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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

发 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

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发 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 发
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 发
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Meaning of

Pinyin fā、 fà
to send out / to show (one's feeling) / to issue / to develop, hair
发 發 fā [动] 【本义】: 放箭 1. 交付,送出。 [En.] Deliver, send out. 例: 分发。发放。发行(批发)。 2. 放,射。 [En.] Release, shoot. 例: 发射。百发百中。焕发。 3. 表达,阐述。 [En.] Express, elaborate. 例: 发表。发凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐发。 4. 散开,分散。 [En.] Scatter, disperse. 例: 发散。 5. 开展,张大,扩大。 [En.] Expand, grow larger. 例: 发展。发扬。 6. 打开,揭露。 [En.] Open, reveal. 例: 发现。发掘。 7. 产生,出现。 [En.] Occur, emerge. 例: 发生。发愤。奋发。 8. 食物因发酵或水浸而膨涨。 [En.] Food expands when fermented or soaked. 例: 发面。 9. 显现,显出。 [En.] Manifest, show. 例: 发病。发抖。发憷。 10. 开始动作。 [En.] Begin action. 例: 发动。 11. 引起,开启。 [En.] Stimulate, initiate. 例: 启发。发人深省。 12. 公布,宣布。 [En.] Publish, declare. 例: 发表。发布施令。 13. 量词,用于枪弹、炮弹。 [En.] A measure word for bullets and shells. 发 發 fā [量] 1. 在小武器打靶比赛中每个射手规定的发射次数。 [En.] The specified number of shots for each shooter in shooting competitions. 2. 计算子弹、炮弹的单位。 [En.] The unit for calculating bullets and shells. 发 髮 fà [名] 1. 人的前额、双耳和头颈部以上生长的毛。 [En.] Hair, the hair on the human head. 例: 头发。鬓发。怒发冲冠。 2. 草木。 [En.] Grass and trees. 3. 通“旆”。古代旐末形如燕尾的垂旒;旗帜的通称。 [En.] A type of ancient flag shaped like a swan's tail, commonly used to refer to a banner. 发 髮 fà [名] 1. 头发,人头上的毛。 [En.] Hair, the hair on the head. 发 發 fèi [动] 1. 通“废”。崩坏;停止。 [En.] To collapse; to stop. 发 發 fèi [动] 1. 通“废”。崩坏;停止。 [En.] To collapse; to stop.
qǐ fā
to enlighten / to explain (a text etc) / to stimulate (a mental attitude) / enlightenment / revelation / motivation
fā dāi
to stare blankly / to be stunned / to be lost in thought
dǔ zhòu fā shì
to vow
fā zhǎn shǐ
fā shēng
to happen / to occur / to take place / to break out
fā xiàn
to find / to discover
kāi fā
to exploit (a resource) / to open up (for development) / to develop
fā biǎo
to issue / to publish
fā huī
to display / to exhibit / to bring out implicit or innate qualities / to express (a thought or moral) / to develop (an idea) / to elaborate (on a theme)
fā bù
to release / to issue / to announce / to distribute / also written 發布|发布[fa1 bu4]
fā shè
to shoot (a projectile) / to fire (a rocket) / to launch / to emit (a particle) / to discharge / emanation / emission
fā dá
developed (country etc) / flourishing / to develop
fā yù
to develop / to mature / growth / development / (sexually) mature
bào fā
to break out / to erupt / to explode / to burst out
fā xíng
to publish / to issue (stocks, currency etc) / to release / to distribute (a film)
fā míng
to invent / an invention / CL:個|个[ge4]
tóu fa
hair (on the head)
fā shòu
to sell
pēn fā
to erupt / an eruption
zēng fā
additional issue
fèn fā jìn qǔ
Forge ahead
fèn fā
to rouse to vigorous action / energetic mood
fà qiǎ
hair grip / hair clip
yī chù jí fā
could happen at any moment / on the verge
fā bù tīng
Release hall
shēng jī bó fā
kāi fā qū
development zone
fā dá guó jiā
developed nation
fā shè qì
radio transmitter
fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā
developing country
fā zhǎn guān
development view / developing view / development concept / outlook on development
