Learn to write the Chinese character "嫌" by watching the stroke order animation of "嫌".
Stroke by Stroke: 嫌 Writing Order
Master the Chinese character '嫌' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.
Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '嫌' Step-by-Step
Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '嫌' through a video tutorial with a
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Chinese Character '嫌'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and
practice writing together with pen and paper.
嫌 [xián]
1. 可疑之点 (suspicion)
- 例如: 疑 *常* (has doubts). 避 *嫌* (avoid suspicion). 涉 *嫌* (involve in suspicion).
2. 厌恶,不满意 (dislike; disgust)
- 例如: *厌恶* (dislike). *厌弃* (abandon). 讨人 *嫌* (to attract dislike).
3. 怨 (grudge)
- 例如: 尽释前 *嫌* (to completely eliminate past grievances). *嫌隙* (grudge formed from suspicion).
1. 本义: 疑惑,怀疑而有可能性 (the primary meaning: doubt, suspicion that holds possibility).
- 引用:
- 《说文》:*嫌*,一曰疑也 (suspicion, it can mean doubt).
- 《礼记·曲礼上》:礼者,所以定亲疏,决*嫌疑*也 (rituals are to define relationships and resolve suspicions).
- 《礼记·坊记》:使民无嫌 (to avoid suspicions among the people).
- 《吴越春秋》:岂敢有嫌哉? (how dare there be suspicion?).
- 李白《长干行》:同居长千里,两小无嫌猜 (living together a thousand miles apart, the two children have no suspicion).
- 《论衡·案书》:卿决疑讼,狱定嫌罪 (your decision resolves doubt and the verdict removes suspicion).
2. 避忌 (taboo)
- 引用:
- 《公羊传》:贵贱不*嫌*同号,美恶不*嫌*同辞 (wealth and poverty shall not be viewed with suspicion, beauty and ugliness not criticized with different terms).
3. 厌恶 (dislike; disgust)
- 引用:
- 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:大人故*嫌*迟 (the elder dislikes being late).
4. 看不起 (scorn)
- 例如: 如: *嫌鄙* (look down upon).
1. *嫌隙*,仇怨 (grudge; suspicion)
- 引用:
- 《荀子》:累百年之欲,易一时之 *嫌* (a hundred years of desire can be easily undone by a moment’s suspicion).
- 《新唐书·尉迟敬德传》:丈夫以气相许,小 *嫌* 不足置胸中 (a man would not let small grudges linger in his heart).
2. 怨恨 (ill will; grudge; hatred)
- 引用:
- 《三国志》:若远小 *嫌*,难相违覆 (if there are small grudges, it’s hard to not have disagreements).
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