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戚 stroke order animation

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戚 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 戚
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 戚
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Meaning of

ashamed / grief, (surname) / relative
戚 [qī] 1. 因婚姻联成的关系。 Relationship formed by marriage. 亲~。外~。~族。~友。 Kinsfolk. Affinal relatives. Clan. Friends by marriage. 2. 忧愁,悲哀。 Sorrow, sadness. ~然。凄~。哀~。休~。 Sad. Grief-stricken. Mourning. Sorrow and joy. 3. 古代兵器,像斧。 An ancient weapon, similar to an axe. 4. 姓。 A surname. 名 (n.) 【本义】:古兵器名,斧的一种 The original meaning: Name of an ancient weapon, a type of axe. 【造字法】:形声。从戉,尗声。戉:(yuè),斧子。 Character formation: A phonetic compound. From 戉 (axe), with the sound component 尗. 1. 同本义。亦用为舞具 ([En.] a kind of axe) The same as the original meaning. Also used as a dance prop. 引 1 《说文》:戚,戉也。 In "Shuowen Jiezi":戚 is an axe. 2 《诗·大雅·公刘》:干戈戚扬。 In "Book of Songs": The weapons are raised. 3 《礼记·明堂位》:朱干玉戚。 In "Book of Rites": The red spear and jade axe. 4 《韩非子·五蠹》:执干戚舞。 In "Han Feizi": Wielding weapons in dance. 例 又如:戚扬(斧钺) Such as:戚扬 (axe and halberd). 2. 亲属,亲戚 ([En.] relative) 亲属,亲戚。 Relatives, kin. 引 1 《吕氏春秋》:何谓六戚?父母兄弟妻子。 In "Lüshi Chunqiu": What are the six relatives? Parents, siblings, spouse, and children. 例 又如:戚好(亲戚友好);戚里(戚畹。帝王外戚所居住的地方);戚属(母及妻的亲属);戚爱(亲属和宠爱的人);戚家(贵戚之家;亲戚家);外戚(指帝王的母族、妻族);戚宠(外戚亲贵) Such as: 戚好 (friendly relatives); 戚里 (the home of the royal consanguinity); 戚属 (the relatives of mother and wife); 戚爱 (kinsfolk and beloved ones); 戚家 (the family of nobility and kin); 外戚 (referring to the mother's or wife's lineage of an emperor); 戚宠 (favored by the imperial consanguinity). 3. 姓 Surname. 形 (adj.) 1. 忧愁;悲伤。通“慽”、“慼” ([En.] sorrowful; sad) Sadness and melancholy. Synonymous with 慽, 慼. 引 1 《诗·小雅·小明》:心之忧矣,自始伊戚。 In "Book of Songs": The heart's trouble has begun with sorrow. 2 唐· 柳宗元《捕蛇者说》:貌若甚戚者。 Tang Dynasty: "The one whose appearance is incredibly sorrowful." 例 又如: 蒋氏大戚。 Such as: The prominent sorrow of the Jiang family. 引 1 清· 徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》:婉贞独戚然。 Qing Dynasty: "Wanzhen felt exclusively troubled." 2 清· 袁枚《祭妹文》:汝又虑戚吾心。 Qing Dynasty: "You worry about my troubled heart." 例 又如:戚容(愁容);戚切(悲切);戚休(休戚。忧愁和欢乐);戚欣(忧愁与欢乐);戚言(忧戚的言词);戚嗟(忧伤嗟叹);戚意(忧伤的心情);戚惨(悲伤);戚忧(忧伤);戚颜(忧伤的容颜) Such as: 戚容 (sorrowful expression); 戚切 (deep sorrow); 戚休 (disturbance and joy); 戚欣 (sad and joyful); 戚言 (words of sorrow); 戚嗟 (sigh of sadness); 戚意 (sorrowful feelings); 戚惨 (deeply mournful); 戚忧 (sorrowful); 戚颜 (sad countenance). 2. 亲近,亲密 ([En.] intimate) 亲近,亲密。 Close and intimate. 引 1 《书·金滕》:未可以戚我先王。 In "Book of Documents": "Do not treat my ancestral kings with disregard." 例 又如:戚疏(亲疏) Such as: 戚疏 (intimacy and distance). 3. 愤怒 ([En.] angry). 愤怒。 Anger. 例 如:戚醮(烦恼) Such as: 戚醮 (trouble). 4. 假借为“促”(cù)。疾速 ([En.] fast; quick) 疾速。 Rapid speed. 引 1 《周礼·考工记·总序》:凡察车之道,欲其朴属而微至。…不微至,无以为戚速也。 In "Zhouli": "In examining the pathway of the cart, one should be direct and swift... without swiftness, one cannot accomplish speed." 形 急迫、紧迫。《周礼·冬官考工记》:「不微至,无以为戚速也。」同「促」。 Urgent and pressing. In "Zhouli": "Without swiftness, one cannot accomplish timely action." Synonymous with 促.
Qī shù yàn
Qishu district of Changzhou city 常州市[Chang2 zhou1 shi4], Jiangsu
bēi qī
wài qī
relatives of a king or an emperor on the side of his mother or wife
huáng qīn guó qī
the emperor relatives (idiom); person with powerful connections
guì qī
Your relatives
xiū qī xiāng guān
to share the same interests (idiom) / to be closely related / to be in the same boat
qīn qī jiā
relative's house / relative's home
guó qī
State Qi
āi qī
sorrow / grief
yuǎn fáng qīn qī
remote kinsfolk / distant relative
yōu qī
distressed / weighed down with sorrow
xiū qī
joys and sorrows / weal and woe / favourable and unfavourable experiences
xiū qī yǔ gòng
go through thick and thin together / share weal and woe / share joys and sorrows
zōng qī
Zong Qi
qīn qi
a relative (i.e. family relation) / CL:門|门[men2],個|个[ge4],位[wei4]

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