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重 stroke order animation

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重 step-by-step stroke order diagrams

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Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 重
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Printable Stroke Order Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 重
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Meaning of

Pinyin zhòng、 chóng
to double / to repeat / repetition / iteration / again / a layer, heavy / serious
重 [zhòng] 形 1. 分量较大,与“轻”相对。 (heavy) Example: 重负 (heavy load), 重量 (weight) 2. 程度深。 (intensive) Example: 重病 (serious illness), 重望 (great expectations) 3. 价格高。 (high price) Example: 重价收买 (bought at a high price) 4. 数量多。 (numerous) Example: 重金聘请 (hired with a large sum of money), 重兵 (large number of troops) 5. 主要,要紧。 (important) Example: 重任 (important duty), 重镇 (key town) 6. 认为重要而认真对待。 (take seriously) Example: 重视 (value), 尊重 (respect) 7. 言行不轻率。 (not act rashly) Example: 慎重 (cautious), 自重 (self-respect) 名 1. 重量。 (weight; gravity) 2. 指辎重。军中载运粮食、器物的车子。 (impedimenta; supplies of an army) 3. 权力,权势。 (power) 4. 姓 (surname) 动 1. 重视; 尊重。 (respect; lay stress on) 2. 加重; 增加。 (increase) 3. 崇尚; 推崇。 (uphold; advocate) 4. 通“动”(dòng)影响。 (affect) 副 1. 极; 甚; 十分。 (very) 2. 特别。 (especially) 3. 另见 chóng 重 [chóng] 形 1. (字源见“重” zhòng) 2. 重复,重叠。 (repeated; again; once more) Example: 重句 (repeated sentence), 重字 (repeated character) 3. 双,成对。 (double) Example: 重五 (Duan Yang Festival, the fifth day of the fifth month) 4. 多。 (numerous) Example: 重楼 (multi-story building) 5. 深(指距离)。 (deep) Example: 重渊 (deep abyss) 6. 在家庭关系中,属于比 ([En.] a specific familial generation) 大或小或疏远一些的辈份。 (great) Example: 重孙 (great-grandson), 重庆 (Chongqing, city) 副 1. 再次,另一次,重新,又。 (again; once more) Example: 重逢 (reunion), 重光 (to shine again) 量 1. 层。 (layers) Example: 一重束缚 (one layer of confinement) 2. 种,件。 (piece) Example: 这一重公案 (this case) 动 1. 怀孕。 (be pregnant) Example: 重身 (pregnant); 重马 (pregnant horse)
chóng qǐ
to reopen / to restart
hòu zhòng
thick / heavy / thickset (body) / massive / generous / extravagant / profound / dignified
shuāng chóng
chóng chóng dié dié
layer after layer
kùn nán chóng chóng
be beset with difficulties / in a fix / in deep water(s)
chóng wéi
to redouble a siege
zhòng lì bà
gravity dam
zhòng xíng
heavy / heavy duty / large caliber
bù kān zhòng fù
can't bear the heavy load / overwhelmed
chóng sù
to reconstruct (an art object) / to remodel
chóng fù
to repeat / to duplicate / CL:個|个[ge4]
zhòng dà
great / important / major / significant
sì chóng zòu
quartet (musical ensemble)
zūn zhòng
to esteem / to respect / to honor / to value / eminent / serious / proper
wēi zhòng
critically ill
juǎn tǔ chóng lái
lit. to return in a swirl of dust (idiom) / fig. to regroup and come back even stronger / to make a comeback
shú qīng shú zhòng
Which is more important?
zuì niè shēn zhòng
sinful / The sin is great. / be steeped in crime
Chóng qìng
Chongqing city (Chungking), formerly in Sichuan province, a municipality since 1997, short name 渝[Yu2]
chóng qìng lì fān duì
Chongqing Lifan
zhuāng zhòng
grave / solemn / dignified
Chóng qìng shì
Chongqing city, formerly in Sichuan province, a municipality since 1997, short name 渝[Yu2]
chóng jiàn
to rebuild / to reestablish / reconstruction / rebuilding
zhòng jiàn
épée (fencing)
jiā zhòng
to make heavier / to emphasize / (of an illness etc) to become more serious / to aggravate (a bad situation) / to increase (a burden, punishment etc)
chóng dié
to overlap / to superimpose / to telescope / to run together / to duplicate / one over another / superposition / an overlap / redundancy / reduplication (in Chinese grammar, e.g. 散散步[san4 san4 bu4] to have a stroll)
