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化 stroke order animation

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化 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 化
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of ""
Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 化
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Meaning of

Pinyin huà、 huā
to make into / to change into / -ization / to ... -ize / to transform
化 [huà] 1. Change or transformation; alteration in nature or form. 性质或形态改变。 2. Fundraising by followers of Buddhism and Taoism. 佛教、道教徒募集财物。 3. Used as a suffix with nouns or adjectives, indicating a transformation into a certain quality or state. 用在名词或形容词后,表示转变成某种性质或状态。 4. Customs or trends. 习俗,风气。 5. Specifically refers to "chemistry." 特指“化学”。 化 [huà] (as a verb) - Original meaning: change; transformation. 本义: 变化,改变 - Character formation: The ancient character was “匕”. It is a pictogram. The oracle bone script represents two people, showing a change by one being upright and the other reversed. 造字法: 古字为“匕”。会意。甲骨文,从二人,象二人相倒背之形,一正一反,以示变化。 1. To turn; to change. 同本义 ([En.] turn; change) 2. To enlighten or educate; to change through teaching or persuasion. 教化 ([En.] help (a misguided or erring person) to change by education, persuasion, setting an example, etc.) 3. To transform or change the hearts of others. 感化;转变人心 ([En.] help to change by persuasion) 4. To collect alms. 募化 ([En.] collect alms) 5. To burn or incinerate. 用火烧 ([En.] burn up) 6. To digest; to comprehend and integrate knowledge. 消化;领会,融会贯通 ([En.] digest) 7. To die. 死 ([En.] die) 8. To eliminate or remove. 消除,去掉 ([En.] eliminate; get rid of) 化 [huà] (as a noun) 1. Customs or convention. 习俗,风气 ([En.] convention; custom) 2. Natural processes; the functions of nature. 造化。自然的功能 ([En.] Nature) 3. Chemistry. 化学 ([En.] chemistry) 化 [huà] (as a suffix) 4. To make or cause to become; implies transformation. 使成为,使变成 ([En.] -ize; -ify)——used after nouns or adjectives to form verbs. 化 [huā] 1. To spend or consume; synonymous with "花." 用掉、耗费。同“花” ([En.] spend) 2. Refer to 化 [huà] for additional meanings. 另见 huà
wén huà shǐ
cultural history
jiào huà
huà zhuāng pǐn
cosmetic / makeup product
píng jūn huà
mó kuài huà
fū huà
breeding / to incubate / innovation (esp. in commerce and marketing)
huà xiǎn wéi yí
to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disaster
Fèng huà
Fenghua county level city in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang
nú huà
huà zhuāng
to put on makeup
huà zhuāng jiān
dressing room
huà zhuāng shuǐ
skin toner
huà zhuāng shī
huà zhuāng shì
dressing room / powder room / (Taiwan) toilets
yāo mó huà
chū shǐ huà
(computing) to initialize / initialization
lǔ huà
to halogenate / halogenation (chemistry)
lǔ huà wù
halide (i.e. fluoride, chloride, bromide etc)
mù huà
to collect alms (Buddhism)
huà xué
chemistry / chemical
biàn huà
change / variation / to change / to vary / CL:個|个[ge4]
huà shí
zhuǎn huà
to change / to transform / isomerization (chemistry)
huà gōng
chemical industry, abbr. of 化學工業|化学工业[hua4 xue2 gong1 ye4] / chemical engineering, abbr. of 化學工程|化学工程[hua4 xue2 gong1 cheng2]
qiáng huà
to strengthen / to intensify
huà hé wù
chemical compound
xiāo huà
to digest / digestion / digestive
shēn huà
to deepen / to intensify
chǎn yè huà
to industrialize / industrialization
fēn huà
to split apart / differentiation
yī tǐ huà
integration / incorporation / unification
yǎng huà
to oxidize
gōng yè huà
to industrialize / industrialization
绿 lǜ huà
to make green with plants / to reforest / (Internet slang) Islamization
jìn huà
evolution / CL:個|个[ge4]
zì dòng huà
shù zì huà
to digitalize / digital
fū huà qī
incubation period / time for sth to develop
Xuān huà
Xuanhua district of Zhangjiakou city 張家口市|张家口市[Zhang1 jia1 kou3 shi4], Hebei / Xuanhua county in Zhangjiakou
huò bì huà
monetization / monetize
huà gān gē wéi yù bó
lit. to exchange weapons of war for gifts of jade and silk (idiom) / fig. to turn hostility into friendship
huàn huà
to be transformed / to metamorphose / transformation / metamorphosis
yōng sú huà
debasement / vulgarization
ruò huà
weaken / make weaker
Zhāng huà
Zhanghua or Changhua city and county in west Taiwan
Zhāng huà xiàn
Zhanghua or Changhua county in west Taiwan
Zhāng huà shì
Zhanghua or Changhua city in west Taiwan, capital of Changhua county
Xún huà
Xunhua Salazu autonomous county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hai3 dong1 di4 qu1], Qinghai
yǎng huà jì
oxidant / oxidizing agent
láo dòng rén mín wén huà gōng
Working People's Cultural Palace
féng xiōng huà jí
misfortune turns to blessing (idiom); to turn an inauspicious start to good account
zhèng quàn huà
Dé huà
Dehua county in Quanzhou 泉州[Quan2 zhou1], Fujian
è huà
to worsen
kuò dà huà
to extend the scope / to exaggerate
mó nǐ huà
jìng huà
to purify
biāo zhǔn huà
huà fǔ xiǔ wéi shén qí
lit. to change something rotten into something magical (idiom)
fù zá huà
to complicate / to become complicated
fēn xī huà xué
analytical chemistry
huà xué fēn xī
chemical analysis
duō yàng huà
diversification / to diversify
jī xiè huà
to mechanize
fú huà wù
qíng huà wù
gài niàn huà
cuī huà jì
cuī huà
catalysis / to catalyze (a reaction)
guān liáo huà
jiāng huà
to become rigid
wén huà
culture / civilization / cultural / CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3]
duō yuán huà
diversification / pluralism / to diversify
xìn xī huà
informatization (the Information Age analog of industrialization)
tè shū huà
specialization / particularize / become privileged
fú huà hé wù
fluorine compound
liú huà qīng
hydrogen sulfide H2S / sulfureted hydrogen
qīng huà
qīng yǎng huà wù
guò yǎng huà qīng
hydrogen peroxide H2O2
tàn qīng huà hé wù
qīng yǎng huà tiě
ferric hydroxide
qīng huà wù
hydride / hydrogenide
yǎng huà wù
yǎng huà lǚ
aluminum oxide
guò yǎng huà wù
yǎng huà tóng
copper oxide / cupric oxide
dàn yǎng huà wù
nitrogen oxide
ān huà
ammoniation / ammonification
dàn huà hé wù
nitrogen compound / nitrogenous compound
dàn huà wù
nitride / nitrides / nitrifier
zhòng dàn huà
diazotization / diazotize
dàn huà
nitridation / nitriding / nitrogenization / azotizing
lǜ huà wù
yǎng huà gǒng
mercuric oxide (HgO)
tān wū fǔ huà
corruption and degeneration / graft and corruption
qì huà
to boil / to vaporize
pào mò huà
xiù huà wù
huà wéi pào yǐng
to come to nothing (idiom)

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Pinyin hua4
Four Corner
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