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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

奠 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

奠 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 奠
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 奠
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Meaning of

Pinyin diàn
奠 [diàn] 动词 1. 向死者供献祭品致敬:祭奠。奠酒。 (To offer sacrifices to the dead: libate; make offerings to the dead.) 2. 稳固地安置:奠都(dū ㄉㄨ)。奠基。奠定(使稳固安定,如“奠定基础”)。 (To firmly place or settle: to determine; to establish.) 名词 1. 祭品: libation. (Sacrifice offered as a libation.) 引例: 《说文》:奠,置祭也。 (The explanation in "Shuowen" states: "奠 is to place offerings.") 《诗·召南·采蘋》:于以奠之。 (In the Book of Songs: "Offerings shall be presented.") 《周礼·牛人》:共其奠牛。 (Note: "The offerings made at a funeral are called 奠.") 《礼记·祭统》:舍奠于其庙。 (Note: "Not performed at the proper time denotes it is called 奠.") 《礼记·郊特牲》:故既奠。 (Note: This refers to offerings made during a timely event.) 另一引例: 清·袁牧《祭妹文》:奠汝又不见汝食。 (Before you, I cannot offer your food.) 例词: 祭奠(为死者举行仪式,表示追念);奠馔(置食物以祭);奠飨(置酒食以祭祀) (Examples: to hold a sacrificial ceremony for the deceased; to place food as offerings; to set wine and food for sacrifices.) 2. 荐献; 敬献: consecrate. (Consecrate; to offer with respect.) 例词: 奠献(献祭品以祀死者);奠仪(送给丧家用于祭奠的钱物);奠雁(古代婚俗,新郎用雁作为见面礼到女家迎亲,表示不再娶他人) (Examples: to offer sacrifices to the deceased; offerings to the bereaved family; ancient marriage custom where the groom uses a goose as a meeting gift to the bride's family, indicating he will not marry another.) 3. 定; 确定,规定: determine. (To define; to determine.) 例词: 奠位(定位);奠居(定居; 安居) (Examples: to set positions; to settle down.) 4. 放置: put; place. (To place or set down.) 例词: 奠枕(安枕以卧。形容局势安定) (Example: to place a pillow; signifies a stable situation.) 名词 祭品:libation. (Sacrifice offered as a libation.) 引例: 《祭十二郎文》:使建中远具时羞之奠。 (From Han Yu's "Essay on Offering to Twelve Youngsters": "Make offerings for the time of shame.") 例词: 奠馈(祭品);奠分(旧俗治丧,各家分摊送给丧家的奠礼);奠敬(奠仪。代作祭品而送给丧家的钱) (Examples: offerings; division of offerings among families during mourning; monetary offerings presented to the bereaved family.)
diàn dìng
to establish / to fix / to settle
diàn jī rén
founder / pioneer
diàn jī
groundbreaking / to lay foundation
jì diàn
to offer sacrifices (to one's ancestors) / to hold or attend a memorial service
diàn jī xìng
diàn jī zhě
founder / pioneer
diàn jiǔ
a libation

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Pinyin dian4
Four Corner
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