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Animated Stroke Order of

Learn to write the Chinese character "" by watching the stroke order animation of "".

疑 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

疑 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character ''. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 疑
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 疑
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of

Pinyin yí、 nǐ、 níng
to doubt / to misbelieve / to suspect
疑 [yí] 1. Doubt, distrust (to suspect or question). - 例:疑惑 (doubt), 疑问 (question), 疑心 (suspicion), 疑团 (doubtful circle), 疑虑 (concern), 疑窦 (doubt), 疑点 (doubtful point), 疑端 (suspicion's origin), 猜疑 (suspicion), 怀疑 (to suspect), 半信半疑 (half believing, half doubting). 2. Uncertain, indeterminate, unresolved. - 例:疑案 (suspicious case), 疑难 (difficult problem), 疑义 (doubtful meaning), 存疑 (under suspicion). 【动】(Verb) - 同本义: 怀疑 ([En.] disbelieve; doubt; suspect) - 迷惑, 犹豫不定 ([En.] be puzzled) - 迟疑;犹豫 ([En.] hesitate) - 疑忌;猜忌 ([En.] be suspicious and jealous) - 猜度;估计 ([En.] surmise; conjecture; estimate) 【名】(Noun) - 疑问 ([En.] query; question) - 惊恐;畏惧 ([En.] fear) - 怪异,引申为责怪 ([En.] blame) - 类似;好像 ([En.] seem) 1. 安定,止息。 2. 同“拟”,比拟。
xián yí
suspicion / to have suspicions
xián yí rén
a suspect
xián yí fàn
a suspect
wù yōng zhì yí
No doubt
怀 huái yí
to doubt (sth) / to be skeptical of / to have one's doubts / to harbor suspicions / to suspect that
wú yōng zhì yí
beyond all doubt / be undisputed / without a doubt
yí huò
to doubt / to distrust / unconvincing / to puzzle over / misgivings / suspicions
yí jì
jealousy / suspicious and jealous
jīng yí
xīn cún yí huò
yí jù
wú yí
no doubt / undoubtedly
háo wú yí wèn
certainty / without a doubt
yóu yí
to hesitate
hú yí
suspicious / in doubt
mǎn fù hú yí
have all sorts of doubts and conjectures in one's mind / extremely suspicious / filled with suspicion
cāi yí
to suspect / to have misgivings / suspicious / misgivings
yí wèn
question / interrogation / doubt
chí yí
to hesitate
zhì yí
to call into question / to question (truth or validity)
yí nán
hard to understand / difficult to deal with / knotty / complicated
yí xīn
suspicion / to suspect
yí lǜ
hesitation / misgivings / doubt
kě yí
suspicious / dubious
duō yí
mistrustful / suspicious / paranoid
qǐ yí
jiāng xìn jiāng yí
half believing, half doubting / skeptical
yí tuán
doubts and suspicions / a maze of doubts / puzzle / mystery
yí dòu
(literary) doubts / suspicions / cause for suspicion
háo bù chí yí
without the slightest hesitation
chí chí yí yí
chí yí bù jué
shì yí
to dispel doubts / to clear up difficulties

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Input Method for
Pinyin yi2
Four Corner
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