the raw material for weaving silk fabrics. 2. 像丝的东西。 [En.] A thing that is threadlike. 3. 计量单位名,10忽是1丝,10丝是1毫。 [En.] A unit of measurement; 10 "hú" (忽) is equal to 1 "sī" (丝), and 10 "sī" (丝) is equal to 1 "háo" (毫). 4. 表示极少或极小的量。 [En.] Indicates a very small or minimal amount. 5. 绵长的思绪或感情。 [En.] Lingering thoughts or emotions. 6. 指弦乐器。 [En.] Refers to stringed instruments. 7. 喻指白发。 [En.] Metaphorically refers to white hairs. 8. 比喻极细微的东西。 [En.] Metaphorically, a bit. 9. 瞬息即逝的、通常仅勉强可以发觉的数量或迹象。 [En.] A trace that is fleeting and usually barely discernible. 10. 纠缠在一起的东西,一团糟。 [En.] A tangle or mess. 动: 丝 sī 1. 缫丝;纺丝。 [En.] To spin silk. 量: 丝 sī 1. 一种计算长度、容量和重量的微小单位。 [En.] A tiny unit for measuring length, volume, and weight. 2. 长度或重量的微量。十忽为一丝,十丝为一毫。 [En.] A minimal amount of length or weight; 10 "hú" (忽) equals 1 "sī" (丝), and 10 "sī" (丝) equals 1 "háo" (毫). 3. 表示极小或极少的量。 [En.] Indicates a very small or minimal amount.
tǔ sī
(of spiders, caterpillars, silkworms etc) to extrude silk
luó bo sī
turnip strip / grated carrot / radish strip / shredded radish
sī jīn
headscarf / kerchief / silk neckband
sī xián
silk string (for a musical instrument)
sī sī rù kòu
all threads neatly tied up / (lit.) in a loom, each cross thread must be woven into the warp to make a web / intricately woven together / (done) with meticulous care and flawless artistry / right on the best
yī sī bù guà
not wearing one thread (idiom); absolutely naked / without a stitch of clothing / in one's birthday suit
sī gāng
screw / lead screw / guide screw / leading screw / kad-screw
zuò sī chóu
Rajah / pongee / tussah silk / tussah cloth
zuò cán sī
tussah / tussore / tusser / tussah silk / tussur
yī sī yī háo
one thread, one hair (idiom); a tiny bit / an iota
sī tǎn
silk carpet
sī guā
luffa (loofah)
tián sī sī
pleasantly sweet
sī zhú
traditional Chinese musical instruments / music
sǔn sī
Bamboo shoots
kè sī
kesi or k’o-ssu, Chinese silk tapestry woven in a pictorial design
sī róng
sī juàn
juàn sī
stamen / spun silk (yarn)
gāng sī shéng
hawser / steel rope
sī shéng
Silk rope
sī chóu yè
Silk industry
sī sī lǚ lǚ
sāo sī chǎng
filature / reeling mill
yī sī
ghost / a ray of / a hint of
sī chóu
silk cloth / silk
jīn sī
spun gold
ròu sī
shredded meat / shredded pork
jīn sī hóu
golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana)
tiě sī
iron wire / CL:根[gen1]
Sī chóu zhī Lù
the Silk Road
线 sī xiàn
thread / silk yarn
sī zhī pǐn
item made from woven silk or rayon
gāng sī
steel wire / tightrope
wén sī bù dòng
to not move a single jot (idiom)
sāo sī
reeling / filature / reeling silk / silk reeling
sī zhuàng
sī zhī
silk weaving / silk manufacturing
fěn sī
bean vermicelli / mung bean starch noodles / Chinese vermicelli / cellophane noodles / CL:把[ba3] / fan (loanword) / enthusiast for sb or sth
yóu sī
gossamer / hairspring
qiān sī wàn lǚ
linked in countless ways
zhū sī mǎ jì
lit. spider's thread and horse track / tiny hints (of a secret) / traces / clue
yī sī bù gǒu
not one thread loose (idiom); strictly according to the rules / meticulous / not one hair out of place
tù sī zǐ
dodder (Cuscuta sinensis, a parasitic vine with seeds used in medicine)
jiǎn sī
bave / cocoon filament / cocoon silk
jūn sī
mycelium / hypha
ǒu duàn sī lián
lit. lotus roots may break, but the fiber remains joined (idiom); lovers part, but still long for one another
cán sī
natural silk (secreted by silkworm)
luó sī
luó sī dīng
luó sī dāo
screwdriver / CL:把[ba3]
sī wà
stockings / pantyhose
sī háo
the slightest amount or degree / a bit
diào sī
fishing line
wū sī
tungsten filament / tungsten wire
qiān sī
galvanized wire
gāng sī jù
jigsaw (saw with steel wire blade)

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