rěn rǔ fù zhòng
to endure humiliation as part of an important mission (idiom); to suffer in silence
zhòng yào xìng
cǎn zhòng
shèn zhòng
cautious / careful / prudent
zhòng dàn
heavy burden / difficult task / great responsibility
zhòng zhèn
to revitalize / to restore (prestige, prosperity etc) / revival / recovery
qíng kuàng yán zhòng
Serious situation
níng zhòng
dignified / grave (expression) / imposing (attitude) / heavy (atmosphere) / (music etc) deep and resounding
chóng bō
to replay / to rerun / (agriculture) to reseed / to oversow
jìng zhòng
to respect deeply / to revere / to esteem
chóng xīn
again / once more / re-
zhòng jīng shí
barite (geology)
zhòng yán
double eaves
chén zhòng
heavy / hard / serious / critical
piān zhòng
to stress in a prejudiced way / to emphasize sth unduly
cè zhòng
to place particular emphasis on
cè zhòng diǎn
main point / emphasis
chóng xiū
to reconstruct / to repair / to revamp / to revise / to retake a failed course
bǐ zhòng
proportion / specific gravity
zhòng dàn
diazonium / heavy nitrogen
zhòng dàn huà
diazotization / diazotize
zhù zhòng
to pay attention to / to emphasize
nóng zhòng
dense / thick / strong / rich (colors) / heavy (aroma) / deep (friendship) / profound (effect)
chóng yǎn
to recur (of events, esp. adverse ones) / to repeat (a performance)
zhòng zāi qū
area particularly hard-hit by a disaster / disaster area
zhòng pào
heavy artillery
zhòng diǎn
important point / main point / focus / key (project etc) / to focus on / to put the emphasis on
zhòng rèn
heavy responsibility
gù jì chóng yǎn
to repeat an old stratagem / up to one's old tricks
zhòng shāng
seriously hurt / serious injury
zhòng róng
remelting / refusion
zhēn zhòng
precious / extremely valuable / (honorific) Please take good care of yourself!
chóng shēn
to reaffirm / to reiterate
zhòng diān diān
zhòng zhèng
acute (of medical condition) / grave
zhuó zhòng
to put emphasis on / to stress
bèn zhòng
heavy / cumbersome / unwieldy
zhòng bàng
heavyweight / serious
zhòng cāng gǔ
Heavy stocks
yǐ zhòng
to rely heavily upon
wěn zhòng
steady / earnest / staid
cū zhòng
rough / harsh / gruff / (of voice, etc.) loud and jarring
fán zhòng
heavy / burdensome / heavy-duty / arduous / onerous
chóng zǔ
to reorganize / to recombine / recombination
zhòng fá
to punish severely
yán zhòng
grave / serious / severe / critical
zhòng chén
important minister / major figure in government
zhì guān zhòng yào
extremely important / vital / crucial / essential
gù lǜ chóng chóng
full of worries
zhòng shì
to attach importance to sth / to value
zhòng yào
important / significant / major
chóng dǎo fù zhé
to follow the track of an overturned cart / to repeat a disastrous policy
fù zhòng
(lit. and fig.) to carry a heavy load / to carry a heavy burden
zī zhòng
impedimenta / supplies and gear of an army
guì zhòng
zhòng shǎng
chóng dǎo
to repeat / to follow the same road as
qīng zhòng
severity (of the case) / degree of seriousness / whether sth is slight or serious
jǔ zú qīng zhòng
to play a critical role (idiom) / influential
zài zhòng
load / carrying capacity
jiào zhòng zhě
chóng fǎn
to return to
jī zhòng nán fǎn
ingrained habits are hard to overcome (idiom); bad old practices die hard
chóng dié
variant of 重疊|重叠[chong2 die2]
chóng féng
to meet again / to be reunited / reunion
jiǔ bié chóng féng
to meet again after a long period of separation
zhèng zhòng
serious / solemn
zhèng zhòng qí shì
serious about the matter
rú shì zhòng fù
as if relieved from a burden (idiom) / to have a weight off one's mind
zhòng liàng
weight / CL:個|个[ge4]
tǐ zhòng
body weight
chóng chóng
layer upon layer / one after another
lóng zhòng
grand / prosperous / ceremonious / solemn
zhòng zhèn
strategic town

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