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Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

奮 stroke order animation

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Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

奮 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 奮
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 奮
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Meaning of

Pinyin fèn
exert oneself
奮 fèn 1. 鳥振羽展翅。 (Said of a bird) to take wing. 2. 鳥獸健壯有力。 Birds and beasts are robust and strong. 3. 振作;振奮。 To raise oneself; to be inspired. 4. 迅猛。 Swift and fierce. 5. 震動。 To shake. 6. 憤激。 To be indignant. 7. 舉起,搖動。 To raise; to shake. 8. 勇。 Courageous. 9. 施展。 To demonstrate. 10. 姓。 A surname. --- 奮 fèn [動] 【本义】: 鳥類振羽展翅. (Original meaning): Said of a bird taking wing. 【造字法】: 會意。金文字形,中間是「隹」(鳥);外面象鳥振翅欲飛之勢;下面是「田」,表示空曠的田野。 (Structuring method): Ideogram. The ancient form consists of "隹" indicating a bird; the outer part suggests a bird spreading its wings to fly; the bottom part "田" represents an open field. 1. 同本義 (Said of a bird) to take wing. 2. 鼓起勁來,振作 To raise; exert oneself; act vigorously. 3. 震動 To shake. 4. 奮力;施展;發揮 To dash ahead; put to good use. 5. 揮動;舉起;舞動 To wield. --- 奮 fèn [動] 【本义】: 鳥類振羽展翅. (Original meaning): Said of a bird taking wing. 【造字法】: 會意。金文字形,中間是「隹」(鳥);外面象鳥振翅欲飛之勢;下面是「田」,表示空曠的田野。 (Structuring method): Ideogram. The ancient form consists of "隹" indicating a bird; the outer part suggests a bird spreading its wings to fly; the bottom part "田" represents an open field. 1. 同本義 (Said of a bird) to take wing. 【引】 1. 《說文》:奮,翬也。 2. 張衡《西京賦》:奮隼歸鳧。 3. 《淮南子·原道》:羽翼奮也。 4. 《爾雅·釋鳥》:雉絕有力奮,雞絕有力奮。 5. 《詩·邶風·柏舟》:不能奮飛。 6. 《虞初新志·秋聲詩自序》:於是賓客無不變色離席,奮袖出臂。 7. 《聊齋志異·促織》:蟲暴怒,直奔,遂相騰擊,振奮作聲。 【例】 又如: 奮翅(振翼起飛); 奮翼(振翼高飛); 奮翔(振翼高飛); 奮鱗(龍騰飛); 奮翮(展翅,振羽). 2. 鼓起勁來,振作 To raise; exert oneself; act vigorously. 【引】 1. 《廣雅·釋言》:奮,振也。 2. 清· 徐珂《清稗類鈔·戰事類》:拔刀奮起,率衆襲之。 3. 漢· 賈誼《過秦論》:及至始皇,奮六世之餘烈。 【例】 又如: 奮烈(振奮威武); 奮信(振奮伸張); 奮武揚威(振奮勇氣,施展威風); 奮氣(奮發振作). 3. 震動 To shake. 【引】 1. 《易·豫》:雷出地奮。 2. 《廣雅》:奮,動也。 【例】 又如: 奮首(搖頭,表示疲睏); 奮髯(抖動鬍鬚); 奮蹄(振蹄). 4. 奮力;施展;發揮 To dash ahead; put to good use. 【引】 1. 《史記·樂書》:奮至德之光。 集解:「發也。」 2. 《詩·大雅·常武》:王奮厥武。 3. 《史記·平原君虞卿列傳》:豈其士卒衆多哉,誠能據其勢而奮其威。 【例】 又如: 奮張(有力地伸展、張開); 奮末(四肢用力). 5. 揮動;舉起;舞動 To wield. 【引】 1. 《史記·張耳陳餘列傳》:陳王奮臂,爲天下倡始。 2. 明· 魏禧《大鐵椎傳》:衆賊環而進,客奮椎左右擊,人馬仆地。 3. 馬中錫《中山狼傳》:遂鼓吻奮爪以向先生。 【例】 又如: 奮臂(有力地舉臂,表示振奮); 奮袂(舉袖,揮袖,形容振奮); 奮筆(提筆疾書); 奮戈(使勁揮舞干戈).

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