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茲 stroke order animation

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茲 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 茲
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 茲
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Meaning of

Pinyin zī、 cí
茲 zī 1. 草木滋盛。 (En. Grow of plants and trees.) 2. 年。 (En. Year.) 3. 今,現在。 (En. Now; at present.) 4. 代詞。表示指示。 ①相當於“此”、“這”。 ②相當於“這樣”。 (En. Pronoun indicating reference. ① Equivalent to "this." ② Equivalent to "like this.") 5. 副詞。表示程度,相當於“愈益”、“更加”。後作“滋”。 (En. Adverb indicating degree, equivalent to "more." Later used as "滋.") 6. 語氣詞。相當於“ 哉 ”。 (En. Modal particle, equivalent to "ah.") 7. 蓐,草席。 (En. Straw mat.) 8. 姓。 (En. Surname.) --- 茲 zī (形声。根据《说文》,从艸,滋省声。本义:草木茂盛) 同本义 (En. Phonetic-ideographic character. According to Shuowen, it consists of "grass" and a modified voice, originally meaning "lush vegetation.") 引: 1. 《说文》:茲,草木多益也。 (En. "Shuowen": "茲 means abundant growth of plants.") 2. 《素问·五藏生成论》:五藏之气,故色见青如草茲者死。 (En. "Suwen": "The energy of the five organs must show a color like lush grass, or else it will die.") 例: 又如:茲茲(增加繁殖) (En. For example: "茲茲" meaning to increase and reproduce.) --- 茲 zī 1. 年。 (En. Year.) 引: 1. 《吕氏春秋》:今茲美禾,來茲美麥。 (En. "Luxi Chunqiu": "This year, beautiful grains come.") 2. 草蓆。 (En. Straw mat.) 引: 1. 《尔雅》:蓐谓之茲。 注:「茲者,蓐席也。」 (En. "Erya": "The mat is called 茲, specifically referring to straw mat.") 2. 《史记》:毛叔郑奉明水,卫康叔封布茲。 (En. "Records of the Grand Historian": "Mao Shu Zheng was honored with a布茲.") 3. 現在;此時。 (En. Now; at present.) 引: 1. 《书·盘庚上》:茲予大享於先生,尔祖其从与享之。 (En. "Book of Documents": "Now I receive great enjoyment with my teacher.") --- 茲 zī 1. 這個,此。 (En. This.) 引: 1. 南朝梁·丘迟《与陈伯之书》:总茲戎重。 (En. "Qiu Chi's letter to Chen Bozhi": "The expectation lies heavily now.") 2. 唐·李白《送友人》:挥手自茲去。 (En. Tang poem by Li Bai: "Waving goodbye from here.") 3. 《徐霞客游记·游黄山记》:茲遊快且愧矣。 (En. "Records of Xu Xiake's Travels": "This trip is both joyful and shameful.") 4. 明·归有光《项脊轩志》:而母立於茲。 (En. Ming work by Gui Youguang: "And my mother stands here.") 例: 又如:茲事體大(此事牽連甚廣,關係重大) (En. For example: "This matter is of great significance.") 2. 這裏。 (En. Here.) 引: 1. 《论语》:文王既没,文不在茲乎? (En. "Analects": "Didn't Confucius's writings remain here after Wen Wang passed?") 3. 另見 cí。 (En. See also "cí".) --- 茲 zī (副) 通「滋」。益,愈加。 (En. Equivalent to "滋," meaning to increase or enhance.) 引: 1. 《管子·小问》:由由乎茲免。 (En. "Guanzi": "This escape occurs from here.") 2. 《管子·小匡》:行地茲遠。 (En. "Guanzi": "The journey is extended from here.") 3. 《汉书·五行志七》:赋斂茲重。 (En. "Book of Han": "The tax burden becomes heavier from here.") --- 1. 〔龟茲〕见“龟(qiū)”。 (En. See "龟" (Qiū) [referring to the ancient state in the Western Regions].) --- 茲 cí 1. ——「龟茲」(Qiūcí): 古代西域的国名,唐代征服东突厥时曾在此设郡,旧址在今新疆库车县一带。 (En. "Qiūcí": The name of an ancient state in the Western Regions, where a county was established during the Tang Dynasty's conquest of Eastern Turkic tribes, located in modern-day Kuqa County, Xinjiang.) 2. 另见 zī。 (En. See also "zī".) --- 茲 cí 1. ——「龟茲」(Qiūcí): 古代西域的国名,唐代征服东突厥时曾在此设郡,旧址在今新疆库车县一带。 (En. "Qiūcí": The name of an ancient state in the Western Regions, where a county was established during the Tang Dynasty's conquest of Eastern Turkic tribes, located in modern-day Kuqa County, Xinjiang.) 2. 另见 zī。 (En. See also "zī".)

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