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How to write 姿

Animated Stroke Order of 姿

Learn to write the Chinese character "姿" by watching the stroke order animation of "姿".

姿 stroke order animation

Stroke by Stroke: 姿 Writing Order

Master the Chinese character '姿' stroke by stroke with visual step-by-step instructions.

姿 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

Follow the Calligraphy Master: Writing '姿' Step-by-Step

Learn the proper way to write the Chinese character '姿' through a video tutorial with a calligraphy teacher. Follow the Calligraphy Master's Step-by-Step Guide to Write the Chinese Character '姿'. You can download the printable handwriting worksheets below and practice writing together with pen and paper.

Free Printable 姿 Handwriting Practice Worksheets

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "姿"
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 姿
Download the worksheet in PNG format
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of "姿"
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 姿
Download the worksheet in PNG format

Meaning of 姿

beauty / disposition / looks / appearance
姿 [zī] 名 1. 面貌,容貌: - 例: ~容 (appearance), 丰~ (abundant beauty), ~色 (looks), 天~ (heavenly beauty). 2. 形态,样子: - 例: ~态 (posture), ~势 (appearance), 舞~ (dance posture), 风~ (grace), 英~ (heroic demeanor). 【本义】:姿态 【造字法】:形声。从女,次声。 3. 同本义(“姿”侧重于呈现的姿势、风度) - (En.: appearance; looks; carriage) 4. 容貌 - (En.: appearance; looks) 5. 资质(天资,禀赋) - (En.: natural gift) 6. 气质 - (En.: disposition) 引: 1. 说文: 姿,态也。按,态者,材艺巧善也。即才能、贤能本字。 2. 世说新语·容止: 嵇康身长七尺八寸,风姿特秀。 3. 宋·苏轼: 雄姿英发。 4. 宋·陆游: 姿态万变。 5. 明·李渔: 无风亦呈袅娜之姿。 例: 又如: 娇姿欲滴。 引: 1. 清·龚自珍: 直则无姿。 名 2. 容貌 - (En.: appearance; looks) 引: 1. 世说新语·贤缓: 王汝南少无婚,自求郝普女…既婚,果有今姿淑德。 例: 又如: 姿年 (容貌年龄), 姿形 (容貌体态), 姿神 (容貌,神态), 姿致 (容貌举止), 姿仪 (容貌,仪表). 3. 资质(天资,禀赋) - (En.: natural gift) 引: 1. 姿,材也。(汉书·谷永传) 2. 释名: 资,资也,资取也。 3. 马融: 唯笛因其天姿。注: “天然之姿也。” 4. 汉书: 上主之姿也。 例: 又如: 姿才 (资质,禀赋), 姿禀 (资质,禀赋), 姿质 (资质). 4. 气质 - (En.: disposition) 引: 1. 儒林外史: 蒲柳之姿,望秋先零。 例: 又如: 姿性 (品行;性格). 形 1. 美好;妩媚 - (En.: beautiful) 引: 1. 资治通鉴·魏纪: 简选其有姿首者内之掖库。 例: 又如: 姿调 (美好的风度), 姿望 (优美的丰度), 姿慧 (美貌才智).
姿 zī tài
attitude / posture / stance
姿 zī shì
variant of 姿勢|姿势[zi1 shi4]
姿 xióng zī
majestic appearance / heroic posture
姿 fēng zī
good looks / good figure / graceful bearing / charm
姿 zī sè
good looks (of a woman)
姿 duō zī duō cǎi
diversity (of forms and colors)
姿 qiān zī bǎi tài
in different poses and with different expressions / in thousands of postures (idiom)
姿 wǔ zī
dancer's posture and movement
姿 duō zī
many postures
姿 zuò zī
sitting position / sitting posture
姿 zī tài kòng zhì
attitude control / posture control
姿 shēn zī
姿 zī róng
looks / appearance
姿 fēng zī
charm / good looks
姿 ē nuó duō zī
very pretty and charming / gracefully slender figure
姿 yīng zī sà shuǎng
(of a person) valiant and formidable-looking / to carry oneself tall
姿 xuàn lì duō zī
姿 shuì zī
sleeping posture
姿 fēng zī chuò yuē
graceful / charming / feminine
姿 zī shì
posture / position
姿 yīng zī bó bó
姿 sāo shǒu nòng zī
to stroke one's hair coquettishly (idiom)
姿 yáo yè duō zī
swaying gently / moving elegantly
姿 gù pàn shēng zī
look around charmingly
姿 fēng zī chuò yuē
agreeable manners
姿 sà shuǎng yīng zī
of valiant and heroic bearing

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Input Method for 姿
Pinyin zi1
Four Corner
Stroke Number Category
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