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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

契 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

契 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 契
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 契
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Meaning of

Pinyin qì、 xiè
契 [qì] 名 1 证券,证明买卖、抵押、租赁等关系的文书。 Securities, documents that prove transactions such as sales, mortgages, and leases. 2 相合,相投。 Agreeing, resonating with each other. 3 用刀雕刻。 To carve with a knife. 4 〔~机〕指事物转化的关键。 Refers to the key to the transformation of things. 5 刻的文字,近代称甲骨文。 Inscribed characters, known in modern times as oracle bone script. 1 古代在龟甲、兽骨上灼刻文字和灼刻文字用的刀具,皆称契 ([En.] chisel) In ancient times, the tools used for burning inscriptions on tortoise shells and animal bones were all referred to as 契 (chisel). 2 刻龟甲的凿子 The chisel for carving tortoise shells. 3 泛指雕凿用具 A general term for carving tools. 4 感情志趣投合的朋友 ([En.] intimate friend) Friends with shared emotions and interests. 5 友谊,情义 ([En.] friendship) Friendship and emotional bonds. 动 1 通“栔”。用刀刻 ([En.] engrave; sculpture; carve) Related to "栔", meaning to carve with a knife. 2 投合 ([En.] get along well) To get along well. 3 合,符合 ([En.] coincide) To match, to conform. 契 [一] 动 1 古同“锲”,用刀子刻。 Anciently, it is the same as "锲", meaning to carve with a knife. 2 古人名,中国商朝的祖先,传说是舜的臣,助禹治水有功而封于商。 An ancient person's name; the ancestor of the Shang Dynasty, said to be an official of Shun who helped Yu the Great control the floods and was enfeoffed in Shang. 偰 [xiè] 名 1 通“楔”。楔子 ([En.] wedge) Related to "楔", meaning wedge. 2 人名([En.] Xie,a person's name)。殷代的祖先,传说是舜的臣。 A personal name; ancestor from the Yin Dynasty, said to be an official of Shun. 3 另见 qì See also 契.
qì yuē
agreement / contract
qì hé
agreement / to agree / to get on with / congenial / agreeing with / to ally oneself with sb
mò qì
tacit understanding / mutual understanding / rapport / connected at a deep level with each other / (of team members) well coordinated / tight
qì jī
opportunity / turning point / juncture
Ā bā lā qì yà
Appalachian Mountains in North America
dì qì
deed (for land) / CL:張|张[zhang1],份[fen4]
ā qì láo sī
shè huì qì yuē lùn
social contract theory
qì shuì
deed tax / contract tax
tóu qì
to get along well (with sb) / congenial / to speculate (on financial markets)
bā qì yà
ā qì láo
bā qì sī
qì kǎ
Cheka, a Soviet secret police agency, forerunner of the KGB
xián qì
Good deed
mài shēn qì
an indenture by which one sells oneself or a member of one's family
qì jù
Qì dān
Qidan or Khitan, ethnic group in ancient China, a branch of the Eastern Hu people inhabiting the valley of the Xar Murun River in the upper reaches of the Liao River 遼河|辽河[Liao2 He2]

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Pinyin qi4
Four Corner
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