fā xiàn zì jǐ
find oneself / discover oneself
fā tiě
to post (an item on a forum)
fā chù
to feel terrified / to grow apprehensive
bìng fā zhèng
complications (undesired side-effect of medical procedure)
bìng fā
to be complicated by / to erupt simultaneously
Yòu fā lā dǐ Hé
Euphrates River
yǐn fā
to lead to / to trigger / to initiate / to cause / to evoke (emotions)
fā chóu
to worry / to fret / to be anxious / to become sad
fā chù
variant of 發怵|发怵[fa1 chu4]
rǎn fà jì
hair dye / rinse / tint
tì fà lìng
the Qing order to all men to shave their heads but keep a queue, first ordered in 1646
xuē fà
to shave one's head / fig. to become a monk or nun / to take the tonsure
jiǎn fà
fā dòng
to start / to launch / to unleash / to mobilize / to arouse
fā dòng jī
engine / motor / CL:臺|台[tai2]
fèn fā nǔ lì
Work hard
fā chū
to issue (an order, decree etc) / to send out / to dispatch / to produce (a sound) / to let out (a laugh)
chū fā
to set off / to start (on a journey)
fā nù
to get angry
yù fā
all the more / increasingly
fā lèng
to daydream / in a daze
dà fā cí bēi
have pity on / for mercy's sake / show mercy
fā cí bēi
have a heart
fā huāng
to become agitated / to feel nervous
fā jué
to excavate / to explore / (fig.) to unearth / to tap into
dǎ fa
to dispatch sb to do sth / to make sb leave / to pass (the time) / (old) to make arrangements / (old) to bestow (alms etc)
kòu fā
to deprive / to withhold / to hold sth back (and prevent it being known)
fā yáng
to develop / to make full use of
fā yáng guāng dà
to develop and promote / to carry forward / to bring to great height of development
pī fā
wholesale / bulk trade / distribution
jì shù kāi fā qū
technology development zone / technical development zone
shū fā
to express (an emotion) / to give vent
fā dǒu
to tremble / to shake / to shiver
pī tóu sàn fà
with dishevelled hair (idiom) / with one's hair down
yī fà ér bù kě shōu shí
huī fā
volatile / volatility
huī fā xìng
chōng fèn fā huī
give full play to / allow full play to
jiē fā
to expose / to bring to light / to disclose / revelation
fā zhǎn
development / growth / to develop / to grow / to expand
fā fàng
to provide / to give / to grant
sàn fā
to distribute / to emit / to issue
xīng wàng fā dá
prosperous and developing / flourishing
fā yūn
to feel dizzy
bào fā hù
newly rich / parvenu / upstart
bào fā
to break out (of disease etc) / to suddenly get rich (or prominent)
rǎn fà
to dye one's hair / rinse / tint
fà shāo
hair ends
fā léng
fā bǎng
to publish a roll-call of successful candidates
ǒu fā
chance / accidental / fortuitous
fā shǎ
Act dumb
fā guāng
to shine
fā máo
to rant and rave / to be scared, upset (Beijing dialect)
háo fà
a hair / the slightest
fā hàn
to sweat
fā xiè
to give vent to (one's feelings)
fā yuán dì
place of origin / birthplace / source
fā yuán
to rise / to originate / source / derivation
làn fā
spam / overissue
jī fā
to arouse / to excite
fā yán
to become inflamed / inflammation
fā hào shī lìng
to boss people around (idiom)
fā bù huì
news conference / briefing
fā shāo
to have a high temperature (from illness) / to have a fever
tàng fà
perm (hairstyle)
fā rè
to have a high temperature / feverish / unable to think calmly / to emit heat
róng guāng huàn fā
face glowing (idiom); looking radiant / all smiles
huàn fā
to shine / to glow / to irradiate / to flash

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Pinyin fa1
Four Corner
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