Learn to write the Chinese character "忧" by watching the stroke order animation of "忧".
Stroke by Stroke: 忧 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '忧' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
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1. 发愁。
(1) Worrying; feeling distressed.
- 忧愤 (worry and anger)
- 忧惧 (fear and worry)
- 忧烦 (bothered by worries)
- 忧惶 (anxiously worried)
- 忧急 (urgent worries)
- 忧煎 (tormented by worries)
- 忧思 (thoughts of worry)
- 忧戚 (sadness and worry)
- 杞人忧天 (worried about imaginary fears).
2. 可忧虑的事。
(2) Things to be worried about.
- 忧患 (causes of worry)
- 内忧外患 (internal strife and external troubles)
- 乐以忘忧 (find joy to forget worries)
- 高枕无忧 (sleep with peace of mind, free from worries).
3. 指父母之丧。
(3) Refers to the death of one's parents, mourning.
Example: 丁忧 (mourning for parents).
Additional Information:
忧 (yōu) can also serve as a noun.
- Noun meanings include:
1. 居丧 (mourning) - often specifically referring to the death of one's parents.
2. 忧患, 祸患 (suffering) - afflictions or problems that cause distress.
3. 姓 (surname).
1. 《说文》: 忧,愁也 (Worries are distress).
2. 《玉篇》: 忧,愁也 (Worries are distress).
3. 《淮南子·原道》: 忧悲者德之失也 (Worries and sorrow indicate a loss of virtue).
4. 《易·丰》: 勿忧 (Do not worry).
5. 《易·说卦》: 坎为加忧 (The situation causes additional worry).
6. 《诗·小雅·小弁》: 我心忧伤 (My heart is sorrowful).
7. 《诗·召南·草虫》: 忧心忡忡 (Anxiously worried).
8. 《世说新语·自新》: 何忧令名不彰 (What worrying could make my name not known?).
9. 唐·白居易《卖炭翁》: 心忧炭贱 (Worrying about the cheap price of charcoal).
10. 宋·范仲淹《岳阳楼记》: 忧谗畏讥 (Worried about slander and being ridiculed).
11. 忧其民 (Worried about the people).
Examples of usage:
- 忧忿滞中 (distressed and agitated).
- 忧蹙 (frowning with worry).
- 忧愠 (worried and annoyed).
- 忧心如捣 (anxiously bothered as if something is thrashing in the heart).
- 忧邑 (feeling depressed).
- 忧畏 (fearful and worried).
- 忧怀 (worried and nostalgic).
- 忧怯 (anxiously timid).
- 忧天 (worried about the heavens falling).
- 忧公忘私 (concerned about public good, disregarding personal interests).
- 忧鱼 (worried about floods).
fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family worries (obstructing freedom of action) / worries about the future consequences / often in negative expressions, meaning "no worries about anything"
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