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Animated Stroke Order of

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华 stroke order animation

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华 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 华
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 华
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Meaning of

Pinyin huá、 huà、 huā
(abbreviation for) China / (surname) Hua / magnificent / splendid / flowery, (surname) / name of a mountain
华 huá 【形】 1. 华丽;光彩美丽 (magnificent;gorgeous) 2. 豪华 (luxurious;sumptuous) 3. 称美之词。通常用于跟对方有关的事物 (your) 4. 灰白 (grey) 5. 年轻;年少 (young) 6. 浮华 (flashy;extravagant) 7. 汉语 (Chinese) 8. 荣华;光耀 (glory) 9. 显耀 (splendor) 10. 繁盛 (luxuriant) 11. 鲜美 (delicious) 12. 彩色。特指雕绘或装饰 (color) 华 huá 【名】 1. 中国 (China) 2. 我国古称华夏,今称中华。省称“华” (the Han nationality) 3. 光辉;光彩 (brilliant) 4. 泉中的矿物由于沉积而形成的物质 (sinter) 5. 借升华而得的化学品 (flowers) 6. 车盖 (cover of a carriage) 7. 时光 (time) 8. 声望 (prestige) 9. 精华 (essence) 10. 文才 (talent for literature) 11. 瓜类植物的果实 (fruit) 12. 光环 (corona) 13. 矿脉或煤层已发生氧化或分解的露头 (blossom;bloom) 华 huá 1. 【华山】山名,五岳中的西岳,在中国陕西省。 2. 姓。 华 Huà 【名】 1. 山名,华山 ([En.] Mount Huashan)。在陕西省东部,北临渭河平原,属秦岭东段。华山又称太华山,古称“西岳”,海拔1997米,有壁立千仞之势。 2. 姓。 3. 另见 huā,huá 华 huā 【名】 1. 同“花”,花朵 (flower) 2. 轻浮柔弱如花的脉象 (flower pulse) 华 huā 【动】 1. 开花 (flower) 2. 昏花 (dazzle) 3. 当中剖开 (dissect) 4. 另见 huá;huà
Zhōng huá Sū wéi āi Gòng hé guó
Chinese Soviet Republic (1931-1937)
Huá bù
Chinatown / also called 唐人街[Tang2 ren2 jie1]
shē huá
luxurious / sumptuous / lavish
Huá běi
North China
huá biǎo
marble pillar (ornamental column in front of places, tombs)
zhōng huá mén
Zhonghua Gate
Huà Shān
Mt Hua in Shaanxi, western mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains 五嶽|五岳[Wu3 yue4]
Huá xià
old name for China / Cathay
Huá shèng dùn
Washington (name) / George Washington (1732-1799), first US president / Washington, US State / Washington, D.C. (US federal capital)
háo huá
Huá zhōng
central China
Huá rén
ethnic Chinese person or people
fán huá
flourishing / bustling
zhù huá
stationed in China / located in China
zhōng huá xún
chinese sturgeon / acipenser sinensis
Zhōng huá Mín guó
Republic of China
Huá nán
Southern China
Huá dōng
East China
Huá shā
Warsaw, capital of Poland
lái Huá
to come to China
fǎ huá sì
Fahua Temple
zhāng zhì huá
Zhang Zhihua
Ài dé huá zī
Edwards (name)
pǔ shí wú huá
simple and unadorned
guāng huá mù cái chǎng
Guanghua Timber Factory
Kē dì huá
Dwarkanath Kotnis (1910-1942), one of five Indian doctors sent to China to provide medical assistance during the Second Sino-Japanese War
huá qiáo chéng
Overseas Chinese Town
shēn zhèn huá qiáo chéng
Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town
ài guó huá qiáo
patriotic overseas Chinese
qīn Huá
to invade China (referring to 19th century imperialist powers and Japan)
殿 yīng huá diàn
Hall of Anglo Chinese
Wò tài huá
Ottawa, capital of Canada
cái huá héng yì
brimming over with talent (esp. literary) / brilliant
Jiāng huá Yáo zú Zì zhì xiàn
Jianghua Yaozu autonomous county in Yongzhou 永州[Yong3 zhou1], Hunan
Huá tíng xiàn
Huating county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉[Ping2 liang2], Gansu
Huá qiáo
overseas Chinese / (in a restricted sense) Chinese emigrant who still retains Chinese nationality / CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4],名[ming2]
Zhōng huá Rén mín Gòng hé guó
People's Republic of China
huá yíng shān
Huaying Mountain
fēng huá zhèng mào
in one's prime
lián huá jīng
Lotus Sutra
Huá yíng shì
Huaying county level city in Guang'an 廣安|广安[Guang3 an1], Sichuan
Huá yíng
Huaying county level city in Guang'an 廣安|广安[Guang3 an1], Sichuan
dòu kòu nián huá
a girl's teenage years (idiom); maidenhood / a budding beauty
zhōng huá àn wén
anopheles sinensis
Huá ěr Jiē
Wall Street, New York / by extension, American big business
访 fǎng huá
visit China
huá dàn
(formal) birthday / anniversary of the founding of an organization
zhǒng shì zēng huá
carry on a predecessor's task and make a greater success of it / take over and carry forward

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Input Method for
Pinyin hua2
Four Corner
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