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花 stroke order animation

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花 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 花
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 花
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Meaning of

Pinyin huā
flower / blossom / to spend (money, time) / fancy pattern
huā ní
tweed / checkered cloth
lǎ ba huā
morning glory
liǔ àn huā míng yòu yī cūn
There is a way out (for somebody). / Every cloud has a silver lining.
huā shao
garish / gaudy
pí jiǔ huā
huā yuán
garden / CL:座[zuo4],個|个[ge4]
Bǎi huā yuán
Garden of Many Flowers (name) / Baihua garden in Hongmiao village 洪廟村|洪庙村[Hong2 miao4 cun1], Shandong
yuán zhuī huā xù
huā quān
wreath / garland
huā tán
decorative mass planting of flowers and shrubs, often bounded by a low masonry border, and often part of a streetscape
tiān huā luàn zhuì
lit. a deluge of heavenly flowers (idiom) / fig. extravagant embellishments / hype
zǐ mèi huā
Sister flower
luó bo huā
Turnip flower
huā tīng
reception pavilion (generally part of a large residence, and often built in a garden)
huā jiàng
qí huā yì huì
exotic flowers and rare herbs (idiom)
huā yán qiǎo yǔ
graceful words, flowery speech (idiom); elegant but insincere words / cheating wheedling / dishonest rhetoric
huā xù
inflorescence / flower cluster
zǒng zhuàng huā xù
yù huā yuán
imperial garden
bào huā
wood shavings
xīn huā nù fàng
to burst with joy (idiom) / to be over the moon / to be elated
niān huā rě cǎo
lit. to pick the flowers and trample the grass (idiom) / fig. to womanize / to frequent brothels / to sow one's wild oats
fēn huā fú liǔ
huā diào
to spend (time, money) / to waste
tàn huā
candidate who came third in the Han-lin examination / see 狀元|状元[zhuang4 yuan2]
tán huā yī xiàn
lit. the night-blooming cactus shows once / flash in the pan (idiom) / short-lived
chā huā
flower arranging / ikebana
huā guān
huā huì
flowers and plants
pān zhī huā
kapok (tree)
Pān zhī huā shì
Panzhihua prefecture level city in south Sichuan, bordering Yunnan, famous for steel production and pollution
huā bān
patches / mottling
tán huā
Dutchman's pipe cactus, aka Queen of the Night cactus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)
táo huā
peach blossom / (fig.) love affair
tóu yūn yǎn huā
to faint with blurred vision (idiom); dizzy and eyes dimmed
chūn nuǎn huā kāi
spring blossoms
lí huā
pear flower / pear blossom
mián hua
huā mù
flowers and trees / plants / flora
huā duǒ
xìng huā
Prunus / apricot blossom
xìng huā cūn
village of blossoming apricot trees where one can find a wineshop (reference to the famous poem 清明 by 杜牧[Du4 Mu4])
Sōng huā jiāng
Songhua River in Jilin province 吉林省 through Harbin 哈尔滨, a tributary of Heilongjiang 黑龍江|黑龙江
tiān huā bǎn
xiù huā zhěn tóu
a pillow with an embroidered case
huā zhī zhāo zhǎn
lit. lovely scene of blossoming plants swaying in the breeze (idiom) / fig. gorgeously dressed (woman)
huā zhī
spray (sprig of a plant with blossoms) / squid (on dining menus) / (literary) beautiful woman
huā bǐng
stalk / flower stalk / pedicel / anthocaulus
zhī zi huā
cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides)
huā yàng
pattern / way of doing sth / trick / (sports) fancy-style (as figure skating etc)
táo huā yuán
the Peach Blossom Spring, a hidden land of peace and prosperity / utopia
huā gěng
stem of flower
lí huā dài yǔ
lit. like raindrops on a pear blossom (idiom) / fig. tear-stained face of a beauty
hǎi táng huā
Chinese flowering crab-apple (Malus spectabilis)
huā jiāo
Sichuan pepper / Chinese prickly ash
huā yē cài
huā qiū
mountain ash
huā lǘ mù
Ormosia henryi
shí liú huā
pomegranate blossom / pomegranate flower
liú huā
Durian flower
huái huā
Flos Sophorae / sophora flower / pagoda tree flower
bào huā bǎn
particle board / chipboard
yīng huā shù
cherry tree
yīng huā
oriental cherry (Prunus serrulata or Prunus yedoensis), prized for its blossom / also known as sakura (Japanese) or Yoshino cherry
yīng huā jié
cherry blossom festival / sakura festival
lián huā chí
Lotus pond
lèi huā
tears in the eyes
huā yàng yóu yǒng
synchronized swimming
làng huā
spray / ocean spray / spindrift / fig. happenings from one's life / CL:朵[duo3]
jǐn shàng tiān huā
lit. on brocade, add flowers (idiom); to decorate sth already perfect / gilding the lily
huā dēng
colored lantern (used at Lantern Festival 元宵節|元宵节)
dòng fáng huā zhú
bridal room and ornamented candles / wedding festivities (idiom)
huā zhú
fancy candles lit in the bridal chamber at wedding
zhú huā
rú huā sì yù
delicate as a flower, refined as a precious jade (idiom) / (of a woman) exquisite
jù sǎn huā xù
sǎn xíng huā xù
hàn huā
bào mǐ huā
puffed rice / popcorn
huā bàn
petal / CL:片[pian4]
huā miàn lí
Flower face raccoon
méi guī huā
huā bàn ér
jú huā bàn
Chrysanthemum petals
huā píng
flower vase / fig. just a pretty face / CL:對|对[dui4]
qīng huā cí
blue and white porcelain
shēn huā duì
Shenhua Team
huā pén
flower pot
pén huā
potted flower
rú huā měi juàn
Beautiful flowers
suì zhuàng huā xù
huā xù
bits of news / interesting sidelights
huā jiān jì
Hua Jian Ji
huā lán
a basket of flowers / gaily decorated basket
huā tuán jǐn cù
brightly colored decorations (idiom) / splendid
zān huā
kuí huā zǐ
sunflower seed / polly seed
huā zǐ
Flower seeds
huā fěn

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Pinyin hua1
Four Corner
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