Learn to write the Chinese character "又" by watching the stroke order animation of "又".
Stroke by Stroke: 又 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '又' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '又' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '又' through a video tutorial with a
calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the
Chinese Character '又'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
又 [yòu]
1. Indicates repetition or continuation, referring to the same: 今天~下雨了。 (Today, it is raining again.)
2. Indicates a stronger tone or a further step: 你~不是小孩! (You are not a child anymore!)
3. Indicates that several situations or properties exist simultaneously: ~高~大。 (Both tall and big.)
4. In addition, also: ~及。十~五年。(Ten and five years.)
5. Indicates a turn or contrast: 这个人挺面熟,一下子~想不起来他叫什么。(This person looks familiar, but I can't recall their name right now.)
又 [yòu]
(Etched shape. Oracle bone script shape, resembling the right hand, which is the Chinese word for “right.” The character “又” is often related to hand movements. Primary meaning: right hand) Same meaning (English: right hand). Later made into “右.”
又 [yòu]
1. Again (English: again)
2. Indicates simultaneous existence of several situations or properties (English: at the same time)
3. Moreover, indicates a further level of meaning (English: and)
4. Conjunction. Indicates adding a zero after an integer (English: and).
5. Indicates a slight turn (English: but).
6. Indicates a series of events happening in succession (English: after).
7. Furthermore (English: in addition).
8. Additionally (English: moreover; besides).
又 [yòu]
(Etched shape. Oracle bone script shape, resembling the right hand, which is the Chinese word for “right.” The character “又” is often related to hand movements. Primary meaning: right hand) Same meaning (English: right hand). Later made into “右.”
1. 《说文》: 又,手也,象形。 段玉裁注:“此即今之右字。”
又 [yòu]
1. Again (English: again)
1. 《诗·郑风·缁衣》: 敝予又改为兮。
2. 《诗·小雅·小宛》: 天命不又。
3. 《仪礼·燕礼》: 又命之。
4. 《聊斋志异·促织》: 又试之鸡。
2. Indicates simultaneous existence of several situations or properties (English: at the same time)
1. 《书·禹贡》: 东出于陶邱北,又东至于荷,又东北会于汶,又北东入于海。
3. Moreover, indicates a further level of meaning (English: and)
1. 清· 龚自珍《病梅馆记》: 未可明诏大号…又不可以使天下之民斫直、删密、锄正。
4. Conjunction. Indicates adding a zero after an integer (English: and).
5. Indicates a slight turn (English: but).
6. Indicates a series of events happening in succession (English: after).
7. Furthermore (English: in addition).
8. Additionally (English: moreover; besides)
1. 《世说新语·自新》: 周处…为乡里所患…又义兴水中有蛟…
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