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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

疏 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

疏 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 疏
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 疏
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Meaning of

Pinyin shū
negligent / sparse / thin
疏 shū 〈动〉 1. 去掉阻塞使通畅:to remove blockages and achieve smooth flow. 例:~导 (guide); ~通 (smooth the passage); ~解 (relieve). 2. 分开; 分散:to separate; to scatter. 例:~散 (scatter); 仗义~财 (generous in sharing wealth). 3. 事物间距离大,空隙大,与“密”相对:objects are distant from each other, with large gaps, opposite of "dense". 例:~密; ~松 (loose); 稀~ (sparse). 4. 不亲密,关系远的:not close; a distant relationship. 例:亲~ (distant relatives). 5. 不细密,忽略:not detailed; to overlook. 例:~忽 (neglect). 6. 空虚:void; empty. 例:志大才~ (great ambition, but lacking capability). 7. 不熟悉:not familiar. 例:生~ (unfamiliar). 8. 粗劣:coarse; poor quality. 例:~食 (coarse food); ~粝 (poor rice). 9. 古同“蔬”,蔬菜:ancient term for "vegetables". 10. 分条说明的文字:text that explains in sections. 例:上~ (a memorial presented in list format). 11. 僧道拜忏时所焚化的祝告文:a prayer document burned during the monk’s repentance rite. 12. 姓:a surname. 〈形〉 1. 稀疏;稀少:sparse; few in number. 例:~阔 (wide apart); ~少 (scarce). 2. 粗略;不周密:coarse; not meticulous. 例:~率 (rough and careless). 3. 粗糙。亦指糙米:rough; also refers to brown rice. 例:~条 (rough branches). 4. 久;长远:long in time; distant. 例:疏旷 (far apart). 5. 迂阔;不切实际:broad; unrealistic. 例:疏妄 (fantasy). 〈名〉 1. 远亲。泛指关系疏远的人:a distant relative; generally refers to those with distant relations. 2. 奏章。亦指上奏章:a memorial document submitted to the emperor. 3. 书信:a letter. 例:书疏 (correspondence). 4. 僧道拜忏时所焚化的祈祷文:words used in prayer during monastic rites. 5. 旧时募化用的簿册:a ledger for ancient fund-raising. (*引自繁体辞典解释) 〈名〉 1. 闡明經義或古注的文字:text explaining classical meanings or ancient annotations, such as reference works like "注疏" (commentaries). 2. 古代臣下進呈君王的奏章:ancient memorials submitted by officials to the sovereign. 3. 书信:letters. 〈动〉 1. 分条陈述、记录:to present or record in sections.
zòu shū
memorial to the throne
Shū lè
Shule ancient name for modern Kashgar / Shule county in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang
shū hu
to neglect / to overlook / negligence / carelessness
shū hu dà yì
oversight / negligence / careless / negligent / not concentrating on the main point
shū lǎn
indolent / careless
shū sàn
to scatter / to disperse / to evacuate / scattered / to relax
shū lǎng
shū sōng
to loosen
shū jùn
to dredge
shū xiè
shū lòu
to slip / to overlook by negligence / careless omission / oversight
shū tōng
to unblock / to dredge / to clear the way / to get things flowing / to facilitate / to mediate / to lobby / to explicate (a text)
xī shū
sparse / infrequent / thinly spread
shēng shū
unfamiliar / strange / out of practice / not accustomed
shū yuǎn
to drift apart / to become estranged / to alienate / estrangement
shū dǎo
to dredge / to open up a path for / to remove obstructions / to clear the way / to enlighten / persuasion
qīn shū
close and distant (relatives)
cū shū
coarse / rough / careless
shū mì
density / spacing
shū yú
to fail to pay sufficient attention to / to be negligent in regard to / to be lacking in
zhù shū
commentary and subcommentary (of a book)
shū shī
to make a (careless) mistake / oversight
shū gān
soothing the liver
zhàng yì shū cái
to help the needy for justice (idiom); to be loyal to one's friends and generous to the needy
shū yú

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Input Method for
Pinyin shu1
Four Corner
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