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大 stroke order animation

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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 大
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Meaning of

Pinyin dà、 dài、 tài
big / huge / large / major / great / wide / deep / oldest / eldest, doctor
大 [dà] 形 1. Refers to area, volume, capacity, quantity, intensity, or strength that exceeds the general or comparative object, opposite of “small.” (big; large; great) 2. Refers to the comparison of size. 3. Broad in scale, deep in degree, and important in nature. 4. Used after "not" to indicate a shallow degree or a small number of times. 5. Older in age, the first in rank. 6. A respectful term. 7. Refers to a more distant time. 8. An ancient official title, beneath “qing” and above “shi.” 9. Exceeds half of a matter, not very detailed or accurate. 名 1. Adult; grown-up. 2. Size. 3. (Dialect) Father. 4. (Dialect) Referring to uncle or father’s brothers. 5. A surname. 动 1. Be brought up. 2. Surpass. 3. Also see dài. 副 1. To reach a very broad scope or high degree, greatly. 2. Very, too, extremely. 3. Often—when added with "not great," indicates infrequent. 4. The day before the day after tomorrow or the day after the day before tomorrow. 大 [dài] 名 1. See “大夫” (dàfū) and “大王” (dàwáng). 2. Used the same as “代.” Generation. 3. Also see dà. 1. Once used to mean “太” (tài). 2. Once used to mean “泰” (tài).
dà chǎo dà nào
to shout and scream (idiom); to kick up a fuss / to make a scene
dà yī ne
dà dà liē liē
carefree / offhand / casual
dà liē liē
dà chī yī jīng
to have a surprise (idiom); shocked or startled / gobsmacked
dà lì
Big official
dà shà
(used in the names of grand buildings such as 百老匯大廈|百老汇大厦 Broadway Mansions (in Shanghai) or 帝國大廈|帝国大厦 Empire State Building etc)
shà dà
Xiamen University(厦门大学)
dà shà jiāng qīng
great mansion on the verge of collapse (idiom); hopeless situation
dà shū
eldest of father's younger brothers / uncle (term used to address a man about the age of one's father)
dà jiào
hōng táng dà xiào
the whole room roaring with laughter (idiom)
hōng rán dà xiào
laugh uproariously / roar with laughter / burst into a guffaw / a volley of laughter
hā hā dà xiào
to laugh heartily / to burst into loud laughter
dà gē
eldest brother / big brother (polite address for a man of about the same age as oneself) / gang leader / boss
háo táo dà kū
dà hé chàng
cantata / chorus
dà xíng
large / large-scale
dà lǎ ma
Great Lama
dà hǎn dà jiào
shouting and screaming (idiom); to scream loudly / to rant / to kick up a racket / to conduct vigorous propaganda
dà hǎn
to shout
dà xǐ
dà chī dà hē
to eat and drink as much as one likes / to make a pig of oneself
dà sǎng mén
loud voice
dà dī
shēng míng dà zào
to rise to fame
dà xué
university / college / CL:所[suo3]
sì dà
the four elements: earth, water, fire, and wind (Buddhism) / the four freedoms: speaking out freely, airing views fully, holding great debates, and writing big-character posters, 大鳴大放|大鸣大放[da4 ming2 da4 fang4], 大辯論|大辩论[da4 bian4 lun4], 大字報|大字报[da4 zi4 bao4] (PRC)
dà tuán jié
Great unity
dà qì quān
dà shèng
great sage / mahatma / king / emperor / outstanding personage / Buddha
Kǎn dà hā
Kandahar (town in Southern Afghanistan)
dà kēng
Tai Hang District, Hong Kong
dà kuài
chunk / hunch / clod / block / agglomerate
dà bà
dà lù pō
continental slope (boundary of continental shelf)
dà zhōng xíng
large and medium-sized / large and medium-scaled
Dà bù
Dabu county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong / Tai Po district of New Territories, Hong Kong / Dabu or Tabu township in Chiayi county 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 xian4], west Taiwan
dà táng
dà duī
pile / heap / stack / a pile of / piles of / heaps of / a mass of / a load of / swarm / raft
zēng dà
to enlarge / to amplify / to magnify
dà xué shì
grand secretary
zhuàng dà
to expand / to strengthen
dà shēng
loud voice / in a loud voice / loudly
Dà xià
Han Chinese name for an ancient Central Asia country
dà duō
for the most part / many / most / the greater part / mostly
dà duō shù
(great) majority
jué dà duō shù
absolute majority / overwhelming majority
dà huǒ r
erhua variant of 大伙[da4 huo3]
zuì dà
dà jiā
everyone / influential family / great expert
dà liàng
great amount / large quantity / bulk / numerous / generous / magnanimous
zhòng dà
great / important / major / significant
dà dào
main street / avenue
jù dà
huge / immense / very large / tremendous / gigantic / enormous
hěn dà
giant / great / tremendous / very large
kuò dà
to expand / to enlarge / to broaden one's scope
dà lù
continent / mainland / CL:個|个[ge4],塊|块[kuai4]
jiào dà
comparatively large
dà xiǎo
dimension / magnitude / size / measurement / large and small / at any rate / adults and children / consideration of seniority
dà chén
chancellor (of a monarchy) / cabinet minister
广 guǎng dà
(of an area) vast or extensive / large-scale / widespread / (of people) numerous
dà fū
senior official (in imperial China)
yù shǐ dài fū
Doctor Yushi
kuā dà
to exaggerate
kuā dà qí cí
to exaggerate
kuā dà qí cí
dà jiǎng sài
grand prix / great prix competition
dǎn dà wàng wéi
daring / presumptuous / daredevil
wàng zì zūn dà
ridiculous self-importance (idiom); arrogance
kuáng wàng zì dà
arrogant and conceited
dà mā
father's elder brother's wife / aunt (affectionate term for an elderly woman)
dà jiě
big sister / elder sister / older sister (also polite term of address for a girl or woman slightly older than the speaker)
dà gū niáng
aunt / unmarried young woman / unmarried girl / eldest girl / eldest daughter
dà xìng
surname of an aristocratic family
dà yí
(coll.) wife's elder sister / sister-in-law
qī dà gū bā dà yí
distant relatives
dà niáng
(coll.) father's older brother's wife / aunt (polite address)
dà shěn
dà ér xí
Eldest daughter-in-law
nǚ dà dāng jià
A girl of age should be married. / A girl should get married on coming of age. / A girl should get married upon reaching womanhood. / Grown-up daughters have to marry.
dà sǎo
older brother's wife / sister-in-law / elder sister (respectful appellation for an older married woman)
dà sǎo zi
bó dà
enormous / broad / extensive
dà luó bo
see 白蘿蔔|白萝卜[bai2 luo2 bo5]
dà kū
to cry loudly
bó rán dà nù
fly into a great rage / burst into anger
Běi Dà
Peking University (abbr. for 北京大學|北京大学)
shí dà
Top ten
dà zì
big character
dà xué shēng
university student / college student
dà zhái
mansion / big house
shēn zhái dà yuàn
a compound of connecting courtyards, each surrounded by dwelling quarters / a mansion with many courtyards and very high walls / a mansion with spacious halls and extensive gardens / imposing dwellings and spacious courtyards / (living tucked away) inside the big mansion
hóng dà
great / grand
kuān hóng dà liàng
magnanimous (idiom); generous
dà zōng
large amount / staple / influential family of long standing
kuān dà
spacious / wide / lenient
dà fú
a big margin / substantially
dà zhài
dà sì
Great Temple

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