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叔 stroke order animation

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叔 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 叔
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 叔
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Meaning of

Pinyin shū
uncle in direct address
叔 [shū] Meaning: 1. The third in the order of brothers. (兄弟排行次序第三。) 2. The father's younger brother; also refers to younger men of the same generation as the father. (父亲的弟弟,亦称跟父亲同辈而年纪较小的男子。) 3. The husband's younger brother. (丈夫的弟弟。) 4. To pick up. (拾。) 1. The third in the order of brothers: 伯 (elder), 仲 (second), 叔 (third), 季 (youngest). (兄弟排行次序第三:伯、仲、~、季。) 2. Referring to the father's brother: 叔父 (uncle); 大叔 (big uncle). (父亲的弟弟,亦称跟父亲同辈而年纪较小的男子:~父。大~。) 3. Refers to the husband's younger brother: 小叔子 (husband's younger brother); 叔嫂 (sister-in-law). (丈夫的弟弟:小~子。~嫂。) 4. To pick up: "九月叔苴" (September pick-up of herbs). (拾:“九月~苴”。) 【引】 1. From "说文": 叔,拾也。汝南名收芋为叔。 (From "Shuowen": Uncle means 'pick up'; in Runan, collecting yam is called uncle.) 2. From "诗·豳风·七月": 九月叔苴,采荼薪樗。 (From "Book of Songs": In September, pick herbs and collect firewood.) Shape: - The character has a pictograph meaning and is a phonetic compound. Type: Verb (动) Under the Adjective category: 1. Used as a borrowed term for “少” (young). ([En.] young) (假借为“少”。年幼的.) 2. Refers to the order of brothers: 伯、仲、叔、季. (Ancient terms for brother order: 伯, 仲, 叔, 季.) 3. Reflects the meaning of being the last or weak, such as in "末;衰". ([En.] last; weak; feeble) (末;衰.) 【引】 1. From "白虎通·姓名": 叔者,少也。 (From "Baihu Tong": Uncle means 'young'.) 2. From "尔雅": 父之兄弟后生为叔父,父之弟妻为叔母。 (From "Erya": The father's younger brother is called 叔父 and the father's brother's wife is called 叔母.) Type: Noun (名) 1. Term for father's younger brother. ([En.] uncle; father's younger brother) (称父亲的弟弟.) 2. Term used by women for their husband's younger brother. ([En.] husband's younger brother) (女性对其丈夫的弟弟的称呼.) 3. Refers to beans in general. ([En.] beans) (豆类的总称.) 4. A last name. (姓) 【引】 1. From "庄子·列御冠": 子见夫牺牛乎?衣以文绣,食以刍叔。 (From "Zhuangzi": Who saw the sacrificial bull? It was dressed and fed with food called 叔.) 2. From "汉书·昭帝纪": 以叔粟当赋。 (From "Han Shu": Using beans for tax.) Type: Noun (名) 1. As a title: (称谓) - Used to refer to the father’s brother, e.g., "叔父", "叔侄". - Used to refer to the husband's younger brother, e.g., "小叔". - Referring to younger men among friends of the father, e.g., "王叔叔". 2. A surname, e.g., 在汉代有叔壽. (As a surname during the Han dynasty, there was 叔壽.)
shū fù
father's younger brother / uncle
dà shū
eldest of father's younger brothers / uncle (term used to address a man about the age of one's father)
biǎo shū
son of grandfather's sister / son of grandmother's brother or sister / father's younger male cousin / (Hong Kong slang) mainlander
shū zǔ
grandfather's younger brother
huáng shū
xìn shū
Uncle Xin
shì shū
a surname
shū shu
father's younger brother / uncle / Taiwan pr. [shu2 shu5] / CL:個|个[ge4]
shū bai
(of cousins) descending from the same grandfather or great-grandfather
shū zhí
Uncle and nephew

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Input Method for
Pinyin shu1
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
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